7: Searching

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After the C.D.C was literally a bust the group decided it would be best to try Fort Benning. I had voiced my opinion about the matter, and how there will probably be nothing there. Chances are that Fort Benning fell before the C.D.C. However nobody wanted to listen to my logic. They said we needed to at least try, and I guess they're right about that.

We started driving in less vehicles to save on gas. Which meant that my Dad had to leave his pickup truck behind. I know he wasn't happy about leaving it, that thing used to be his pride and joy. It was a beat up truck, but he loved it.

Now he's driving my Uncle Merle's motorcycle. I was close to hopping on the back of it before Dad told me he wants me to ride in the RV from now on because it will be safer for me. I agreed but mostly because Glenn rides in the R.V, and I love spending time with him.

We still haven't talked about the kiss he planted on the top of my head, and while I must admit that I thought it was weird, I'm probably reading too much into it. There's no way that someone like Glenn would like me like that. He's sweet, sensitive, funny, but isn't afraid to be mean if he has to be. He's got the world's most infections smile, and sometimes when he looks at me I feel like I'm melting.

But it doesn't matter how I feel, because there's no way he could ever like someone like me. I'm smart but thats all I have going for me. And in the end it didn't really matter how smart I was anyways because the C.D.C still blew up. My past and what was supposed to be my future blowing up with it.

Dale had announced the Glenn is his co-captain in the RV for this journey. So I'm stuck sitting next to Oliver on the couch of the RV while watching Shane take apart and clean his gun. Oliver would have rode in the same vehicle as his family but that car was already full enough.

"Looks complicated." I heard Andrea comment while she also watched Shane take his gun apart.

"It is your first time." I told her. "But it ain't that difficult."

Andrea scoffed at me. "Is that another thing they taught you at the C.D.C?"

"No." I replied while glaring at her. "In case you forgot, I'm a Dixon. It didn't matter if I was a girl or smarter than the average person. I still had to learn how to hunt, which meant knowin' how to use a gun."

Andrea rolled her eyes at me before Shane finally answered her original statement. "The trick is getting all these pieces back together the same way. I could clean yours, show you how." He offered. She smiled and nodded before he grabbed her gun out of the bag and started complimenting it.

I tried to tune out their conversation by grabbing a book I stole from the C.D.C before it blew up. but the second I opened the book, I heard Dale groan. "Oh jeez." We had approached a huge traffic jam. It was more than a jam even, it was a cluster-fuck. There was a semi turned onto its side, and several cars that were flipped over. Dad drove up to the Window of the RV and Dale asked him, "You see a way through."

Dad nodded and started leading us through the traffic jam while Glenn looked at the map. "Maybe we should just go back." Glenn suggested. "There's an interstate bypass-"

"We can't spare the fuel." Dale cut him off while continuing to follow my father. But a few minutes later the RV started smoking. All of us stood up and walked out of the motorhome while Dale said. "I said it. Didn't I say it? A thousand times. Dead in the water."

"Problem Dale?" Rick asked.

"No, no problem at all." Oliver groaned. "We just thought we'd stop for a minute to stretch our legs."

"Dude." Glenn commented while shaking his head at Oliver.

"Yeah, what crawled up your ass and died?" I asked Oliver. "You wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"

I'll Find You (TWD Glenn Rhee)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora