Chapter 12

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"Please don't drop them!" Riker said as I balanced a stack of blankets taller than me on one arm.

I rolled my eyes. "They're only gonna end up on the ground anyways."

I could tell he was scowling at me. "Go bring those downstairs and then come back for some pillows."

I saluted with my free hand and then started my way downstairs, careful to not drop any blankets.

As soon as I got downstairs I set them on the couch and let out a long sigh, not wanting to go get more.

"I can get the rest." Rocky said, appearing at my side.

I smiled. "No that's alright, I can get them. But thank you for the offer." I placed a small kiss on his cheek and could feel his stubble rub against my face as I pulled away.

I turned around and set off for more blankets. I went back up stairs and threw open Rikers door. "Alright give me- oh! Uhm..... Sorry...."

He glanced at me and continued to pull up his sweatpants. "People usually knock before entering a closed room."

"I..... I just thought I'd come back to get the rest of the blankets. I didn't think I'd be, er, interrupting anything."

He grabbed a shirt, sniffed it and shrugged, pulling it on. "Well that's why people knock. You can just count
Your blessings that you walked in after I got my boxers on."

I felt my face heat up and I quickly looked away from him, and went to his closet. I grabbed the last couple of blankets and some pillows. I walked down with Riker following close behind me.

Rydel was arguing with Ross over two movies. I sat down by them and smiled. "So what are the choices?"

"The Conjuring or Newsies." Rydel said.

Ross grabbed Newsies. "I say we watch this. I mean, it's the obvious choice. It's a wonderful
Movie based on real life events. Plus it's a musical and who doesn't love singing!"

Rydel rolled her eyes. "Yeah but that movies lame. This is a good movie. A scary movie."

Ross scowled. "I just don't think-"

"Oh don't worry, Rossy." Rocky said, sitting down next to me. He had carried over some chips and pop. "I'll be here for you when you're scared." He made some kissy faces at Ross.

Ross scowled and threw the movie at him. Rocky just laughed and dodged it. Rydel smiled, knowing that her movie had won. She got up to put it in and Riker settled down on the other side of me.

Rocky slid an arm around me and wrapped us up in a blanket. "Can I get you anything to eat or drink?"

I shook my head, nuzzling into his chest. "I'm fine." I said, grinning.

Rydel shut off the lights and she began to start the movie. We all settled down as it began to play.

By the time the movie was over, we were all beyond tired. Ross had said he needed to pee halfway through the movie but never came back.

We figured that he had gone
To his own room to hide away.

Rydel had also passed out, leaving only Me, Riker and Rocky awake. Rocky yawned. "Wanna watch another movie?"

I shook my head. I could feel myself getting tired, wanting to just go to sleep. "No..... I'm just gonna go to sleep."

"We can take you to Rydels bed." Riker offered softly.

"Or my bed." Rocky said, rubbing my back. I heard a thump and Rocky hiss an angry ouch.

I shook my head. "I'm fine here, thanks....."


I woke up the next morning to bright sunlight filling the room. I groaned and forced myself up. I looked around to see everyone was still asleep.

Rydel had moved up from the floor and was now sprawled out on the couch, clutching a pink blanket.

Rocky had his arm around my shoulders and the other around my waist.

I looked over to see Riker still on my other side. He had turned towards me and his lips were parted, soft snored escaping his mouth.

I smiled a little. I slowly removed his arms and got up. I made my way to the kitchen and looked at what they had to eat.

I thought I should make some breakfast since they were nice enough to invite me over.

I grabbed out some pancake mix and started to get cooking.

"Whatcha making?"

I looked up to see Ross walking in, rubbing his eyes and sporting major bed head. I smirked. "Pancakes."

"Why? Not that I'm complaining! I love food...."

"I just thought I should.... I don't know."

"So you ended up sleeping on the floor last night?"

"I did."

"Wow that's commitment."

I blushed. "What?"

"You must really like Rocky to sleep on that floor with him."

I rolled my eyes. "Ross, it's a floor."

"And not a very comfy one." He mumbled. I continued to stir the ingredients together, turning on the stove top. "So do you really like him?"

"Hm?" I poured some batter into my pan.

"Rocky.... Do you really
Like him?"

"Oh.... I don't know, Ross. I do like him.... A lot. Of course I would like to get to know him more but-"

"But you like him?"

I blushed a little. "Yeah.... I really do. So, er, how many pancakes would you like?"

Ross gave a smile, his eyes distant. "A couple..... I have to go to the bathroom.... I'll be right back."

He quickly got off his chair an hustled off.

Ross' POV

I quickly made my way up to the bathroom and knocked on the closed door.

"Go away." Rocky yelled.

I opened the door and shut it. He pulled his tooth brush out of his mouth and spit into the sink. "I worry about you sometimes."

"I want out."

"Excuse me?" Rocky said, giving me a cold glare.

"I- I don't think I can do it. Rocky.... I think this is going to far. She really likes you."

Rocky let out a cold, harsh laugh. "Oh so now you're noble kind Ross? This is no different from any other girl you've slept with then never called back, just gave them the cold shoulder, laughing when they said they loved you."

"Rocky, I just don'-"

He shoved me and I hit the wall. "You've already placed your bet. Are you down for loosing that money? I don't think Ryland and Ell will be happy when they hear about this."

I shook my head. I knew getting out of this bet would be next to impossible. "I'm not agreeing with what you're doing at all."

Rocky hit my head. "I never asked you to."

I shook my head and opened the door, running right into Riker. He raised an eyebrow. "What's going on?" He asked, leaning against the doorway.

"Nothing." Rocky said, in a cocky voice. You could tell without looking at him that he had a sly grin on his face.

"Really?" Riker looked to me.

I took a deep breath. "Yeah. Nothing."

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