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Today was Tae's first meeting with the directors of P&J performing arts school. Or should he say his exes. He had arranged for Bora to come to the office after school to meet Hobi, but he had not yet asked for his permission. He was going to make it look like a coincidence.

"Sir, they have arrived. They are waiting in the boardroom." His secretary informed him. "Thank you, Mira. Did you make sure the package I gave you was delivered to Jeon Enterprise?" He inquired. "Yes, sir, I did." Tae nodded and dismissed her. He picked up his ipad and notebook and headed for the board room.

As soon as he received the package and heard that it was from Kim Taehyung, Jungkook got all giddy. Tae had sent him something? Was it art? No, the envelope was too small to be art. He didn't know whether to open it now or later.

Tae walked in only to find Jimin, Hoseok, and Namjoon there. He wondered why the latter was here. "Good morning." He greeted, taking a seat. "This place has changed so much Tae, you did a good job." Jimin spoke up. "Thank you, Mr. Park. So, I hear you have a proposal for me." Tae answered, opening his notebook and focusing on business. Jimin's mood deflated. Last time they were cordial, why was Tae being all formal now?

"Yes, we do, Tae. So we are opening another branch of our school in Gwangju and we wanted you to provide the decorative art." Hobi answered, ignoring Tae's cold demeanour. "Why do you want us to provide the decorative art? Last time you opened a branch my art didn't seem good enough for you." Tae couldn't help his bitter tone.

"Tae, you know that's not true." Namjoon finally spoke up. Oh, so was he here to make sure things didn't get out of hand? "Mr. Kim, true or not, that was the impression given. That being said, we won't be able to provide the art for you. We are currently occupied with moving this branch of our gallery to another location. We might not be able to meet your timelines."

"We totally understand that you're busy. Actually, we don't have timelines yet because we are still looking for a location. So we can work around your schedule." Hoseok spoke up. Why the fuck was he smiling like that. Truth be told, Tae chickened out. He had some designs on his ipad but as soon as he saw them, his feelings came rushing back. He decided it was best to avoid them. It was, however, true that he was relocating the gallery to a building he bought.

"Mr Jung, while I appreciate your offer to work with us and around our timelines, I personally don't think we should work together considering our history. I have some amazing artists I can recommend and vouch for." Tae stated. He knew his heart couldn't take seeing them every day. They were a reminder of what could have been.

Before any of them could respond to him, the door to the Boardroom opened, and in came Bora. "Appa!" She jumped right into Tae's arms. "How is my princess? Did you have fun at school?" Tae asked, showering her with forehead kisses. "Appa, school is not fun, can't I stay home?" Bora replied. Tae knew that his daughter didn't like school, but he was still hopeful that she would adjust soon.

Bora had not noticed anyone else in the room when she came in. But the minute she looked around and spotted Hobi, her eyes lit up. That smile was worth the trick he played.
"Hobi!" Bora screamed as she wiggled, signaling her father to put her down. It seems Hobi had been waiting for her attention because he crouched down and opened his arms for Bora to run into.

"Hi Cutie, I missed you." Hobi said lifting her into his hold. "I missed you too Hobi, but appa wouldn't let me see you." Bora explained making sure to report Tae. "Honey, your appa has been so busy, that's why. Besides, we got to meet today."

The two chatted away with Hobi trying to convince Bora that school can be fun. His boyfriends and ex were all staring at them and smiling. Hobi would be a great dad someday.

"Bora, come on. You need to go with Mira to get your snack." Tae called out. "Can Hobi come with me?" Bora asked with hopeful eyes. Tae knew this wasn't going to be easy, but he knew exactly how to convince her. "No, he can't. Besides, after you finish your snack, we need to go get more barbies, right?" His princess kissed Hobi on the cheek obediently and said goodbye to Joon and Jimin before rushing to Mira.

"Well, if there is nothing else, please excuse me?" Tae requested. Ready to leave and not see them again. He needed to forget about them for his own sanity.

"Bear..." Fuck! Namjoon was really on a mission today. He decided not to answer to that and act like he doesn't remember the nickname. He walked towards the door. Before he could open it however, someone unexpected stormed in.

"How dare you Tae!"

Jungkook couldn't hold his excitement any longer and opened the envelope. They were papers. Divorce papers to be specific. What the hell? They were doing just fine, why did Tae start this up again? They met again, weren't they going to work on their relationship?

"Mr. Jeon, Mr. Park has arrived and is waiting in the boardroom." His secretary informed him. All Kook could do was look at her. How the fuck was he supposed to concentrate on this meeting? He decided to make a call. "Hello, Yoonie.....I'm sorry I can't attend the meeting with Mr. Park. I...I know you set it up for me but...."

"Kook, I can tell something is wrong. Go deal with it, tell me all about it later sweetheart. I'll call Bogum and make up something." Yoongi responded before hanging up.

On such days, Jungkook reminded himself that being with them was his biggest strength. He picked up his essentials and rushed to his private elevator. He had somewhere to be.

"How dare you send me divorce papers Kim Taehyung?!" Jungkook repeated when his first statement went unanswered.

"How dare you barge into my office and make demands, Mr. Jeon? Wasn't this what you wanted three years ago? I'm giving it to you, aren't I? Besides, I need my freedom to be able to remarry." Tae stated. He was bluffing. He was a hundred percent sure that even the walls knew he was bluffing. There was just never replacing Jeon Jungkook. But he wasn't going to tell him that.

"You want to remarry Tae? Well then, mark my words. I will make your future spouse's life a living hell, Kim. Because you belong to me, only me!" A hot-headed Jungkook replied. He just couldn't believe the papers he received today. Didn't Tae understand that he already made up all these scenarios in his head of how they will get back together and raise Bora together?!

"Don't be a brat, Jeon. I am not your freaking belonging. Now, all of you, Pack your things and leave my office. And for avoidance of doubt, I don't want to do any kind of business with you. So do me a favour and stay away from me. Goodbye." Tae stormed out as soon as he was done.

"How dare he call me his alone when he wanted to share me with five other men? Fucking selfish brat?!" Tae spoke out loud.

So, I know I owe you guys a big apology for just going silent. I had my reasons, and it was necessary for my sanity. However, I should have checked in.

All in all, I am sorry for just ghosting you, and to make it up to you, I plan on wrapping up this story by mid June.

See you💜

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