The winglet

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Hey Broski's is this drawing good or nah? ok ONWARDS TO THE STORY  

Winter arrived at his new room, there were several beds of different types, each meeting the requirements that each tribe needs in order to be comfortable. Winter noticed his bed, or well area to be just a simple ledge with ice to keep him cool and a bear pelt to lay on.  

"So" Qibli said abruptly, "Does this meet your "royal" expectations?". "It's laughable at best" winter said while yawning. He had to say the trip to get here was quite an exhausting one. It was not because Winter was not athletic, quite the contrary actually, it's the fact that they we're flying a large distance with hardly any brakes and the ones they did take we're 5 minutes at most.  

"Do we have class yet or does it start tomorrow?" a voice from farther upwards in the cave said with a tired tone. Winter looked up to see the SAME RAINWING FROM BEFORE. 'Why must they put me with the most unbearable dragons in all of Phyrria with me?'. "Oh hey it's you, sorry about your tail by the way i forgot to say that because of the rush" "You better be sorry rainwing or else you would no longer have a tongue to speak out of" Winter said with a harsh tone of voice.  

"Oh don't be like a grumpy sloth Winter, Oh! that reminds me where's Moon Watcher?" "How do you know my name and who is Moon Watcher?" "Did you not read the paper silly? it says all of our names" Qibli said in defense of the Rainwing "Wha-" winter said while taking another look at the paper and indeed it did say all of their names and the Rainwings name turned out to be Kinkajou. 'How could i have missed something as basic as a dragons name?' winter thought with confusion 'Maybe it's because you we're thinking of that pretty sandwing?' the little voice said. 'I AM NOT' winter rebutted to the little voice. 

"Hey winter you alright? why you are you dozing off?" the Sandwing said with a questioning tone of voice. "Nothing, mind your own business san- Qibli" Winter said while correcting himself. "Oh come on don't tell me you forgot my name already" "Whatever" winter said, no longer wanting to talk to him and instead just wanting to go to sleep and rest. 

"Wake me up if something important happens or school starts, I no longer want to talk to you mongrels" Winter said while sounding exhausted. "Ok then sleepy head" "Alright" both of the dragons replied. Winter was honestly surprised that they weren't more hostile if he was going to be honest. Winter flew up to his cliff and layed down on the soft, fluffy, pelt and made himself comfortable. Winte took a deep sigh before falling asleep. His dreams were often unremarkable, it was often just dreams about scavengers, dragons, or whatever he was thinking about before he fell asleep and by the midday Winter simply forgot that he even had that dreamed in the first place.

But this time was different, it was no unremarkable dream, it was not something forgettable, it was not something that Winter could just brush off and forget that it happened. This dream was about that Sandwing, Qibli,. Winter was laying just under Qibli's  snout seemingly being comfortable and at ease while Qibli was gently massaging Winters ears and giving that soft hum Winter heard when he first met him. 

"Winter wake up" Qibli said while nudging him awake. "What? did something happen" Winter said while being half awake. "Yeah, that Nightwing came Moon Watcher i think her name was come on get up and say hi" "I don't understand the point of this" "How do you not understand? this is the whole point of the school, it's to get to know other dragons from different tribes" Winter decided he did not want to add fuel to the fire that was currently Qibli and instead let out a heavy sigh and got up. 

'What was that dream? would i really let a Sandwing do that?  would i really submit myself to him? Why am i having these thoughts, and this dream?' Winter thought to himself as he descended to land Infront of the Nightwing. "Oh hello" Moonwatcher said quietly seemingly being shy around winter and the other dragons. Moon Watcher looked like just about any other nightwing Winter had encountered. Except for one detail he could just simply not ignore, she had these beautiful teardrop scales just above her eyes that reflected against the sun that was coming from a small opening at the top of the cave. 

"Oh, just call me Moon you all, i don't think you have to call me Moon Watcher every time" "Ok then Moon welcome, unless one of the teachers told you, you do know school does not actually start until tomorrow right? Qibli asked. "Yes, Sunny told me that earlier". "Ok cool this igloo here is winter and this excited one is Kinkajou. "I am NOT an igloo sand snorter" Moon gave a small chuckle after winter said that. "OH, HY MOON I CAN'T WAIT TO MEEET YOU DID YOU KNOW IM FRIENDS WITH KING GLORY!?" "You really do like being annoying don't you kinkajou?" winter asked shortly after Kinkajou's excited outburst. 

Winter gave another observation look at Moon to look at those teardrop scales. 'Why did i get paired with a filthy Nightwing? 'It's because the dragonets of destiny want you to get along' 'why do i have this little voice in my head?' Winter thought back and fourth about this. Meanwhile moon, was giving a confused look at winter almost as if she knew what was going on inside his head. 'What is this Nightwing looking at' Winter thought harshly after moon gave him this look. Moon quickly turned away, looking at the ground instead. 'Why did she do that after I thought that about her? Nightwings having mind reading is not a thing and never was, but hmph I don't know this one is odd I've never seen those beautiful tear drop scales before, I'll have to keep an eye on her' winter thought. "I'm going back to sleep" "Already?" both kinkajou and Qibli said at the same time. "Well i don't know if you fools noticed that i was only given 20 minutes to sleep before you woke me up" After Winter said this presumably nobody really wanted to argue with winter.

After this, Winter flew back up to his ledge and layed back down on the bear pelt. 'Please don't give me that dream again' Winter thought to himself 'You know you want to have it again Winter' the little voice returned to say that. Winter decided he would just ignore it this time and try to go back to sleep which was hard to do because the trio down there was making a lot of noise. 'Wait trio? wasn't there supposed to be one dragon from each tribe in here? Eh doesn't matter they will probably be here in the morning' Winter thought as he drifted into deep sleep.

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