23.) Going to Fucking Work

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I was sitting in Jason's car after I forced him to pick me up from my ballet class when Jason suddenly turned the opposite corner from our house. "Jason you sure you know where you're going because you literally just missed our turn!" I said sarcastically and Jason rolled his eyes and kept driving. Jason's phone started ringing and he picked up over the car.


Jason gripped on his steering wheel. "I wanna know who THE FUCK YOUR TALKING TO!"

"Ah shit they cut him loose"

Jason and the random person argued on the phone for a while until Jason had enough and said, "Fuck you I take as long as I want." And hung up the phone. It was silent for a few minutes until Jason spoke up. "You wanna go to my office?" I looked at Jason confused but said yes. "We pulled up in front of this really big circular building and Jason's guards opened the door for me.

Jason took my arm and led me to the top floor where his office was at the very end of the hallway. Inside his office was really fancy and it kinda looked like our room with the ceiling lights built into the roof. "Principessa viziata there's a lot I need to do today so just be good and stay in here please?" I rolled my eyes at Jason and plopped down on his big ass couch that was in the back of his office. "I'm alright I have stuff to keep me company." Jason rolled his eyes at me and left out his office.

I pretty much just sat there and got comfortable plugged my phone and turned on my mini fan. I opened up my computer to check my emails and there I got one from my little brother Ace? He never emailed me unless something was wrong. I opened the email and this is what I saw:

"Anna, Lela is sick and daddy is going crazy and I don't know what to do. Please help me?


Mother fucker I knew this would happen. I called up my dad and he picked up quickly.

D: Finally you fucking call! So how's Italy?

A: That's besides the point what's going on with Lela?!

D: Oh she's sick but it's alright it's just the common cold.

A: Dad you know where her medicine is right?



I hung up the phone and tossed it on the other side of the couch. I swear my dad was good for absolutely nothing. I just clicked on Disney+ and put on Jessie. That was my comfort show anytime my dad was being a fucking idiot. Like when my mom had to teach him how to separate dark and white clothes and he still managed to turn my favorite dress pink. I was so upset but he gave me $500 to go buy anything I wanted so I guess that was okay.

Jason walked back in his office and laughed at me who was sitting on the couch my legs crossed with a blanket over me blasting Jessie. "Someone got comfortable quickly." Jason said to walking over to me. "Well you were gone for so long I had to do something!" I replied sarcastically. "Mhm well I have another meeting in here so try to stay out of trouble please?" I rolled my eyes and looked back at my laptop.

I was still watching on my laptop when a few large men walked in. "So where is she?" Jason asked sitting down at his desk. The men opened up the door to show a slim woman walk in. The girl had orange hair and green eyes. She was very pale and also had brown freckles. "Annalise meet Mafia Fiona the second darkest most gruesome mafia woman out there." Mafia Fiona curtsied at me and I got off the couch immediately. "Good day Ms. Fiona." I said and curtsied at her. "Such a beautiful woman and very respectful. Jason you could learn a thing or two from her."

"I could do what now?" 

"Oh who am I kidding myself you never learn your Jason DiCaprio most ruthless mafia there is." Mafia Fiona laughed lightly but quickly shushed from Jason's look he gave her. "So what brings you here Fiona?" Jason said sitting down. "Well I didn't really come for you but to speak to your wife more like." Jason looked at her skeptically but Fiona just rolled her eyes and turned to me. "I'm having an all girls mafia sleepover and I'd be honored if Jason DiCaprio's wife came." Mafia Fiona seemed like a nice woman and who am I to not go to a sleepover. "I'd be honored to be in Mafia Fiona's presence and of course I will go."

Mafia Fiona smiled and clasped her hands together. "Well thank you for meeting me and I look forward to seeing you and Jessica there." Me and Mafia Fiona hugged and she left with her guards following behind her. "How rude of her to hug you and ignore me." I just chuckled at Jason's stupid antics. I went back to sitting and relaxing on the couch when this woman walked in.

"Delivery for Mr. DiCaprio."

The woman was holding a bag and placed it on his desk. "Thank you Gwen you're dismissed." Jason said not even looking up at her. I glared at her she seemed off. Then the woman started to walk really close to him and run circles on his chest. "You sure you want me to leave Jason?" I was 10 seconds from tweaking the fuck out when that bitch sat on his desk. "Don't you want me to stay and keep you company?"

"Oh hell no not my husband whore!"

I started to get up when Jason spoke up. "If I wanted your company I would've asked and even if I did I wouldn't even touch you when I have an entire spoiled princess right there." He pointed towards me and I just looked down and blushed. "You picked up my food now you can leave Gwen!" She looked like she was ready to burst into tears, muttered a small sorry and rushed out the room like her hair was on fire.

"So when are you firing that whore?" I asked walking up to Jason my arms crossed and glaring at him. "She's on her third strike so she'll be out of here by the afternoon." I smiled at Jason and he didn't even look at me and payed more attention to his documents. "Your really gonna show me no attention Jason?" I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Fine you want attention so bad?"

Then Jason picked me up and placed me on top of his desk. "Jason wha-." Then he pressed his lips against mines. "I practically melted onto the desk and Jason took that to his advantage and pulled my shorts down. He kissed down my thighs slowly before removing my underwear. "You think everyone's a whore right? Let's see." Then he slammed me against the desk and thrusted inside me slowly.

I was moaning softly and loudly but Jason wouldn't stop until he came inside me finally and put back on my shorts.

"There you got your attention now I'm going back to fucking work."

Mafias fallen AngelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon