Chapter 6

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"You're really good." Rocky yelled into my ear, the music overpowering us. "I thought you said you couldn't dance!"

I laughed. "I have a great teacher!" I yelled back as his hands ran over me. The crowd was thick so we were forced right together. "I'm gonna go get another drink!" I yelled to him.

I quickly wiggled my way out of the crowd and to a small little table that held drinks. I grabbed one and turned around, running into a hard chest.

I looked up to see it was Riker and I giggled. "Awww I'm sorry RiRi."

"Are you okay?" He looked concerned.

"I'm fiiiiine!" I giggled, patting his chest.

He shook his head. "C'mon we need to get you home. Follow me."

"Okaaaay." I giggled, starting to follow him. But before we could make it to the front door, someone's arms wrapped around my waist.

I was carried in the opposite direction, and out a different door. The cold night air hit me, making me a bit more awake and aware, but the buzz of alcohol was still clouding me.

I was set down and looked up to see Rocky. "Babe, where were you going?"

I shrugged and played with one of the buttons on his shirt. "I don't knoooow. Riker wanted to take me home."

Rocky rolled his eyes. "He's stupid. Don't listen to him." He mumbled, his lips connected with mine and my stomach did a little flip. His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me in.

At first he started off slow but his kisses turned more hungry and needy. I wrapped my arms around his neck, hands sneaking up my shirt.

And just as soon as his lips came to mine, they were gone. Riker had pushed Rocky off me, and shoved him against the wall.

"What are

You doing." Riker growled.

"Get off me." Rocky hissed.

"Don't you DARE touch her!" Riker yelled, punching him square in the face.


I yelled, pulling him away before he could hit Rocky again. Ross appeared out of nowhere, helping Rocky up and holding him


"Go." He hissed at us. Riker grabbed my wrist harshly, yanking me away.

"Ouch." I mumbled. "Let go! You're hurting me."

"I can't believe you! I tell you not to go and what do you do? You come to the party and make out with my brother! And you let them dye your hair? What were you thinking! They're changing you!"

I didn't say anything, and just let his words sink in. He opened up a car door for me and I got in. "Where are we going?"

"Do you know how to get to your house from here?"

I shook my head. He let out an angry sigh and focused on driving. he was rather scary when angry. The drive didn't take long, due to his furious speeding, and soon we arrived back at his house.

I got out and followed him inside. "Uh.... I was supposed to spend the night with Rydel...."

"Well you're not doing that anymore. I can't trust you alone without you makin out with my brother!"

"WHY DO YOU CARE! You're not dating me! You don't like me!"

"BECAUSE I DO LIKE YOU!" He yelled, hitting the car window. "Fuck!" He yelled, the window shattering. He clutched his had and let out a string of swear words.

"Riker...." I got out and quickly opened his door, helping him out. I saw his hand was bruised and bloodied. I got him out and we went inside. I sat him down on his bed. "Where's your first aid kit?"

He nodded to his bathroom and I walked into the bathroom. I grabbed some gauze and went back to his bedroom.

I grabbed his hand and started to wrap it. "Did you really have to punch the window?"

He only let out a heavy sigh.

"So are you just gonna give me the silent treatment?"

Again, nothing.

"Fine, asshole." I threw the gauze at him and stood up, but he caught me and pulled me onto the bed, then he was on top of me.

"You're staying with me." He growled.

I nodded my head and he got up. He threw me a shirt and I left to the bathroom, to change into it.

After that I came back into his bedroom. I crawled into his bed and he was next to me, shirtless.

"So you like me?" I mumbled.

"Not like that.... I just meant as a person I can tolerate you." He said, straight faced.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, whatever."

For a second I thought he might've change a bit, but he was back to his normal self. Douche bag Riker, who doesn't care about anyone.

I nestled down into his warm covers and cuddled with one of his fuzzy blankets.

"When will they come home?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes. "Why do you care?"

"I guess I don't." I mumbled.

Me sighed. "They stay out late. I wouldn't expect them home till 3 or 5."

I nodded my head.

Soon my eyes grew heavy and I was struggling to keep them open.

"Just go to bed." He said, gently. He adjusted the blankets around me a bit, and I felt even warmer.

"Im.... Not...." I was interrupted by a yawn. "Tired."

He quietly giggled. "Goodnight, Copeland."

I only lightly hmmmmd as a response, as I drifted off.

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