38. negotiation

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Mikey arrived almost immediately after Kakucho called him. "You wanted to see me?" "Yes, I'm ready to talk." Mikey and Kakucho looked at each other. Kaku got the hint and left the apartment.

"Can we sit down? I have some questions." You both walked over to the big dining table and sat down. The atmosphere was tense and you didn't know where to start. He saw your struggle and started the conversation himself. "What do you wanna know, baby?"  "I'm still a bit shaken up and confused about how things turned out. To make my decision to stay willingly, you have to be honest with me. From now on no more lies, can you promise me that?" "No more lies, I promise."

"How exactly do you make your money?" "As I told you, we combine many businesses such as hotels, casinos and clubs, as well as security service and buying and selling goods." "What goods?"

He thought about it for a hot minute, but remembered he promised you to be honest. "Drugs, weapons, illegal goods in general." His head hung low, he was facing the table. "Do you sell women?" His head jolted up and he looked you directly in the eyes. "No, we don't." "That's one good thing to hear. Are the other businesses strictly legal?" "No, the casinos and clubs are used for money laundering."

"Any other major secrets you better tell me now, before I find out in some weeks?" "No, I swear."
"I hope so. Explain to me everyones job from who I'm involved with. I want to know what they are doing."  He explained to you the function and position of every executive.

"Thank you for your honesty Manjiro. I consider staying under some conditions." "Tell me, I will see what I can do for you, Baby." "I need to call my friend Yui, she must be worried sick." "We can give you your phone back. You understand that we still have to monitor it. But you can call your friend Yui and tell her that you aren't in danger anymore, that we saved you from being kidnapped by him." You knew that he would say something like that. "Well... but that's ok for now, but we have to come back to this issue in the future. We have to discuss and set some boundaries here."

He only nodded but wasn't font of your idea. "Secondly, I want to go outside again." "No."
This negotiation wasn't going as you planned it to be, he was way too stubborn."You can't keep me in here forever, I need fresh air and see something else as this apartment." He stared holes in the ceiling before coming up with a compromise. "You can leave the building, but at least one of us has to stay by your side at any time, plus security guards. Therefore, if you want to go shopping or eat at a restaurant, you have to ask someone beforehand to accompany you.

This isn't to keep you a hostage as you would assume, you weren't kidnapped in the first place. We only want to guarantee your safety. Togata is no threat anymore, but his Organization knows your face and I bet many others too by now. Being involved with Bonten is dangerous in itself, it makes you a target to make demands under threat against us. They will kidnap you and blackmail us. You can't just step outside and walk around the neighborhood anymore like you used to."

"I can understand where you are coming from and im okay with having company while being outside. But my next and last demand would be to work again. The last few days were boring as hell.. I never slept so much in my life." "No." .... "You can't just say "No" anytime I ask for something. This is ridiculous, what time is it? The eighteen hundreds?" "Maybe." You stood up and walked around the table, it was like talking to a wall.

"Mikey, I'm afraid you need to take me seriously if you want this to work out. I need a purpose to get out of bed in the morning, I can't just sit here and watch tv for the rest of my life." "Well, I'm sure we can find something for you in the office." "I don't want to work for you."

He also stood up and walked over to you. "Why not, baby? You could be my hot secretary, but in reality you don't have to work at all. I got enough money to give you anything you want, just tell me what you desire." "That's not what I meant." This was frustrating, clearly you didn't got the results you wanted out of this conversation, but getting your phone back and being able to leave the building was a start.

"Do you want to eat dinner with the others tonight? I'm sure they are excited to hear that you are staying." "I didn't said that I.." he took one of your hands and started waking. "Come on, we need to get ready. While you were on vacation I brought some dresses for you. Tonight we are going to celebrate."


The dark red velvet dress hugged your curves just right. It was beautiful and fitted perfectly. After doing your hair and makeup, you checked your outfit in the mirror once again before stepping into the living room. Manjiro was waiting for you and his eyes started to shine as he saw you walking in. "I don't have words to describe how beautifully you look right now."

He offered his arm and you put your hand around it. Together you stepped into the elevator. Your heart started racing, you didn't thought about his moment before. They all will be there, every single one of them... eight pairs of eyes will scan your figure and analyze your reaction and behavior.

Everyone will think about my decision to stay, will they laugh at me? Did I now fully got sucked into their trap? What if they don't really like me and this was all a game that I will lose the moment the elevator arrives? Mikey pressed the stop button. The lights in the little room turned red and the doors stayed closed, you were somewhere in between the different floors.

"Baby, look at me. Everything is going to be fine, you don't have to be scared." You tried so hard not to cry and destroy your make up. "They are all exited to see you, I can assure you that no one will be bothering you, or I will take care of them. We only want to eat dinner together with a glass of wine. We can leave whenever you want to."

His words calmed you down. Why am I more stressed out about the possibility that they don't like me over the fact that they are literal murderers. I've clearly lost my sanity, but there is no going back now. I can try and escape when I'm outside with one of them, maybe sneak away while they are distracted. But do I even want to do that anymore? What am I even doing?

"Are you ready?"
He pushed the button and the elevator started moving again.



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