The beginning

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Winter's friend group agreed to Winter's precaution as leaving the school during the day would be an unnecessary risk. Since it was the weekend, they all didn't have to go to class meaning that they could sleep during the day so they would not be exhausted on their way to the Sand kingdom. 

When night finally came the group of dragons followed Winter, who leaded the way, to the entrance. Aside from having to be extremely quiet, the group did not meet any dangers that could foil their plans. When the friend group exited the school from the entrance and got a considerable distance away, they decided it was safe enough to talk. 

"Man, we've only been here a week and I'm already going back on what I said to Queen Thorn". "Wait you know Queen Thorn?" Moon and Winter asked at the same time while Kinkajou did a backflip midair in excitement. "Huh Moon, I thought you already knew that" Qibli replied to Moon with a confused, yet curios tone. "You didn't really think of her, and it's not like I can just rummage through your brain to find out information about you" Moon replied. "huh" Qibli grunted with enlightenment. 

"Anyways Winter I guess I might as well tell you it while we're still talking about it" Qibli said while turning to Winter. "Ok then go on" Winter replied to Qibli. "Until I was 3 years old, I lived with my mother, Cobra, and my brother and sister, despite trying desperately my mother never loved me and my siblings tried their dammed hardest to make my life a living hell". Qibli said with an almost sad look on his face making Winter feel sorry for him. "Until one day Thorn strolled in unannounced into our home and saw me in a pitiful state getting yelled at by my mother and offered to buy me, to which my mother accepted" Qibli said, finishing his story. 

Winter felt bad for Qibli even while they were all flying and thus made it hard to identify Qibli's emotions, Winter could feel the sadness radiating off of Qibli. 'For such a happy dragon, I never would have expected such a sad story' Winter remarked to himself but stopped himself from continuing further with this thought, now armed with the knowledge that Moon was a mind reader he didn't dare try to think about anything. 

Winter made an aggressive look for his face and turned to Moon who had a guilty look on her face. Qibli bumped Winter in his arm, signifying to cut it out. "It's not her fault she has those powers, leave her alone" Qibli whispered to Winter, who promptly looked away from moon, removing his angry face. 

As the 5 dragons watched the Jade Academy get smaller and smaller as they were traveling, Moon, Kinkajou, and Turtle were having a very in-depth conversation about food of all things, arguing which was the best. Meanwhile Qibli and Winter had fallen back from the trio to the point where they could barely hear them. "So Qibli  I've been meaning to ask you this question" Winter said to Qibli, making him turn to him. "Why were you so scared when I pinned you when we were in the showers" "It's because.... well," Qibli trailed off, thinking about what where the best words to use. "Not only were you very intimidating you reminded me of something my mother did to me" Qibli answered. 'His parents remind me a lot of my parents' Winter thought briefly while an image of his mother and father came into his head. 

"What was it exactly?" Winter said to Qibli. "I prefer not to talk about it" Qibli replied, making Winter feel a little guilty. "Sorry" Winter said shortly after. "it's ok" Qibli replied. The duo fell silent after that for the rest of the night, both feeling awkward and tired. 

According to Qibli, the 5 dragons had roughly reached the halfway mark so they decided it was a good time to rest and sleep. They found a cliff like rock formation that was located near sand and cacti and went under it. Winter went near the back of it and laid down. Qibli had went to the right side of where Winter laid and promptly laid next to him, scooting next to him to the point where their scales were touching. "You're making it a little obvious Qibli" Winter quickly whispered to a lethargic Qibli. "Like I said before you worry too much" Qibli said with a yawn. "Besides even if they did find out they probably wouldn't care" Qibli followed up. At this point Winter was too tired to continue so he stopped arguing. 

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