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AN: Hi guys! Sorry about that cliffhanger... not. No offense, but I know by experience that authors love a good cliffhanger (including me). But, as a reader, I hate cliffhangers. I'm still debating if Rick Riordan or Alan Gratz should be king of cliffhangers. Anyways, I'm just rambling on and on over here, so don't mind me and here is the story down below.

- LinhIsDaBest

Oh, for the sake of Calla's tree, nooooooo. Did Marella have to pick me? Everyone knows that she gives out the worst dares and even more embarrassing truths. I debated on my head and started to say, "I choose..." when someone squealed. Thank the Black Swan! I turned my head to see Linh squealing over a... murcat? How did that get here? "Princess Purryfins!" She squealed. Tam slapped his face. Fitz beat me to the question. "How is she here?" "I mayyyyyy or may not have hid her in Tam's ginormous bag of hair products and what not." Linh said. Tam turned beet red. Keefe looked he wanted to tease him but Marella said, "We should continue our game" before Keefe could say a word. Oh darn. "Ipickdare." I quickly mumbled, hoping no one heard that. "Dare it is!" I cursed silently in my mind. "I dare you to do an impression of your best friend" She smirked. I got up and started (very badly) acting like Sophie. "Hi, I'm Sophie, and I almost die a LOT. Like a LOT LOT LOT. Ooh, is that mallowmelt? GIMME! Nuh-uh, Keefe, I currently don't have EL Fudges right now." I said in a very bad imitation of Sophie's voice. Everyone burst out laughing. I sat down, embarrassed. "YOU MAY BE BAD AT ACTING BUT YOU'RE HILARIOUS!" Keefe said, between laughs. Biana was laughing so hard, she was on the floor, rolling and crying from laughing so hard. And... wait. Whaaaaaat. Uhh. Let's just say that the two words "Tam" and "laughter" don't usually go together unless it's mock, sarcastic laughter. For the first time, I saw Tam laugh. Sure, he wasn't laughing as hard as the others, but it was still a laugh. Huh. Maybe I could get a career in the Forbidden Cities as those people who make people laugh a lot, according to Sophie. What were they called again? Comaders? Cemadorions? Oh right, comedians. That's the word! I waited for the laughter to die and then said, "Tam, truth or dare?"

AN: Mwahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahaa! Anyways, it's getting late where I'm living, so good morning/noon/afternoon/night. Bye.

- LinhIsDaBest 

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