Chapter 31

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Ezlana: Leiko, how did you and Varna meet?

Leiko looked up from the firepit he was preparing.

Leiko: Oh, that? I mean, I'm sure that Varna wouldn't mind me telling you about it. But do you really want to hear about that? It's not the most interesting thing, honestly.

Ezlana shook her head.

Ezlana: Don't say that. I want to hear about how you two met, I'm sure it's plenty interesting.

Leiko hummed in thought.

Leiko: Where to start...


Forty years ago

Leiko was looking at the map he had set on the table in his inn room.

Leiko: Right so I'm here.

As he said this to himself he circled the town of Mosswick. He then drew a line to the forest labeled Dark Wood.

Leiko: And that is where the supposed Gnoll shaman that is causing trouble is at.

According to the map, it was about a day's travel to get there. He sighed.

Leiko: Why can't any of the jobs I take just be nearby?

He shook his head before removing his chainmail and getting into bed.


As Leiko searched Dark Wood all that could be heard was the clang of his chainmail as he walked. As he looked around he heard a shout, he was sure that it sounded like someone that was in pain. After a moment to figure out that the shout came from the west he sprinted off in that direction. After a few minutes he had come to the edge of a small clearing, and inside said clearing he could see two Gnolls. One had gray fur and was wearing plated mail. They were on the ground on their back glaring at the other Gnoll. The other Gnoll had brown fur and was wearing brown leather, possibly made from deer. While he couldn't guess the height of the Gnoll on the ground, the other one seemed to be around seven feet eight inches tall.


Varna glared at the Gnoll standing over her, she had only managed to injure her because she had let her guard down to try to eat. Varna tried to move her left leg and a burning pain shot up her leg and she had to stop herself from shouting in pain, barely giving a grunt of pain.

Urana: I guess what the matriarch said was true, you are a pathetic weakling.

Varna growled at Urana.

Varna: I'm not weak! The only reason you could even touch me was because you ambushed me!

Urana: As if that matters. Weak is weak and you know it.

Urana's left claw began to glow a faint green color as she began to charge her magic.

Urana: I guess you should know that the matriarch has put a bounty on your head for anyone in Clan Deadfang, whoever can kill you will get the position you should have had.

Varna: What! Why would mother...

As Varna's voice trailed off, Urana raised her left claw as it began to glow brighter. Varna closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable. When it didn't happen she opened her eyes to see a pink Vulpine blocking the stream of magic with a shield, she could see he also had a longsword drawn. When the stream stopped the shield looked like it had been heated up, it was starting to glow an orange-white color.

Urana had a look of bewilderment that quickly turned to annoyance. She released another blast of magic, watching as it made contact with the shield and seemed to evaporate on contact.

Urana: Wha...what?

Leiko: You know, you can do that as many times as you want. Unfortunately for you, it won't do anything different.

Leiko began to slowly circle Urana, who was watching him, and slowly turned herself to keep sight of him. After a moment of this, Urana lunged at Leiko. He dodged to the left to keep himself out of Urana's grasp.

Urana: Sit still you vermin!

Leiko had feigned a look of hurt.

Leiko: Vermin? You wound me...or you would if I hadn't heard worse.

Urana gritted her teeth and growled as she swiped her right claw at his head. In one smooth motion, Leiko ducked while dragging the flat of his longsword from left to right across his shield, when he did this the glow from the shield transferred itself to the blade of his sword. He then thrust forward, stabbing Urana just to the left of the center of her ribs.

Urana: You think this is enough to stop me? You pathetic—

Urana was cut off by a loud boom and a flash, similar to that of a cannon being fired. The glow on the blade of Leiko's longsword had dissipated, and as he removed the blade from Urana's body she crumpled to the ground. When Varna looked at Urana's body her eyes widened considerably, as there was a large crater blown out of Urana's back.

Varna: What? How?

Leiko: Oh, that?

He held up his shield for her to see.

Leiko: It's an anti-magic shield that can transfer the magic it absorbs into other things so that it can be released in an instant.

Varna: I...I didn't need your help!

Leiko smirked at that.

Leiko: Right, because you were going to get away with that broken leg were you?

Varna tried to move her leg again and the same shooting pain happened again, causing her to grunt in pain.

Leiko: Exactly.

As he went to leave, paused and looked back at Varna. She was still struggling to stand. He sighed before whispering to himself.

Leiko: I hate myself sometimes.

He turned around and went back to Varna.

Varna: I said I don't need your help.

Leiko frowned at that.

Leiko: Stop pretending to be something you're not. You need help, and while I don't normally do this...I have a camp near here, we can stay there while you get well enough to walk.

With that, he helped her stand and they slowly hobbled towards the camp he had set up earlier that day.


Present day

Varna had returned with two small bucks.

Varna: Ezlana, part of what he isn't telling you is that Urana was one of the strongest shamans in Clan Deadfang at the time.

Ezlana looked at Leiko in shock.

Ezlana: What! Really?

Leiko rubbed the back of his head.

Leiko: Well, yes. I didn't mention that as I didn't want to come off as bragging.

Varna huffed.

Varna: It isn't bragging if you're just telling it how it is.

Leiko smirked.

Leiko: Well, if you put it that way.

Varna had a faint smile before she began butchering the deer for their dinner.

Ezlana simply looked between the two before smiling at the interaction.

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