Chapter 3

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My alarm woke me up the next morning and I grumbled something not even I understood and sat up. I went to my closet and sifted through my clothes till I pulled out black ripped skinny jeans, vans, and a nirvana shirt. I grabbed my bag and made my way downstairs.

Alan was passed out on the couch and I couldn't help but smile at him. I made myself some oatmeal and got some almond milk.

After I finished eating I started to wash off the dishes when a knock came from the door. I frowned and set everything down, cautiously walking to the door.

I opened it up to see a familiar brunette standing at my door. "Rocky...." My stomach got a weird feeling.

He smirked. "Hey babe. I came to give you a ride."

"How do you know where I live?"

He sighed. "C'mon. Let's go."

"I uh.... I was gonna walk...."

"Mmmm no. Walking could be dangerous. What if someone else tried to pick you up?"


His arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me out of the door as I squeaked. he shut the door and smiled. "C'mon. My cars right here."

He opened the door and I sat down, still a little stunned. I buckled up and watched as he got in. "Uh.... Thanks for the ride?"

He smirked and started driving. "My pleasure."

"So Riker was okay with you picking me up....?" I asked.

He laughed. "No. Not at all."

I nodded my head. "Great. But ya know you reaaaaaally don't need to do this.... I love walking. Especially to school."

"What kinda of a.... Friend.... Would I be if I didn't give you a ride? Hmmm?"

I sighed. "Yeah.... Right......"

He smiled and we pulled into the school parking lot. I scanned the lot to see Rydel, Ross, and Riker standing a couple cars away from us. Riker looked angry and was talking fast. Ross was smoking something and Rydels eyes were roaming the guys.

Rocky helped me out and Rydel met my eyes. She smiled and said something to Riker. His mouth flew shut and he turned and his eyes met mine. He slammed his fist down on the hood of the car and Ross gave him a shove, yelling something.

Rocky slipped an arm around me. "Ready to go in babe?"



"Copeland. Not babe." What is it with this family and babe?

"I see." He sighed. As we walked past Riker he winked. Ross had to hold him back and I nervously held on to Rockys shirt.

What am I even doing here with him.... I don't ..... Like Rocky .,.. I mean he's hot .... But... Alan said I should stay away and ....

He opened the door to my first hour. I saw Taylor. Her eyes lit up and she waved to me, until she saw Rocky. Then her smile fell and her arm snapped back down.

I forced a smile to my face and walked over to her and sat down. "Hey Tay...."

"What's he doing here." She whispered.

"He has this hour...."

"I know but I mean.... With you."

"I don't know.... He drove me here."

Rocky slid into the seat next to me and slipped his arm around me again. "Hello Trixy." He said.

Taylor frowned. "That's not my name. It's-"

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