40. Breakfast

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The Outside! I don't know how many days, no weeks have passed since I was outside, except for that "vacation" thing that I don't count. This is really going to happen, Mikey didn't lie!

You were excited and it showed. Jumping at Rindou you embraced him in a hug. "Thank you!" He caught you and laughed. "My pleasure." After you were back with your feet on the ground he took your hand and led you to the elevator. "For your own safety, we positioned some man at every entrance in the building. If you want to leave just ask one of us and we accompany you, they won't let you walk through alone."

"Oh okay, I guess we have to gain back our trust on both sides." "It's just for now, we don't want you to accidentally run into trouble again, darling." As you stepped outside a car was already waiting for you in front. The streets were full of people and it was loud, but you enjoyed the impression. It  has been too quiet for a long time, you felt like you lived in another small universe and not in the middle of Tokyo.

"(Y/n), are you coming or just standing there?" Rindou was holding the car door open for you. With a fast step you walked towards him and sat down in the car. "Where are we going to eat?" You asked and he positioned himself next to you and the driver started the car. "To one of our hotels, it has an excellent Restaurant on the top floor, the view is amazing and the food is delicious." Of course it is one of his own establishments, he can keep the situation better under control there I guess.

The car stopped in front of a luxurious Hotel. "This is yours?"  With your mouth agape you were shocked, you knew they were rich, but this was bigger than what you expected. "Yes, it's owend by my brother and myself. Mikey and the Organization gets it's fair share of the profit of course." You walked into the building by his side, your arms intervened with each other.

Stepping into the lobby he was greeted by the receptionist. "Mr. Haitani, we didn't knew you would honor us with your visit today." "Don't stress, we just want to eat breakfast." He walked past them and you only nodded with a smile at the receptionist, before following him. Rindou was strict and cold towards the other people, he was the boss here and radiated authority.

Arriving at the restaurant the same thing happened again. The staff members recognized him and sprinted in your direction. "Good Morning Mr. Haitani, Ms.?" "That's none of your business, lead us to an empty table near the windows, we want to enjoy the view." "Of course Mr.Haitani, follow me."

The view really was something. It was different from where you live with Mikey. "The view is very nice Rindou." "Yes it is, my brother and I grew up in Roppongi, therefore it will always feel like coming home when I'm here." The waiter arrived and Rindou ordered a little bit of everything.

While you both were eating nobody knew what to say. You always had the best and deepest conversations before it all happened, but now there was only silence left. You could tell that Rindou grew more nervous as the time went by, such as yourself. Then he finally spoke up and broke the tension between you two. "I'm glad you stayed. It broke my heart, you know, how shit went down. I hope you are not scared of me now."

You struggled for some seconds before you answered his question honestly. "I have to admit that I was scared and I'm not sure if I have completely overcome that feeling by now. But I'm willing to give y'all the chance to prove yourselves. Before that night you were nothing but sweet and loving to me, and I hope we can return to that." "I will do everything I can to make sure of that."

He took your hands in his and you felt strangely secure. Your brain and your heart were still fighting inside of you, but the latter was gaining the upper hand. "Can we go for a walk after we finished breakfast?" "That's a great idea, I can show you around."

After eating up he stood up and took your hand again. You intervened your fingers with his and walked out of the restaurant. It was strange not to pay for anything, but since he was the owner it seemed normal at the same time.

The streets were lively but not too crowded at this time of the day. This was more of a late night district with all the hotels and clubs at every corner. He pointed to the ones he and Ran ownes. It was more than a hand full and you were impressed. He was so enthusiastic about this, not to show off in front of you, but he was really loving the nightlife with all it's aspects. "We have to go clubbing one day. I want to dance with you my love." You just nodded and giggled at his invitation.

You came to a halt in front of a cute little café. "Let's drink a matcha before we have to head back to the office." You sat down next to him instead of frontal. Sitting next to each other you could watch the people walk by and give them creative background stories and voiceovers, while drinking your hot beverages.

An old bearded man walked by "I'm the Sensei who knows all, you have to follow my rules!" you tried speaking with a manly deep voice but failed and bursted out laughing. A young woman with a crying child walked by and Rindou made up a story with a high feminine voice, or he at least tried to. "No Thomas, you can't have the twenty fourth lollipop for today, enough is enouhaha ha"

This went on for about half an hour, it was silly and childish, but it made you feel good and you were bonding again. You laughed with Rindou until your stomach hurt. "This was awesome, but we have to head back now. I have a meeting to attend to at noon." "Yes it was nice, we defiantly have to do that again." You wiped away a tear from laughing so much.

He called the driver and he arrived after just seconds, he must have waited behind the next corner. Rindou again took your hand before standing up and walking to the car. The car had tinted windows and gave you privacy. He was being a gentleman the whole morning and didn't forced you to do anything physical, so you decided to take the first step and kiss him.

He was perplexed at first but then leaned into it. He was being gentle while you could still feel his hunger in the kiss.



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