Hibbing 911: Part Two

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Donna walks over with two coffees in her hands.

"Agent Frehley? Agent Criss?"

"Hey, Sheriff Hanscum."

"I thought that was you! Well, ain't this a kick in the pants? What dragged you in?" she smiles.

"I'm gonna barf," you groan.

Sam and Dean put you behind them so they can deal with her.

"We can't really talk about it."

"Yeah. I hear ya. Anything I can help with?"

"No, nothing I can think of."

"Actually, Sheriff, I was thinking you and I could go check out the gear expo," Jody says.

"What about the morgue?"

"Like you said, animal control will handle that."

"Well, if it's cool with you, it's cool with me," she says reluctantly. "I did hear they're packing some pretty serious heat in there."

Donna and Jody leave your side, and you peek your head around Sam's shoulders.

"Don't hurt yourself while you're in there," you say sarcastically. Sam and Dean turn to you with bitch-face looks. "What?"

"One day. All we ask for is one day without smart-ass comments and jabs."

"What do I get if I behave?"

"I won't lock your ass up in the dungeon. How about that?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, because that worked out so well last time."

"I mean it. I will keep you in there like a caged animal."

"Fine," you roll your eyes, "but if someone comes at me, I'm coming at them."

Sam and Dean walk over to a group of cops by the coffee machine.

"Hey, there. Agents Criss, Frehley, and Dobson. We're looking for the sheriff of Hibbing."

"That'd be me," Sheriff Len Cuse says.

"We're here investigating the attacks over the last couple of nights. We're just wondering where you're at on that."

"The animal attacks?"

Len has a thin sheet of sweat on his forehead and you cross your arms to make yourself look intimidating.

"Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me the FBI's got nothing better to do?" Deputy Brice Graham chuckles.

"We go where the boss tells us to."

"To what, arrest a bobcat from Hibbing?"

You step past the brothers and practically get into this young man's face.

"Is there a problem?"

"No, there's no problem. You ain't the first Feds to roll through here and come up with nothing. Sure is cute to watch you try, though."

"Little boy with a big gun. What are you going to do with that?"

"Arrest real criminals unlike you who is going to arrest Bambi."

You take out your gun and make sure he sees the threat.

"It'd be such a shame if this went off with you standing in front of it," you threaten.

Dean pulls you back by your shoulders immediately while Sam steps forward to take over.

"Uh, Sheriff Cuse, we are just hoping there might be some surveillance footage of the attacks. Maybe a traffic camera caught something?"

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