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That album case matter with Prince was settled. Although we didn't say anything openly, he didn't ignore me as much as before. Even then, he doesn't talk that much, just two or one necessary things.

Father is not busy today. He is in his room. I haven't talked to him for a long time because he is busy most of the time. Seeing that he was free today, I entered his room and smiled, "Father, how are you?"

He also smiled and replied, "I am fine. How are you, my dear daughter? Come, sit here."

I sat next to him on the bed and said, "I'm fine too. What are you doing?"

"Nothing too special. You here?"

"I haven't talked to you for a long time. So I came to talk today seeing that you are free."

"Yes. I heard a long time ago that when girls get married, they become unrelated to the family. Now it seems that's what's happening," said father in a slightly sad voice.

"I am always your daughter, father. Nothing can apart us. Please don't say it," I said with pleading eyes & he chuckled.

"Okay, I won't. Is everything alright between you & His Highness?" he asked being a little bit concerned.

"Yes. He is very nice," I smiled genuinely but he smiled back with an absent mind.

"Father, I have heard that there will be arranged horse race next week like every year. Can you please take me? I haven't gone there for a long time," I said making a baby face.

"I can. But will Prince Jungkook allow it? You have to take his permission."

I was confused & said, "We didn't have to take permission before. Then why now?"

"You were nothing to him before but you are his wife now. You have to take permissions now before you do something," he patted my head & I sighed.

I wasn't sure if Prince Jeon would permit me. He has no attraction for these small pleasures. He is only busy with the work of the state. Besides, now by marrying me, my responsibility is on his shoulders. I don't want to disturb him in his busy schedule.

But I really want to go to see the horse race. For two or three years, I could not go as father was busy during this season but this time he is free. But if the prince doesn't give permission, then we can't go. Aaaa.....

Well, it may be that he may allow me because I will be accompanied by my father, the Commander-in-Chief of the State. On his watch, neither my honor nor the prince's will be harmed. I should tell him once.

When I knocked on his chamber, he allowed me to enter from inside. I slowly entered his room and bowed my head and said, "Your Highness..."

He glanced at me once and then turned his attention back to his desk, "Say, Y/N."

"I....had a request to you...." I said in a low voice.

He frowned at me because I had never asked him for anything till now. Not even after winning the swordfight that day. But today I suddenly came to ask him like this, it is natural to be surprised.

"About what?" He said, turning his attention to me.

"I would like to go to see the horse race next week if you allow," I said a little nervously because I don't know if his answer would be positive or negative.

He thought for a while & then replied, "You can't go alone. It is dangerous."

"Father would go with me, Your Highness," I quickly said.

He raised his eyebrows & said, "What is special in this kind of plays?"

"I just like to see...." I lowered my head back.

He got up from his seat & leaned against his desk & said, "Well, you can go if you like it so much."

I almost jumped with joy as he permitted me. He really permitted me & now I can go. To be honest, he is not that cold as he seems.

I was so happy & said, smiling widely, "Thank you so much, Your Highness."

He nodded his head but what he said next left me stunned.

"I will also go...."

I was left out of words. Why would he go? I knew he doesn't like to attend this kind of things. Then why would he go now?

I took a deep breath & asked, "Do you also like horse race?"

"No, I don't."

"Then why would you go?" I asked nervously.

"Because I want to," his answer was so simple that no other questions can be asked.

"There will be so crowd. You might not be comfortable. And if you are busy-"

"Don't you want to go with me?" he suddenly asked.

"it's not that. Actually I...."

"Go ahead, take preparations," he smiled lightly, which melted my heart.

I have never seen him smile like this. I never imagined his smile to be so beautiful. I looked at him with fascinated eyes and my heart rate increased.

What if he could always smile like that! With his smile, the whole kingdom would light up and all the miseries would disappear. Couldn't that happen?

But why is he has to face so many problems at such a young age? His father's cheating and his mother's being diagnosed with a rare disease at such a young age. Actually, everything is a cruel irony of fate!

-------End of EP 19------

05:20 PM

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