The truth

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Winter still layed there with Qibli, who was still crying, had put his head under Winters in a vain attempt to forget what his eyes witnessed. Winter felt extreme pity for the traumatized Sandwing. 'If only he was as strong as me' Winter thought with self-pride. 'What the fuck is wrong with you? he's in his most vulnerable position and he trusts you enough that he seeks solace under your head, and you use it as an opportunity to make it seems you're better than him?' the opposing side of Winter retorted. 

While Winter was arguing with himself, he noticed an equally distraught Moon ran into the room, flew up to her cliff, curled into a ball, and cry so much that it would drown 1000 dragons if she was the size of Darkstalker. 'This is just a shit show' Winter thought to himself 'one moment it was an average day of school, the next a terrorist attack happened and now the entire school is traumatized'. Winter shuttered while remembering the sight that was in the History cave. 'How would the Dragonets of Destiny even clean up the History cave let alone convince that everybody in the school was safe'. Winter realized that this event might shut down the school despite it only being open for less than a week. 

Winter saw that Turtle and Kinkajou finally made it to the room, in actuality, the pair had only been gone for about 2 minutes, but it felt like years to Winter. They both went up to Moon, who was still sobbing her heart out, to try and calm her down and for once this week she didn't snap at them for them to go way. 'How did she know that that would happen?' Winter thought to himself although he figured now is not a good time to ask her. Turtle went up to Winter and noticed that he was consoling Qibli and gave a small but noticeable blush when he looked at Winter. "Are both of you, okay?" "I am, although I'm not so sure about Qibli" Winter said while looking at Qibli. "Ok stay safe Winter" 'why did he say my name first?' Winter thought to himself. "And you too Qibli" Turtle added before going back to where Moon and Kinkajou were. 

Winter noticed that Qibli had stopped crying, and when Winter turned to look at him, he noticed that he had fallen asleep, comfortable under Winters long body. As much as it pained him, Winter forced himself to get up, being careful to not disturb Qibli's quiet slumber. Winter flew down next to the entrance and opened the large wooden door and left despite Turtle and Kinkajou telling him not to. 

Winter quietly made his way down the deathly silent halls of the academy. 'This place gives me the creeps when it's this quiet' Winter thought to himself. Winter had made it to the principal's office where he assumed the Dragonets of Destiny would be which was not difficult considering the fact that everybody was in their rooms. 

Winter was proven right when he heard Tsunami yelling. "HOW ARE WE GOING TO FIX THIS!?". Winter got closer so that way he could hear the other dragonets, he didn't go far enough for them to see him, but he got close enough so that he could hear. "Am I the only one that noticed that it didn't look like one of those exploding plants I heard so much about" Clay asked to presumably the rest of the Dragonets of Destiny. "Now that you mention it yeah, there was no spikes from the outer layer, and they do more fire damage than anything not a catastrophic explosion like that" Sunny replied to Clay. "Even still, who would do such a thing?" Tsunami asked. "They were innocent dragonets that did nothing wrong and now we're going to suffer some major consequences". "Speaking of which, a small little Rainwing told me that he saw a couple of weird looking scavengers running away" "Are you sure he's not hallucinating because he's in shock?" "I'm sure" Clay retorted to her. 

"If that really happened and scavengers were really responsible, how are we going to explain that to the parents of the dragonets that got turned into mush because of a couple of scavengers? Even still why would they do that at all?" "I mean we do eat them after all" Sunny said, replying to Tsunami. "What did they even looked like Clay; did he mention that?" Tsunami said with an annoyed tone in her voice. "He said they looked to be in blue robes with a couple of white stripes going around their waist and had gold masks that had black eyes and a red circle in the center of their head". "THAT DOESN'T SOUND LIKE A NORMAL SCAVENGER AT ALL!" Tsunami yelled at Clay. 

They went back and forth but Winter had heard enough so he left with more questions than answers. 'Are scavengers really respo-' Winters thought process was interrupted by Turtle barging into Winter. "WHA-WE- WHY ARE YOU HERE" Winter whispered loudly. "Uh- I was coming to make sure you're alright and to join you" Turtle replied to Winters question. "Of course, I will be okay it's not like they will kill me or anything" Winter responded to Turtle with a mixture of anger and frustration. "I'm sorry Winter" Turtle said with an even quieter tone of voice. "Hmph come on before they notice we're here" Winter said. "What did they even say?" Turtle asked Winter. "it's a loooooooooooooooong story" Winter replied. "Good thing I have all day" Turtle replied.  

'This day can't get any weirder or worse, can it?' Winter thought to himself although he already had a suspicion that it would

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