36. broken mirror

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"Is it true that you took a bullet for me?"

He looked over to you and your eyes met, he had a troubledsome look on his face. "Kind of. It doesn't make any sense to hide these things from you anymore, so I will speak freely. It was the day Togatas men chased you through the streets. Mochi and I were there, but we couldn't stop him, there were too many of them and I got shot. As the others arrived you were already gone."

"Is that why you lack mobility in your arm?" "Yes. I couldn't tell you about it the night we spent on the roof. I hope you can forgive me for that." "No, I can't forgive you," You looked to the ground and added with a barely audible whisper "but I am very sorry that happened to you because of me." 

He just nodded and looked back to the tv, as you did the same. "You look really pretty tonight, the new hairstyle suits you." Neither of you turned your head to each other, while still watching tv you just smiled at his comment.

The hours passed by and you got sleepy. You couldn't do much to entertain yourself, so you gave in and relaxed your eyes for a moment.


Slowly opening your eyes, you found yourself in Kokos arms. He was carrying you to the bedroom. "Well hello sleeping beauty, I'm just bringing you to the bed." "No, I'm okay, please let me down, I can walk." He just scoffed and put you down.

"What time is it? What day even is it?" You walked back into the living room, annoyed by the lack of information you had in your Prison. "Don't worry about that. It's 9 in the morning, would you like to eat breakfast? I can give you anything you like." He smiled at you with the biggest smile you can imagine, trying to calm you down and light up your mood. "How about... my freedom?"

The smile vanished and was replaced by a sad expression. He moved closer to you and wanted to grab your hand, but you stepped backwards. "(Y/n), you got the wrong impression of us. It wasn't supposed to come out like that, we wanted to tell you but it was difficult, you understand? We didn't wanted to scare you."

"Scare me?? That's a fucking understatement! Koko, you wasn't there! But even if you were, you had done the same. I was chased through the woods in the middle of the fucking night!" Mid conversation your tears started to fall and you couldn't control your anger any longer.

"They just wanted you to be safe from him. We got the information just minutes earlier, that he had found your location." "I don't believe you!" You broke down to your knees and he quickly wrapped his arms around you, embracing you in a hug. You stayed like that for several minutes, his dress shirt was drenched in your tears. "Koko, why do you have to do this? Let me go and I won't tell anyone."  your eyes were red and swollen, the makeup was smudged.

While putting some lose strands behind your ear, he looked you deep in the eyes. "I can't do that my love, I'm sorry. You need to calm down first and hear us out, hear me out. Remember the good times, like how we met and the dates we spent together.

You got to know us, the real persons behind the facade of the job we are doing. Nobody can make Rindou smile like you, Sanzu quit his drug addiction for you, Ran didn't talked about any other women since he met you and Mikey looks way healthier, I think he gained a few pounds and actually sleeps a few hours per night.

Think back to the gaming night, how much fun we had, the dinners with everyone and the times you spent alone with each of us. You can't tell me you didn't enjoyed your stay with us, when you weren't aware of our jobs."

You thought about it for a moment. "Yes, it was nice, but .. but it's wrong." "No, darling, it's alright. Nothing has changed for us and it doesn't need to change for you either." He smiled at you and you smiled back.

Why am I smiling. He is manipulating me and I know it, but I can't demand that I did in fact enjoyed my time here. My heart is broken into a million pieces, why do they have to be in a mafia? Why can't they just be normal guys.. I already fell for them, I even told Yui... Yui!!! She must be worried sick about me. I can't ask for a phone, he won't give it to me. Maybe when I gain their trust back.

"I'm exhausted, can we watch some anime and eat breakfast?" "Of course, I'll order something." You walked to the bathroom to freshen up. The reflection brought you back to earth, there were still so many bruises on your arms and legs. Your brain and your heart were fighting with each other.

The only reasonable decision would be to flee, find a way to escape and never look back. But your heart wanted to stay, to close the eyes and just ignore their daily business. Those are bad people, they kill, sell drugs, gambling, prostitution and hell what else... No they aren't that bad, someone like Kakucho can't be a bad person, Koko can't be evil, I can't believe this... Ahhhhgg!

With a punch you destroyed the gigantic bathroom mirror. The sound of the mirror shattering was deafeningly loud. Your hand immediately started to bleed, some of the shards pierced through your skin. Koko came running to the bathroom and kicked the locked door open. He saw you standing in front of the mess with your bleeding Hand, all color drained from your face.

"What happened? Let me help you." He guided you to the kitchen and poured some water over the cuts. It was nasty and the pain was immense. "Darling, I have some bad news for you, this will need some stitches." 

The friendly doctor arrived within only a few minutes. "You can leave us alone Mr Kokonoi. I will call you when I'm finished." He hesitated a few seconds before he left the room. "Miss (l/n), what happened?" "Nothing, I don't want to talk about it. It was an accident." The lady doctor only nodded and began to disinfect the wounds. The stitching hurted as hell.

As she was done with her work she started to pack her things. This was a chance, your only contact to the outside world at the moment. You gathered all your courage and whispered, so that no one outside the room could hear you.


"Can you help me escape?"



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