Chapter 44

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Rose was fiddling with a charm while she and Riya waited in their designated location.

Riya tilted her head to the side when she saw what Rose was doing.

Riya: What's that?

Rose stopped what she was doing.

Rose: Huh? Oh, this?

As she said this she held up the charm a little so that Riya could see it better.

Rose: It's a charm that Maria gave me.

Riya: Oh, really? When did she do that?

Rose: Well...


A month ago

Rose was meeting Maria in the training yard.

Maria: So, what is it you wanted to talk about, Rose?

Rose: Well...

Maria: Rose, it's okay. Whatever you ask me is fine.

Rose was silent for a moment.

Rose: What is that charm I see you carrying around all the time?

Maria: Oh, you mean this?

When she said this she lifted up a dove-shaped charm on a chain around her neck.

Maria: This is the symbol of the goddess of mercy, Vara. The goddess that I worship, and the one that gives me my magic.

Rose: Really? So she is the reason you can heal others?

Maria nodded.

Maria: Yes. Oh, you know what?

Rose: What?

Maria: Here.

Maria placed something into Rose's right claw, and when Rose opened it she could see that it was another of the same charm. Rose gave Maria a curious look.

Maria: I always make sure that I have a spare just in case.

Rose: Then shouldn't you keep this one?

Maria shook her head.

Maria: I can always make another one, keep it.


Present day

Rose: Mom?

Riya: Hmm?

Rose: Do you think we'll be okay? Varna said that these Gnolls are extremely dangerous.

Riya: I'm sure that we'll manage, we have to.

Rose has a look of mild concern at her mother's answer.


As they approached the outskirts of Ursinepass the armored Gnoll stopped.

Nuiru: Something isn't right. We should be able to see the town's bustling activity from here, or at least smell it.

Alnath: They must have known that we were coming.

After a few minutes of silence, the armored Gnoll removed what was on its back, which was revealed to be a scythe. Along the blade of the scythe, there were several runes. Once the other Gnolls had gotten into position around them, the armored Gnoll held the scythe aloft. As they did this the runes began to glow one by one, and once they were all lit up they slammed the shaft of the scythe into the ground, causing a large flash and then the spot they were once occupying was empty.

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