Chapter 13

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Copelands POV

A loud alarm jolted me awake, causing me to gasp for breath. I looked around my room to see no light coming into my window. Still dark.

I groaned and looked at my alarm clock. 5:45 am. I forced myself up and grabbed some clothes off my floor, making my way into my bathroom.

I brushed out my hair and pulled it into a bun. I grabbed my black high waisted jeans and pulled them on, followed by a tight sleeveless shirt.

I brushed my teeth and put on my make up. I finished up in the bathroom and walked down stairs to find the kitchen dark and empty. I saw a sheet of paper on the counter.

Went out. See you later.

I crumpled up the letter and threw it out. He had been gone all night again. I can't believe him. Not only does he work all day, but then he's out all night doing god knows what, leaving me all alone. I don't even know when he's going to be home next!

I opened up the fridge and found a lime, peanut butter, molded cheese, and a half empty joint box.

I slammed the door shut.

He can't even get any food!?

I let out an angry sigh and grabbed a couple of crackers left over on the counter.

I found my car keys and grabbed my school bag. I walked out to my old car and started it up. As soon as it had time to heat up I pulled out of my driveway and grabbed my phone, calling up my brother.

It rang for minutes before I finally got an answer.

"Hey, it's me."

"Hey, Al. It's me, Copeland, your SISTER. We have no food and you're nowhere in sight. So whenever you can, please go to the store and pick up some food."

He laughed for a second. "Oh I got you! You thought it was me! This is my voicemail, I'll call back when I can."

I hung up and hit my steering wheel, my horn blasting. A rather angry soccer mom next to me scowled, speeding up.

I sighed and sped up, just wanting to get to school.

I parked and got out, locking my car. I slung my backpack over one shoulder and pushed my way through the crowds of people, into the school. It was rather chilly out, so it was nice to be greeted by a warm rush of air as I walked in.

I rounded the first corner and walked down the hall to my locker. I opened it up and sorted through all the stuff inside. I grabbed my math book and shut my locker door.

I glanced up and saw Riker making his way over to me, an angry look on his face. I turned around and walked off, not in the mood to talk to him. I heard him yell my name, but I picked up my pace.

I walked into the science wing of our school and was about to pass another corner, when someone grabbed my arm.

I squealed as I was yanked Into a small space and the door was shut behind me. I looked around to see I was in a small room.

I looked up and saw Ross as the light turned on. I glanced around to see we were in the janitors closet. I hit him with my text book.

"What the hell!?" He hissed, snatching my book away.

"What are you doing!? Can't you talk to me like a normal person!? People only do dumb stuff like this in the movies!"

"I.... I needed to talk to you about something."

"Yeah, and you can find me durning lunch or in the halls." I grabbed the door handle and began to open it.

Ross put his hand up and shut it. "Cope, please. This is serious."

I leaned against the wall. "What?"

He looked down to his feet. "I don't know.... I just, I think that.... That you should think... And be careful about the decisions you make."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, mom. Is that all?"

"Hey! This is serious."

"What is this about?"

He bit his lip. "I can't say.... But please, trust me."

"Is this about Rocky?"

His eyes flicked to mine. "No."

"ROSS!" I hit him with my backpack this time. "Are you kidding

"CALM DOWN!" He dodged another hit from my backpack.

"First Riker, now you. Ross, what is up? Please.... Tell me the truth."

He shook his head. "I-"

The door opened and Riker crossed his arms. I snatched my math book up. "Great. Just what I need. I'll see you two later."

I pushed past him and began my walk down the hall again.

"Wait, Cope, please!" Riker yelled out.

I let out an angry sigh and turned around. "Riker, there's a reason I don't want to talk to you! Now please, take a hint and just leave me alone." I turned around but he stood in front of me.

"Please.... Just listen for a second."

I shook my head. "You're giving me whiplash. One second you're a total prick, then the next you're trying to be my friend. What's up with you!?"

He sighed. "Look, I realize I may not have been.... As kind as I could have been, but please just hear me out."

"You have a minute."

He gave me a thankful nod. "Tonight, after school, let me take you out for dinner. Not like a date or anything, but I need to talk to you about something."

I shifted my weight from food to foot, debating on what I should say. I shook my head. "Fine! Pick me up at 6, and I want to be home by 8."

"Thank you!"

"Whatever." I grumbled, walking off.

What is up with the Lynch boys....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2016 ⏰

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