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"Better you than us."

"Come on, we're going to Moaning Myrtle." Harry stated as we dragged Lockheart with us. "Who?" Draco scoffed, "you'll see." Weasley answered as we entered the girls toilet. "Oh! Harry.. what do you want?" The ghost spoke. "We want to know.. how you died?" He answered hesitantly. "Oh.. it was dreadful.. it happened here in this very cubicle." She giggled. "I was crying because a boy made fun of my glasses.. just then someone walked in." She started, "Who was it?" Draco asked. "I don't know, I was distraught!" She screamed, causing Draco to roll his eyes. "But it was a boy.. he spoke a funny made up language. So I opened the door to tell him to go away.. but then... I died!" She wailed. "I just remember seeing a pair of great big yellow eyes by that sink." She sighed, pointing to one of the sinks. I leaned in to examine it while they spoke. Wait a minute, there was a symbol on this one.. "this is the one." I sighed. "Well? Say something in parseltongue." Draco said. Harry then said something in parselltongue as the sink dislocated from the others, opening to form an entrance. A chamber. "Well, excellent work you four, there's nothing for me to do now!" Lockheart mumbled as he tried to run away before we all stopped him. "Yes there is. You first!" I shouted. "What good would that do..?" He muttered. "Better you than us." Weasley answered before Lockheart mumbled something before turning around. "Sure you don't wanna try it first?" He was soon cut off by Draco who kicked him down the tunnel.
"Well, it's quite filthy down here." Lockheart said. "Come on then." I muttered before hearing Myrtle giggle. "Oh, Harry. You're free to share my toilet if you die down there." She said while I scoffed playfully. "Uhm.. sure Myrtle." Harry responded before we went down.

(A/N): again, this parts long and tiring so I'll quickly run through it

"Now remember, any sign of movement, close your eyes immediately." Harry stated as we walked cautiously in loads of bones and snakeskin. "Whatever this thing is, it must be 60 feet long." Draco muttered before we heard a thud. "Hard to rely on this one." Weasley said as we all looked at Lockhearts supposedly unconscious body- before he quickly got up, holding Weasley!s wand. "Great job, Weasley." I muttered. "The adventure ends here, kids." He grinned, pointing the wand at us. "The world will know our story- how I was too late to save you all, how you last your minds at the sight of the basilisk.. OBLIVIOUS!" He shouted before the wand backfired, obliviating him— just then rocks began tumbling to the ground, blocking mine, Draco's and Weasley's contact to Harry's. "Harry!? Harry!?" I shouted, "I'm okay, are you all okay too?" He responded with a cough. "Uhm.. yeah." Weasley responded, looking down at Lockheart. "Hello! Who are you?" He asked Weasley. ".. Ron Weasley?" Weasley responded. "Really? Who am I?" Oh god. "Lockhearts memory charm backfired, he hasn't got a clue who he is!" I shouted, before Draco walked towards Lockheart with a rock. "Do you all live here?" Lockheart asked again. "No." Draco huffed, before knocking him out with the rock. "Well? Get going then. Find Weasley number 2." Draco shouted at Harry. ".. try and shift the rocks so we can get back through." Harry said before running off.

(a/n): it's kinda rushed, I know and I'm sorry if u wanted y/n to go with him but I rlly wanna finish this year off sooner. It's supposed to be Draco fanfic and there's barrels any romance so we're gonna speed it up :))

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