37. stay or escape?

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"Can you help me escape?"

She looked at you for a moment before she started speaking. "I didn't know you were held hostage in the first place. Haven't you like living with them for the past few weeks? I was there the day you arrived, you attract accidents as it seems."

"No, yes, at first it was by my own choice, I guess. But now they won't let me go. I got behind their secret, I'm sure you know what I mean?" "Ah yes, I've been working for them for a few years now. I bet you must be scared now, but I can assure you that they mean no harm to you.

They don't do prostitution or trafficking, you don't have to fear being sold. In fact they never lived with women, or a single one as you now. This is new, I think they really took a liking to you, as worried as they were for your well being. Besides their shady businesses they are nice guys. I patched them together several times. I think they only want you to get to know them before you run away.

I don't say that it is good what they do or that they are innocent, but they have good hearts, even the grumpier ones. Ahh.. I'm talking too much, please excuse me." "No, no it's ok. Thank you for sharing your opinion with me. I will think about that. Please don't tell them what I asked you." "I won't, I promise." She smiled at you and you got motherly vibes from her. She seemed honest about her opinion of them.

The doctor left and Mikey stepped into the apartment. "Hey Mikey." "I told you to call.. nevermind. How come you are in such a good mood today?" "I don't know, the painkillers the doctor gave me are really strong I guess." you giggled. "I heard you skipped breakfast today, so I brought lunch." He placed two bags of takeout on the counter.

Just in time as your stomach started to growl. "Thank you for the food." you didn't realized how hungry you were until you smelled the delicious meals. "Did you had a good day so far? Except for the accident of course. Were the other nice to you or do I have to scold one of them?" he seemed a little bit nervous, something you had never seen on him before. "It was okay, our conversations had their ups and downs."

He didn't know what to say to that and stayed quiet. I bet they already told him everything that happened anyways. Why am I even talking to him, I should be more angry and ignore him. Just stand up and walk away.. now.. okay now! Why can't I just do it?!

"Is everything okay? Are you in pain dear?" he worriedly asked. Your inner struggle must have been reflected in your facial expression. "I'm fine. I just need some rest."

He walked you over to the bedroom and shut down the electric curtains with a remote. After you laid down under the silky material he as well slipped under the blanket. "What are you doing?" you were a little shocked by his action. "This is my bed too baby. Don't you remember? We will take a little nap together now."

"Fine, but don't touch me. I'm still mad." "As you wish princess." He held his hands in a defensive manner. You turned your body away from him and faced the other direction. Your mind was still wandering about what the doctor told you, your own memories of them, the good ones as well as the bad ones.

You couldn't fall asleep, the flashbacks of your dead ex boyfriend came back to your mind. You started to shiver, this whole situation was too much. Mikey noticed your discomfort and moved closer to you. He put his arm around your torso and just held you for several minutes until you calmed down.

How can he be the cause and the solution for your problem? You turned around and snuggled deeper onto his chest. His heartbeat gave you comfort and his warmth felt so good. You managed to fall asleep and for the first time since the incident it was a relaxed slumber without nightmares.


You woke up alone and you were kind of sad but also happy that no one was bothering you right now. You knew that someone has to be in the living room, they always monitor your every move.

To spend some more alone time you decide to take a bath and face your problems later. The bruises on your body already start to change color and slowly fade away, only your hand will take some more time to heal.

All freshed up you walked into the living room, a bit curious of who you would find there. It was Kakucho, he was laying on the couch reading a book.

He was one of your pursuers in the forest and your stomach turned. You couldn't say a word but he noticed your presence and your gazes met. Silence. No one of the both of you knew what to say, so you just walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.

"You can watch tv if you want, I can sit elsewhere." "No it's okay, the couch is big enough." You walked over to him and sat down with some space between you two.

After, what felt like hours have passed, you decided to ask him some questions. You still weren't sure about your decision, if you should stay or escape. "Why are you in a mafia Kakucho?" you didn't had the courage to look at him. "That's just how it turned out, and now we are living this life. It's a long story." "and I'm going nowhere, tell me."

"We were just teenagers when we met each other. I was part of the rivaling gang of Mikeys. Izana, my best friend since Childhood was the Leader. He was also Mikey's brother and after Izana died.." he didn't spoke any further, you noticed that this was a sensitive topic for him. "It's okay Kaku, you don't have to tell me more. I'm sorry for your loss."

He just nodded. "How come you were in a mafia yourself?" "I was young and naive, he was charming and I fell for that. I wasn't particularly part of his mafia, just his little wifey, that he treated like shit. I lived in hell for over a year until I managed to escape. How can you assure me that y'all are any different, Kaku? I'm scared."

"I promise to protect you, now and forever. If anyone is treating you poorly, from outside or within this organization, just tell me and I will take care of them. You know me quite some time now, I would never harm you, Angel." You moved closer and hugged him. "I believe you. I have only one question, and please be honest. Did you chase me through the woods because I found out or did you knew that he was out there?"

"He was out there, Takeomi called us. It was a coincidence and bad timing that you called Yui the same Moment. We wanted to tell you who we are after we got rid of the problem, but the situation turned out as worse as it possibly could have. I'm sorry that you were scared of us that night, I was so scared that he would take you away from us." "I understand. I have to think about that."


"Can you call Mikey? I want to talk to him."



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