Chapter 21

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Leon had been called out to the front gate of Stoneholde, Mu had said that someone had asked for him specifically. He and Mu were traveling to the front gate.

Leon: So, do you know anything about who it is that asked for me?

Mu shook her head.

Mu: No, other than it is a Ratfolk and a Lizardfolk.

Leon's brow furrowed in thought.

Leon: As far as I can remember, I don't know anyone that meets those descriptions.

Just as they arrived at the front gate it opened and he could see the two in question. The large, bulky frame of the seven-foot-tall Lizardfolk was what he saw first. The Lizardfolk's body was covered in chainmail except for plate gauntlets and greaves. With no helmet, it could be seen that the Lizardfolk had purple scales. They also had what appeared to be a two-handed battle ax on their back.

Sitting on the Lizardfolk's shoulders and straddling its neck the aforementioned Ratfolk could be seen, only measuring about four-foot-two with a small, lithe frame. Said Ratfolk was wearing a set of black leather armor that had etchings on it that Leon had never seen before. The Ratfolk's fur was black and they had vibrant, ruby colored eyes. On the Ratfolk's back part of a shield could be seen and when they sat up straighter to get a better look at what was happening it could be seen that on their waist was the hilt of a shortsword. The Ratfolk's form gave away to Leon that they were female. When the Lizardfolk spoke, it was deep yet soft at the same time.

Kizik: So, you must be Leon.

Leon: And if I am?

The Ratfolk perked her ears and spoke up.

Mizzu: An acquaintance of ours had said that you were the one that did guard training for Foxpine and that you might have a possible job for us.

Leon: I used to be, I'm not anymore. As for a job...

Mizzu: If it helps we were working for someone in Ursinepass about a month ago...until circumstances changed.

Kizik: We got chased out.

Leon: Wait, did you say Ursinepass?

Mizzu: Yes, why?

After a few moments of thought, Leon spoke up.

Leon: As a matter of fact, there is something I would like for you to check for me. I won't be able to do more than give some supplies for your troubles unfortunately as Foxpine is in the middle of being rebuilt and everything we have needs to go towards that.

Kizik turned his head so that he could see Mizzu, and after a few seconds of hushed whispers, Kizik nodded.

Mizzu: That will work.


As Elzohka was ordering a group of guards, Valotia was with Rose and the others.

Valotia: I don't know how to thank you, too much longer under Stonefur and Ursinepass may have ended up in a state that would have been impossible to fix. As it stands now, it is fixable, it will just take time.

Tsarasa: Good, I'm just glad we're all in one piece.

Tagashi: It's no surprise that we're fine, considering Stonefur's guards had somehow come to believe that they were superior to everyone else. They ended up with more confidence than brains.

Valotia nodded.

Valotia: Yes, it was why no one but Ursines were being let in, they believed that Ursines were superior to the other races. Our mother didn't agree with that and as I'm sure you can guess is why Stonefur executed her and took over.

Elzohka had made his way over.

Elzohka: The rest of Stonefur's followers are being rounded up as we speak, his influence should hopefully be gone by the day's end.

Just as he said that Kizik and Mizzu had arrived, Mizzu sat on Kizik's shoulders. A look of recognition came across Valotia's face.

Mizzu: Would you look at that! You brothers are okay.

As she said this she looked down at Kizik.

Mizzu: Told you they would be okay.

Kizik: It is good to see you two again.

Mizzu had begun looking around to see what had changed since the last time they were there.

Elzohka: It's good to see you as well.

Just as he said this he gasped and looked at his brother.

Elzohka: Valotia, remember how you said that you wished we could pay Rose and her friends back somehow?

Valotia: Yes, I remember. But we can't since all the funds and resources need to go to fixing what Stonefur did.

Elzohka shook his head.

Elzohka: I already did all the counting, there should be enough left after everything to hire a guard or two.

A look of recognition came to Valotia's face.

Valotia: Oh, then you mean—

Elzohka: Exactly!

Valotia turned to Mizzu and Kizik.

Valotia: How do you two feel about being hired to help Rose and her friends?

Kizik shook his head.

Mizzu: Ursinepass needs everything it can get, we can't accept something like that.

Kizik: Your mother did right by us, so we couldn't willingly take from this town when it needs help so badly.

With that Mizzu turned to look at Rose.

Mizzu: So how about it Rose? Would you be willing to put up with us, free of charge?

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