39. Monopoly

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The elevator doors opened and they were all waiting for you. You were intimidated by their presence. Nobody moved and you didn't know what to do, until Mikey stepped forward and ordered everyone to take a seat.

You sat down between Koko and Kakucho. They were the ones who you felt the most comfortable with at the moment. Especially Ran, Rindou and Sanzu still creeped you out a bit, you last saw them when they chased you through the forest that night. You haven't spoken to them since and you got the feeling that they too had trouble looking at you or saying something. It was weird, they looked like they felt.. guilt? remorse?

The food and drinks arrived, after the waiters left Mikey stood up with a drink in his hand. "Good evening to everyone. I'm glad that we all gathered around the table in this constellation once again. The past days were a bit troublesome, I'm not gonna lie. After getting some minor misunderstandings out of the way, our lovely (y/n) decided to stay. Tonight we will celebrate her decision and our luck to have such a wonderful Lady by our Sides. Cheers!" "Cheers!"

Minor Misunderstandings, huh? Well.. You didn't wanted to cause a scene so you just rolled with it, for the moment at least. The food was delicious as always and you drank a little too much wine to get rid of the tension. You chatted with Koko about your new Hairstyle before someone talked to you from the other side of the table.

"(Y/n), do you want to stay with us after dinner? We could do another gaming night?" Sanzu looked at you with puppy eyes. The table went quiet and everyone waited for your answer. You could see that Rindou was nervously picking with his fork in his food, Ran was swirling his drink and Takeomi just stared out of the window.

"I guess we can do that." you smiled at Sanzu. "Yes!!" He was visibly exided and happy to hear these words coming out of your mouth. As well as Ran and Rindou who smiled in your direction. "I ordered some new games last week, we can play monopoly, if you want?" "That sounds great, but can we use the paper money that comes with it?" "Where is the fun in.. ahhh!" Ran kicked him under the table. "We can do that, darling." Ran smoothly assured you with a wink.

After y'all finished dinner the waiters cleaned up the table and Sanzu set the game up. "There can only be 6 players." You noticed. "That's ok, Mochi and I will go smoking on the roof, we're skipping this round." Takeomi explained. "I will manage the Bank and be gamemaster, give me the money." Koko stated with glistering eyes.

The game started smoothly but escalated quickly. Mikey got a full street early in the game what made the others furious and Kakucho was rotting in jail. The Haitanis were trying to steal money from each other and Sanzu was hitting the extra tax field every damn round. It was hilarious and you couldn't stop laughing the whole game.

How much you missed them, moments like this were what let you fall in love with them in the first place. Wait, love? "(Y/n)! It's your turn!" Koko was addressing you and bringing you back to reality from your thoughts. Sadly you were unlucky and landed on Mikeys street with a Hotel built on it.

"Fuck! How much do I owe you?" "Nothing, baby." He smiled at you and Rindou got angry "I paid half my money when I stepped on that ugly street before. Koko, you have to say something!" "I wouldn't let her pay for anything either." Koko just laughed at Rindous tantrum.

The evening was passing by so fast and you didn't had that much fun in days, finally you were back on good terms with everyone and the tension was gone. The drinks surely helped a lot, but your brain was also very good at blending out all of the unpleasant aspects.

After you won the match, because nobody allowed you to pay when you stepped on their streets, you were tired from all the laughter and a bit drunk. "Come on, let's go to bed." Mikey helped you up from your seat. "See you tomorrow guys, good night!"

He helped you get changed and you fall asleep in an instant.


This was the first night you didn't had any nightmares and you woke up well rested, luckily without a headache from all the alcohol you consumed. Guilt slowly crept into your mind. I'm not supposed to have so much fun with members of the mafia, they are the bad guys. Or are they? My moral compass is broken, how can I even explain the situation to Yui? I have to figure that out first before I call her... and I need my phone back.

After a shower you got dressed and walked to the elevator. You noticed that the apartment was empty, except for two Security guards on each side of the elevator door. They didn't greeted you or even dared to look in your direction, so you just gave it a try. "I want to go downstairs." your sounded a little bit nervous, cause you didn't know what their presence meant. They didn't locked me in here again didn't they?

One of the Gorilla-built guys pressed the call button and the door opened. He didn't said a word and you just quickly stepped in. As you moved downwards to the office floor you thought about asking Mikey what all of this was about. On your way to his office you met Rindou in the hallway.

"Good morning sweetie." "Good morning Rindou. Do you know if Koko is free right now?" "You're breaking my heart, I thought you wanted to see me." "I ehm.. sorry I.." "It was a joke, relax. Come here, I'll walk you to his office." You were still nervous around them. He took your hand and you forced a smile.

Koko was sitting behind his desk, he was drowning in paperwork. "Hey Koko." "Good morning, Darling." He stood up and walked around the table. "What brings you two here?" "I don't know." Rindou replied while looking at you. "Mikey told me I could have my phone back." "Did he?" They looked at each other. "I hope you don't mind that I quickly have to confirm that. Give me some minutes."  Koko walked out of the room. You weren't mad at him personally, you knew he had to double check before giving you something to contact the outside world.

"Should we eat breakfast in the meantime?" Rindou asked you while still holding your hand, what you didn't noticed until now.
"Outside?" "Of course, if you want to."



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