Chapter 7

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I woke up and saw Riker was passed out, right next to me. I quickly got out of bed and silently left his room.

I entered Rydels room to see a naked guy passed out in her bed. I quickly shut her door, trying to get that image out of my head . I turned around and bumped into a shirtless Ross.

Do these people own shirts?

He smirked. "Morning. I thought you had ditched from the party."

"Nah.... Well kinda.... Riker made me come back and...." I trailed off.

"Woah did you guys fuck?"

My face burned a bright red. "ROSS!" I slapped his arm.

He held up his hands in defense. "It's just a question, and it would explain why you're here and in his shirt aaaaaaand...." He wiggled his eyebrows.

I again hit him and shook my head.

"So is he still sleeping?" Ross asked.

I hesitantly nodded my head. "Yeah...."

"Welllll why aren't you in there cuddling with him?"

"I don't know....."

"Were you gonna leave?"

I sighed. "I guess.... But I don't have a ride, so I was gonna ask Rydel for one but she er.,.."

He gave a little laugh. "I know what you mean. I can give you a ride."

"Are you sure?"

He gave me a warm smile. "Sure! I'd love to. Just follow me to my room and I'll get dressed quick."

I followed him into his room and set down on his messy bed. "So what happened with Kelly....?"

"She went home with Ell."

"Is that what they always do?"

"Yeah. In fact, they wanted to set you up with some guy. But they couldn't find you." He called from the bathroom.

I felt a slight prick of annoyance, but ignored it. They just had the best intentions for me. "I see."

He came up in a tight white shirt, that clung to his body in all the right ways, and dark skinny jeans. He grabbed a leather jacket. "Ready to go?"

I shrugged. "I guess...."

We walked out to his car and he opened the door for me. I have a grateful nod of my head and he started the car.

"So did you have fun?" I asked.

"If you're trying to hint at, 'did I pick up a girl?' then, no, I didn't have fun."

"Did Rocky make it home okay,.,, after...."

"Yeah. Bloody nose, split lip, and I bet you he has a Nasty hang over, but he's had worse. He was still sleeping, last time I checked in him."

"Awwwww, you check on him?"

"Just to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." He mumbled, avoiding my eyes.

"You actually do have a heart."

"That's debatable." He said, pulling up to my house.

"Thanks for the ride, Ross."


I quickly got out and ran inside. I shut the door let out a long sigh.

"Copeland? What are you.... Your hair...." My brother said, his eyes going big.

I nervously tugged at it. "Sorry.... I eh.... Do you hate it?"

A smile tugged at his lips. "No I love it." Then his smile disappeared. "Who's shirt are you in."

Shit. Shit shit shit. I forgot to take of Rikers shirt. "Uh...."

His eyes got dark. "No."


"Please tell me you didn't."

"Didn't what...."

"I'm gonna kill that boy.... Which lynch was it."

"No, Alan, I didn't.... Do that .... With anyone! Geez you guys need to chill...."


I put my hands on his chest and pushed him to a couch. "Sit! and calm down!" I sighed. "It's Rydels." I quickly made up a story to please him.

"I thought I told you not to talk to them anymore."

"And I thought I told you to get a hair cut." I ruffled his hair and he swatted me away.

"I still think we should have them over for dinner. Here. So I can get to know them, on my own terms."

"Which one...." I asked nervously. I walked Into the kitchen and started to make some toast and jam.

"Whose shirt is that


"Well let's invite him. Hell, let's invite all the Lynch boys!"

"If you love me you won't do this to me."

"I'm doing this cause I love you."

I groaned and threw my head into my hands.

After I made myself some food, I went up to my room and threw off Rikers shirt, changing into different pjs.

I didn't feel like facing the day. I grabbed a pill, due to my headache, and a bottle of water. I crawled into my bed and relaxed.

Just as I found myself slipping into a blissful sleep, my phone let out an annoying screech.

I hissed and picked it up, sliding it open. a text from Rocky awaited me.

Hey babe! Missed you at the party last night :( we could've had loaaaads of fun ;)

I set the phone down, not feeling like responding.

Then my phone went off again, and it was a text from Riker.

Why happened? are you okay? Did my brothers do something to you....

I couldn't help but let a smile come to my face of how protective and kind he was.

At times.

I'm fine. I got a ride home from Ross and I'm okay, don't worry.

I then clicked on Rockys name and entered that chat.

Yeah.... Sorry, I just wasn't feeling the party scene.

Its fine. Maybe I can take you out on a proper date, on Tuesday:)

Yeah, sure.

I set my phone down and felt my hurt flutter a bit, and smiled.

I do like Rocky, and I'm glad we get this chance. I was really excited.

•Rockys POV•

I smirked as I got Copelands text. "She agreed to the date."

"Damn." Ellington said, shaking his head.

I looked around the room containing Ross, Ell, and Ryland. "I've got her."

"Calm down. You still need her to say I love you, AND get her to sleep with you to win the money." Ell said, raising his eyebrows.

I laughed. "No problem. And oh, don't tell Riker."


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