Winters fury and Qibli's care

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 Winter, without any preemptive thinking, ran towards the dragonets trying to eat Bandit leaving Qibli behind so fast he could not understand what exactly happened and what led to Winter bolting towards them. 

"LEAVE MY SCAVENGER ALONE YOU DEMENTED FREAKS OF NATURE" Winter yelled at the dragonets who were none the wiser of the scavenger being a pet. Winter then shoved everyone out the way to get Infront of Bandit and block anyone that wanted to eat him. Although one stubborn Mudwing did not believe him in the slightest. "Quit lying Icewing we all know you want to eat him for yourself now move out of the way". The Mudwing tried to move Winter out of the way so he could get to Bandit. 'Be strong. Be Vigilant. Strike first' Winter repeated his father's saying, not because it made it feel justified to hurt the Mudwing but because he just simply wanted his father to be proud of him by acting as a true Icewing. The Mudwing  was then met by Winters claws slashing at his face giving him a noticeable slash across his face, not enough to seriously damage his face but enough to get him to start bleeding profusely and the Mudwing to back away. 

The Mudwing then started to cry at the pain that Winter inflicted apon him. "GET ANYWHERE CLOSE TO MY SCAVENGER YOU FAT FUCK AND I'LL KILL YOU MYSELF" Winter yelled at the Mudwing still fresh with fury that to rivel Tsunami's if an enemy killed one of her friends. In the background Icicle was watching with a smile on her face, perhaps proud of her little brother finally doing something meaningful and resembling something a true Icewing would do, or it was simply entertaining to her.

"THATS ENOUGH WINTER" Qibli yelled at him who then proceeded to tackle him onto the floor, pinning him. Qibli was a smaller dragon than Winter was, however, he was just as strong as him. Winter was a scale length away of headbutting Qibli in the face so hard that he would break his skull. 

But when Winter looked up at Qibli's face expecting to see a face full of anger towards Winter for attacking a dragon that did not needed to. But he did not have that face, yes there was a hint of anger however, it was more disappointment than anything. Disappointed that Winter did this,  disappointed that Winter didn't act better. This look reminded that of his parents every time they looked at him, every time he tried speaking, every time he tried to do something, every time Winter tried proving to his parents he was worth loving. This was a cycle that has been happening since he was hatched, and he could never escape it, no matter how hard he tried. 

The look from Qibli broke Winter down to his very core, breaking any semblance of pride that Winter had, Narwhals face then replaced Qibli's in Winters mind making the situation even worse for Winter. Winter was then beginning to be engulfed by panic and sadness, 'I need to get out of here NOW' Winter thought to himself. As he thought this, he felt adrenaline being pumped into his veins as fast as his body could muster and Winter thought this was as good of a time as any to escape. 

Winter then proceeded to kick Qibli off of him, the force alone was enough to create some distance between the pair. Winter got up quickly, grabbed bandit swiftly while trying not to crush him and made a break for the exit of the prey center shoving anything and everyone out of the way, including Clay who was trying to take control of the situation and calm everyone down. 

Winter bolted through the halls and made way back to his room passing by Kinkajou and Moon who were heading towards the prey center. "Winter I'm so sorry I accidently damaged your scavengers ca-" Moon tried to say before she was shoved out of the way by a distraught Winter. 

Winter finally made it to his room, he quickly and as gently as possible put bandit into his cage and locked it, although he was met with some difficulty because, by the looks of it, Moon may have bumped it or something and damaged it. Winter also noticed that Bandit had a pale face and looked to be as equally frightened as Winter was. Winter did not think about both what Moon did nor the look Bandit had. Winter flew up to his cliff and began sobbing into his bear pelt all the while he still had his father's disapproving look in his head.

Winter continued to sob for about 2-3 more minutes before he heard the footsteps of what was presumably Qibli, Kinkajou, and moon. "What has gotten into you?"  "Why would you do that to him?" both Moon and Kinkajou asked. Not with anger, but with what sounded like genuine concern. Winter did not answer either of them instead he continued to sob as if they weren't there. "Hey Winter, are you alright?" Qibli asked, his voice was no longer had an angry tone but a concerned one like the one Moon and Kinkajou had. 

Winter was expecting them to give up and leave him alone and let the dust settle. But Qibli flew up to winters cliff only to shoved back down by Winter. Qibli, however, was determined to not give up just yet and let his friend sob and forced to tackle this situation on his own. Qibli flew up to Winters cliff a second time however Winter did not shove him back down, instead he tried to pretend he wasn't even there. 

"Whats wrong winter?" Qibli said with a soothing voice and gently putting a talon on Winters neck slightly putting winter more at ease. Winter still tried not to acknowledge Qibli's presence and hoped that he would just give up and let him sob. "Seriously Winter, you can tell me what's wrong" Qibli asked him again and getting no response. Qibli ,seeing as that he was not making any progress, instead decided to give Winter a gentle hum and start massaging his ear with a warm smile no other could do in an effort to calm Winter. 

Winter did not resist Qibli's attempt at calming him, instead he accepted it and in a move that even Winter was surprised he did, elevated his head under Qibli's chin and the sobbing was beginning to dissipate.   While this was happening Moon and Kinkajou were watching from afar seeing what would happen next until Clay showed up asking for Winter. "Oh uh" Both Moon and Kinkajou said at roughly the same time, unsure on what to do. 

"He's not here I'm not exactly sure on where he went but he's not here" "I think he went to the lake under the mountain to get some privacy" Both Moon and Kinkajou said in an effort to help their friend. "I know he's here; another dragon told me he came here but I understand you wanted to help your friend" Clay said to the pair. "at least this school did one thing right" Clay said under his voice.

Moon and Kinkajou moved out of the way from the massive Mudwing and Winter was called down by Clay. Winter, who was still sobbing but not as bad as before, no longer wanting to disappoint everyone and obeyed Clays command, which  still took him some furthur motivation from Clay to leave Qibli's warm embrance. 

"Come with me winter, everything will be okay" Clay said to the Icewing. But Winter did not hear this instead, he heard his father's voice saying, "You're a disappointment you failure of a dragon, this was all your fault" in a twisted voice enjoying Winters suffering.

Hey boys sorry for uploading this late i kinda forgot my fault

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