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Bucky: Ok, i'm sure she'll be happy about your visit. See you later. 

I wake up to James' voice and just see him hang up and put my phone aside.

Victoria: Who was that on the phone?

Bucky: That was Aria. She's on her way here.

Victoria: Oh........

Oh crap! Aria knows I'm dating someone named James. However, she doesn't know that this James is none other than James Buchanan Barnes, part of the Avengers. I wanted to tell her, but somehow the opportunity never arose. I guess today the cat will finally be let out of the bag. 

Bucky: That doesn't sound too happy. I thought she was your best friend?

Victoria: She is. I love Aria. It's just...... she doesn't know that the James i'm dating is an Avenger. She will completely freak out. 

Bucky: I'm sure it won't be that bad. And if i'm honest, i'm looking forward to getting to know her. After all, she's the one friend of yours that i haven't met yet. 

Victoria: Wait until you meet her, she can be very annoying when she's all out of it. 

And as expected, Aria gets all jittery as soon as she sees James. After pulling me into a painful hug as a greeting, she turns to him and you can really see the realization of who is standing in front of her hitting her. While I'm used to her bubbly nature, it quickly becomes too much for James. Which I can understand only too well.

Bucky: I'll go see where Peter is. 

He places a gentle kiss on my lips.

Bucky: See you later, Doll.

Victoria: See you later Baby. 

He waves goodbye to Aria and seconds later is out of the room.

Aria: You could have told me you were dating the Winter Soldier.

Aria says as she sits down in the chair that James used to sit in just a moment ago.

Victoria: He's no longer the Winter Soldier. He is James Buchanan Barnes - my James Buchanan Barnes.

Aria: Still, he's an Avenger and you didn't tell me anything. Now this whole argument about the newspaper article really makes sense.

Victoria: Yes... I couldn't tell you then, I'm sorry.

Aria: It's okay. He doesn't happen to have a brother who's just as hot as him?

Victoria: No, he doesn't. But...... there are some Avengers that are still single.

Aria: Then it's time for you to introduce me to them.

I have no idea why, but somehow I immediately think of Thor. I think that Thor and Aria, with their bubbly and outgoing personalities, would fit together very well. Now that the cat is out of the bag and she knows about the Avengers and me, I can introduce her to the others. And who knows, maybe something can be arranged between her and Thor. The next time flies by while Aria distracts me from what happened and my pain with her simple and carefree attitude. I'm really glad she's here with me.

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