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When we reached there, we found it already very crowded. The Commander in Chief was standing in front for us and when Y/N saw him, she ran to hug him. I stared at their beautiful moment. Alas! I will never be close to my father like this.

"Prince Jeon, come," he said and Y/N and I followed him.

We stood near the railing and Y/N stood between me and her father. We saw all the racers standing in their positions and preparing.

"Father, see, Mingyu is also racing today," she said admiring someone among the racers.

"Yes, dear."

"Ooh...He is so cool," she said excitedly & her eyes were sparkling.

Mingyu? Who is that? Why is she so exited about him?

Even though I shouldn't be, I still didn't like Y/N mentioning a boy's name. Moreover, the way she was staring in fascination made me feel even worse. I felt as if this bad feeling hit straight to my heart. My body began to ache and I felt unbearable.

I was looking at Y/N with heavy face but she was happily staring at the racers. She completely ignored me and I can't even tell her about my problem, it's a shame.

The race began & the crowd heat up as well as Y/N. She began to cheer like everyone but for.....that Mingyu. She was clapping her hands & overexcited with this simple race. I don't race because but I can bet I am better than all of them.

I couldn't bear it anymore. But I can't stop her to watch the race but I can't stand this either. What do I really want? Her attention or completely her?

"Y/N?" I shouted because nothing could be heard in such a crowd.

"Yes?" she also shouted back but her focus remained on the race.

"Umm....." I paused as I don't know what to say.

"Who is Mingyu?" I asked like a fool as I was nervous. I was afraid that she might think I am jealous.

"Mingyu? That guy who is ahead of everyone," she pointed at the fastest racer.

"Mingyu? That guy who is ahead of everyone," she pointed at the fastest racer

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I inspected the boy from top to bottom. He is quite tall, muscular body, tanned skin, long hair, strong biceps - all in all, he is quite attractive. But even then he is nowhere near me in terms of attractiveness.

I have sharp jaws than a knife, magical eyes that attract Y/N, a strong body that can protect Y/N and an attractive aroma that can seduce her. I excel in everything - horse riding, swordsmanship, intelligence, lore, eloquence. Furthermore, I am a prince and a future king. Ain't I more attractive than the fairy tale prince? I am real.

Why would she fall in love with a little horse racer leaving such a qualified man? Nah...this can't be. These are just my misconceptions.

"Do you like him?" I asked being unable to make my heart understand which is aching.

"Who?" she asked as she was watching the climax.

"That Mingyu named guy," I said with a bit of exasperation.

"He races great. Besides, his horse is pretty cute, isn't it?" she smiled as she was focused on the race.

"What do you like? Him or his horse or his ability to race, which one?" I asked restlessly this time.

"His horse and-" she clapped as the race ended. And her favorite racer Mingyu won. She was overjoyed and started laughing a lot, which I didn't like.

"Mingyu wins again. No one can beat him, I am sure," she said, keeping her attention to him.

No one can beat him? Does that mean I can't too? What does she think of him? Superhero? I will prove that no one is better than me.

I went to Kim Namjoon and said, "Namjoon, tell Mingyu, I want to compete with him."

Namjoon was naturally surprised & said, "What are you saying, Your Highness prince Jeon? He's a local horse racer and you're the prince."

"Just as on the battlefield, we consider even a small soldier as an enemy, here too the common man must be considered a competitor. Please don't talk anymore. Do as I said. One more thing, no one needs to know my identity," I said and he left a little bit hesitantly.

I looked over at Y/N who was now looking at the award presentation. I'm sure she will be surprised when she will watch me win and beat his favorite Mingyu. I can't wait for that moment.

● ● ●


I stared in awe at the scene where Mingyu was presented with the award. He deserves it. Every time he participates in the race, he wins that means he is a very skilled athlete. And I'm a big fan of Mingyu's skills.

But suddenly the award ceremony was stopped. The rest of the audience, including myself, became confused. Mingyu also looked a little surprised. What's going on?

"Sadly, we are unable to award the prize at this time. A gentleman has called for a race with the winner and the prize will be awarded at that trial. So, you can watch another race show with a new player."

The MC announced & the audiences cheered but I was so surprised. New player? Suddenly called for competition? How strange is the matter! But even more strangely, my heart was trembling and sending bad signals. What is going to happen?

I looked at where the new players had taken up positions and was taken a back. I frowned for a while and tried to get a better look.

Woah, it's Prince Jungkook's outfit. He came in this outfit today and the guy looks like exactly prince Jeon. He is like a replica of the prince in every way. Hold on, it's not the prince, is it?

I looked to my right and was startled. The prince is not here. He is nowhere near me, not even father. Only the two guards who came with us stand guard beside me. My heart started pounding and I was very scared.

"Where's His Highness?" I asked them.

"He's at the racetrack."

That's it. What is he doing there? Is he the new player who challenged? Then something terrible is ahead.

I looked at him and he was already looking at me. I looked at him questioningly and fearfully but he smiled at me. As beautiful and bright as this smile was, it was more dark and terrifying that it struck fear into my heart. What purpose did he go there suddenly?

God, save us all.

-------End of EP 22-------

-------End of EP 22-------

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11:17 AM

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