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I sat on the bed with the small box in my hand. I didn't know what to do. Do I keep it or throw it away? Even if I throw it away, more such things will come to me. And now...

I opened the box which contained a very beautiful and glittering necklace with a letter that read 'For you, beautiful girl, though it is not worthy to compare to your form'.

I opened the box which contained a very beautiful and glittering necklace with a letter that read 'For you, beautiful girl, though it is not worthy to compare to your form'

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I quickly closed the box and closed my eyes tightly. The man sent me gifts again and today he even saw me in person. Now surely he will try to approach me. What should I do?

Loving someone is not a crime and I can't blame him. But I'm married now and there's no way I'm cheating on Prince Jungkook. I will never break my vows that I committed during the wedding.

Besides, I only love Prince Jeon Jungkook and my heart beats for him. And it is not possible for anyone else. I don't want to know if he loves me or not but I love him very much. Moreover, if he did not love me, why would he marry me? Maybe he can't or doesn't want to say it.

I stared at the letter. The handwriting is very strange. It looks like printing but I don't think there is such a printing method. It looks somehow artificial.

But either way I can't keep it. I have to stop these. Ah.....what shall I do?

I got out of bed and started pacing frustratedly. Just then someone knocked on my door and I gave permission. I thought maybe some guard but it was..... Prince Jungkook.

 Prince Jungkook

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I was startled and shaken to see him here suddenly. I'm already being restless with my worries and now Prince Jeon suddenly appeared before me. Ah....my head hurts.

I quickly shook off all my thoughts and tried to regain my composure and bowed my head, saying, "Your Highness, welcome."

The prince looked at me for a moment and observed me in utter confusion. Then he furrowed his eyebrows & said "Are you... alright?"

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine," I said with an overconfident smile and hid the box in my hand behind me.

He doubted and said with a frown, "I didn't see you at the entrance. So, I thought you were still sick."

PRINCE JEON & I ♔JJK♔ ✔️Where stories live. Discover now