22: Alarming Situations

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I was watching Glenn wind up the silver watch that he inherited from Dale. That old man used to wind it up every single day at a specific time, and Glenn has apparently taken on that responsibility.

We were waiting for any news about Hershel, any news at all, good or bad. But we won't know until Hershel wakes up as alive as he was before or if his body wakes up and we have to kill the walker he turns into.  I'm hoping for the first possibility. We all are.

We heard the back door to our cell block creek open and closed which made Glenn and I look in the direction of the door. Carl was strolling into the area while wearing a huge smile and carrying a duffel bag.

"I thought you were organizing the food?" Glenn asked the boy who was much too happy. 

"Even better." Is all Carl replied with before walking into Hershel's cell, dropping his duffel bag on the ground and zipping it open. 

Several of us gasped when we saw what exactly this child had carried here. A bunch of medical supplies. 

"Where did you get this?" Carol questioned the boy.

"From the infirmary." Carl shrugged. "Wasn't much left, but I cleared it out."

"Did you go alone?" I asked him as Lori started walking towards us. 


"You shouldn't have gone alone." Oliver said in a calm voice. "But thank you. We needed all of this."

"Are you crazy?" Lori asked her son in a rough tone. 

"No big deal." Carl stated while letting his smile fade. "I killed two walkers."

Lori stared at Hershel's unconscious form before asking her son, "Do you see this? This was with the whole group." Her tone with him was honestly rough, but I get it. Hershel almost died today, he could still die today. Carl sneaking off could have gotten him killed. But also Lori should be watching her kid to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid like this.

"We needed the supplies, so I got them." Carl was now officially angry as he raised his voice to his mother.

Lori matched her son's tone. "I appreciate that-"

"Then get off my back!" 

"Oh hell no! Carl!" I finally yelled before grabbing Carl's arm and making him look at me. I'm angry. Both him and Lori were out of line. She shouldn't have been screaming at him, but he shouldn't have been yelling at her either. "You do not talk to your mother like that! You are a lucky little brat, you know that? You still have a mother. Most of us don't anymore. You should be happy that you have her while she's here. Stop treatin' her like shit."

Carl gasped as I let go of his arm. He looked around the room and noticed everyone was staring at him. He froze which led to Lori speaking to him. "Look I know you wanna help-" Her words were cut off by Carl running out of the room. She then turned to me and sighed. "Thank you for that."

"Don't thank me." I groaned. "You were both in the wrong. I get that you're worried about him, and he should not have went alone. But you yelled at him too. He just wants to help, Lori."

"You're right." She looked down embarrassed. "I should have been calmer."

"Good." I nodded. "Now that I am done playin' 'Dr. Phil'... Ollie," I turned towards my best friend. "If you need me, I'll be outside in our courtyard, okay?"

"Yeah. Go ahead." Oliver told me. "I've got this covered."

I went outside like I said I was going to and sat down on top of one of the metal picnic tables. I'm just over dealing with all of the Grimes family drama. I have my own family drama to worry about. 

I'll Find You (TWD Glenn Rhee)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang