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Dressed in a dark green tuxedo, his hair swept to one side, his fair face resting in a relaxed expression, he looks resplendent, like a dream-realized fairy-tale prince. Just one look at him would make any girl lose her sense of reality, as I did.

"Where are you going?" When he asked me, I came back to the real world with a bit of a shake.

"To the Chief Warden-" My eyes fell to the buttons of Jungkook's tuxedo. His shirt was missing a button and the rest of the buttons were exactly like the one I found on the floor. Then is it the button of his shirt?

"That button of your shirt-?" I pointed to the place with my eyes. He followed my gaze and then said, "It was lost a while ago but I haven't found it yet."

People have different kinds of habits, some bad, some good, some intentional and some unintentional. Oversleeping habits, overeating habits, traveling habits etc. can be divided into different stages. But the eternal habit of losing buttons can be divided into what stages? Probably on an unintentional stage. The reason I call it eternal is because he lost his tuxedo button on our wedding night and again lost his dress's button today. I don't know how many times he has lost thousands of buttons during this long period of time in the middle.

Now I'm sure it's his shirt button. I forwarded it to him and he looked confused. "It's probably yours," I said quietly.

"Where did you get it?"

"Got it on the floor."

He didn't take the button from my hand but a crooked smile appeared on his lips. He thrust his hands into his pockets and said, "What shall I do with this?"

I grew extremely confused with his question & asked in return, "What do you mean?"

He sighed dramatically and said, "What do I do with the button? Can I sew it on?"

The way he says it cannot have any ordinary meaning. He must be planning something but I have to be saved.

"Then I'm calling a maid," I said as I ventured to walk but he took my hand and brought me back. His grip was so strong that I lost control and fell on his chest hard.

The scent of her perfume intoxicated me for a moment. Made me addicted like a drug. More than the smell of perfume, maybe the mixer of it with the hormones in his body created a different fragrance that no ordinary perfume in the world could compare to. Intoxicating scent!

For a moment, I seemed to lose consciousness from the real world and continued to breathe in that enchanting aroma but when I came to my senses, it couldn't have been more embarrassing than anything else. I jerked away in the blink of an eye and tried to shake off some of my own embarrassment by coughing. But how can I hide my rosy cheeks which are the perfect symptom?

And what's up with Prince Jungkook? He could have removed me but no, to make the situation more embarrassing, he stood there silently saying nothing. And now he is holding back his laughter watching my condition. What's wrong with laughing avowedly? Again and again he succeeded in embarrassing me.

"You'll get it stitched up," he said with a normal voice but my eyes widened. I looked at him incredulously and asked in a whispering tone, "Me? Why me?"

"Because I said." Straightforward logic. But why will always happen whatever he says? Is he the lawmaker?

"Pardon me, Your Highness. I can't stitch well," I lied to escape. I know his intention is to annoy me. That's why, he wants me to do all kinds of work of him to make me extremely annoyed in his presence. What exactly is he trying to do? Does he want to break my patience so that I dishonor him and he can imprison me?

PRINCE JEON & I ♔JJK♔ ✔️Where stories live. Discover now