Girls, Girls, Girls: Part One

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Ever since losing your soul, you have no need to eat or sleep. The brothers still force you to eat since they don't want you to be malnourished when you get reunited with your soul. If you do. There is no guarantee that you will ever have your soul again. Not that you'd want it if they can find it. Where would it be, though? What could have happened to it? Did it die and go to Heaven? Lord only knows that your soul would end up there after death. You're not too concerned about it. As long as you keep the brothers busy with cases, they won't have any time to look for your soul.

Sam and Dean were heading back from that terrible case with the shapeshifter and decided to stop somewhere to eat. You're not hungry but they ordered for you. They immediately dig into their food while you look at yourself through the reflection of the napkin holder. Your focus is on the thing on your neck. You pick at it to get it to come off but it's really locked in. You slip your nail underneath the metal part and try to raise it but all it does is bring your skin with it.

"Fuck," you mutter to yourself.

"Keep trying," Dean laughs and takes another bite of his burger. "That thing isn't coming off without the remote."

"Maybe I'll just cut it out," you say and set the napkin holder down.

"Good luck with that. You'll hit your carotid and bleed out. It's why I chose the neck."

You grab your steak knife and hold it with the handle right below your thumb so that the pointy side is sticking out the other end.

"It'll be so easy to stab you right now."

"Do it."

His eyes and words challenge you but he knows you won't. As much as you don't care what other people will do, they have a hold over you. They have the thing on your neck to punish you if you so much as breathe wrong. You slam the knife down on the table, ignoring the looks you're given by other people in the restaurant.

Dean picks up his phone with a smirk and scrolls through whatever the fuck he has on there while you toss your food around on your plate. Sam is trying his best not to get in between you and Dean so he's reading a newspaper, scouring it for cases.

"I got cattle deaths a few towns over. A demon possibility or something?"

"No, it says right there." Dean points to the paper even though he isn't looking at it. "It's probably just because of the drought. "

"Then, what are we doing here?"

Dean looks at Sam's plate before pointing to it with his fork.

"The reason's right on your plate. Lizardo's Porterhouse--U.S.D.A. prime." Dean's phone chimes and he quickly looks at it. "It's the only place between Connecticut and the Bunker where you can get a decent steak under ten bucks."

Dean's phone rings again and this time, your and Sam's interest is piqued.

"Dude, you are blowing up. Who is that?"

"No one. Just... alert things."

"For what?"

"Monster shit." You swiftly grab his phone and scooch your chair closer to Sam's so you both can look. He tries to grab it from you but you quickly move out of the way so he can't. "Hey, hey. Unh-unh. No. Give it back."


"Because of privacy and shit."

"Privacy my ass."

You look at his screen to see a dating app opened with Dean's profile on it. You look at Dean to see his reaction to you finding out he has a dating app before reading all about him.

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