ch.18 - lila rossi

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Wave's POV:

As the days spun by in an intoxicating whirlwind, school had taken on an intriguing air of overwhelming fascination. The rhythm of lessons had given way to a captivating dance of academic challenges that ignited my mind and left me yearning for more.

And besides the flurry of assignments and the clamor of classroom discussions, I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratefulness towards Adrien since he had extended a helping hand through the work of Ms. Bustier's lecture class.

His assistance itself had proven invaluable, and his sharp intellect and patient guidance illuminating even the most abstruse concepts. Yet, as I watched him toil diligently alongside me, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Adrien than met the eye.

The bags beneath those emerald-green eyes hinted at a profound of tiredness, as if he carried a secret that weighed heavily upon his shoulders.

My gaze often found its way to Lila Rossi, the one girl that Marinette told me not to be friends with. Her flirtatious glances towards Adrien and calculated attempts at proximity were visible, and a tone of seductive gestures that made my stomach churn with an indefinable emotion.

She would try and slither into the seat beside him, her voice dripping with honeyed sweetness, and her touch lingering just a fraction too long. She would even try to breathe in the same room as him. Adrien's discomfort was evident, his body language retracting into itself as he politely but firmly rebuffed her advances.

It was a strange and unsettling observation, a spectacle that unfolded daily before me. Lila's relentless act seemed to dance upon the edge of obsession, her desperation growing with each of Adrien's polite but unwavering rejections.

I couldn't fathom why she even persisted, despite Adrien's obvious hesitance. It was as if she possessed an unexplainable thirst for his attention, a desire that knew no bounds. I'm starting to get the feeling she's here for something..

3rd Person's POV:

As the morning bell rang, Wave strolled through the crowded hallways of Françoise Dupont High School, her mind occupied with the upcoming science exam. She navigated the throng of students with ease, her long, flowing hair dancing behind her.

Reaching her locker, she placed her books inside, humming a cheerful tune under her breath. Suddenly, a voice broke her reverie. "Excuse me, are you the new student everyone's been talking about? Waverly Mouríne?"

Wave turned to face the speaker, her eyes widening in shock. It was Lila Rossi, the school's infamous liar. "Yes," Wave replied, her voice polite but guarded.

Lila leaned against the lockers, her gaze fixed on Wave. "I was a new student here too," she said, her tone wistful. "Before I had to move away and attend another school."

Wave continued to organize her locker, her attention half on Lila's words. "I heard you're friends with Marinette," Lila continued. "Is that true?"

"Yes," Wave confirmed. "Why do you ask?"

"Oh, I was just curious," Lila replied with a shrug. "But if I were you, I wouldn't trust her."

Wave raised an eyebrow. "Why not?"

"We used to be friends, but she got really angry with me," Lila said, her voice tinged with sadness. "Things escalated, and now we're not on speaking terms."

Wave listened intently, her curiosity piqued. She had heard rumors about Lila and Marinette's falling out, but she had never expected to hear the story from Lila herself. If anything, Lila would have done something to piss her off.

She remained silent, before closing her locker door. "I'm sorry to hear that," she said, her tone neutral. "But I was told not to trust you. I don't want to be tricked."

Lila's eyes narrowed, a flicker of anger crossing her face. "You've been warned about me?" she asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "And who exactly told you that?"

"It doesn't matter," Wave said firmly. "I'm not going to discuss it with you."

Lila scoffed. "Fine," she said. "Keep your secrets. I don't need them. Just remember, not everything you hear is the truth."

With that, Lila turned and walked away, her heels clicking on the floor. Wave sighed, shaking her head. She had a feeling that she would be hearing a lot more from Lila in the future.

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