Chapter 25

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Mizzu slowly and quietly opened the door to Rose's room. When she peeked her head in she could see that Rose was still asleep, when she saw that she came inside and slowly closed the door without making noise. As she slowly made her way closer it was quite a sight. Rose's legs hung off the bed that was clearly too small for her, and the quilted wool blanket barely covered her torso. Once Mizzu had slowly crept her way to the head of the bed she could hear a slight snore coming from Rose as Rose's chest moved up and down in rhythm with her breathing.

As Mizzu stared at the crest-like mane on Rose's head she remembered what Leon had said when he had asked them to check on someone in Ursinepass.


Before Mizzu and Kizik left Stoneholde

Mizzu: So who is it that you want checked up on in Ursinepass?

Leon looked up at her as she was up on Kizik's shoulders. He was quiet for a few seconds.

Leon: They are someone...Important to me, their name is Rose, and I simply want to know if they are okay or not. When you arrive all you need to do is have a letter sent back with how they are doing.

Kizik: That's easy enough.


Mizzu is brought out of her thoughts when Rose starts to toss and turn in her sleep. A minute or so later her tossing and turning died down, Mizzu still staring at the orange in her mane. A moment later she had a feeling like having a pit in her stomach, tears threatening to escape her eyes. Before she could come to tears she left the room as quietly as she had entered it.


Rose had just woken up and stretched as she got out of bed. As she was stretching her back she sniffed and realized something was off with the smell of the room, it should have only smelled of her. She continued to sniff the air trying to figure out what the smell was, after several minutes she realized that it smelled like Mizzu. With a bewildered look on her face, she left her room and made her way to where Mizzu was staying in the building. Upon exiting her room she was in a hallway that had an occasional candle in a holder along the walls, alternating walls between candles.

The wood floor creaked with each step Rose took, her weight not quite what was in mind when the building was constructed. A few minutes later Rose was standing in front of Mizzu's door. Just as Rose reached for the door to open it, she could hear the faint sound of what sounded like someone lightly sobbing and some mumbling she couldn't understand. She hesitated for a second before opening the door with a click.

As she opened the door she could see Mizzu looking right at her. After a moment Mizzu shook her head and stood up.

Mizzu: Is there something you need, Rose?

Rose: Are you okay? I could hear you crying through the door.

Mizzu gave a dismissive wave of her hand.

Mizzu: I'm fine.

After she said that she moved closer to Rose.

Mizzu: I'm just curious, Rose. Leon said that you were important to him, who are you to him?

Rose had a puzzled expression.

Rose: Of course, I'm important to him, he's my dad.

With hearing that Mizzu's eyes widened considerably before she closed her eyes and shook her head. After a moment she looked back at Rose.

Mizzu: I had figured as much when I saw the orange in your mane. I had just hoped that I was somehow wrong, that I still had a chance to say something to him.

Rose's confusion only grew from that statement.

Rose: What? Why wouldn't you be able to tell him now?

Mizzu gave a slight smile at what Rose said before shaking her head.

Mizzu: It's nothing, Rose. It was something that I should have said to him a long time ago.

Rose: Then why didn't you?

Mizzu: I was afraid of what he would say.

Rose: What! Why would you be afraid of my dad, he's probably the nicest out of everyone I know.

Mizzu: I know now I was worried over nothing back then. Rose, Do you mind telling me a little about your mother?

Rose's expression brightened up at that.

Rose: Oh, Mom? She can be a little...protective, but it's only because she cares about those around her so much.

Rose was quiet for a moment.

Rose: In fact, I'm pretty sure that she would be willing to die for me or Dad.

Mizzu smiled at that.

Mizzu: Good, he deserves someone who cares about him that much.

Rose: Are you sure you're okay, Mizzu?

Mizzu nodded.

Mizzu: Yes, I'm fine Rose.

Mizzu started making her way to the door.

Mizzu: We should probably get going if we are going to eat this morning.

Before Mizzu could leave the room Rose picked her up and pulled her into a hug.

Rose: Just for good measure.

After hugging her and before Mizzu could get down, Rose put her up on her shoulders. Rose looked at her out of the corner of her eye.

Rose: I've seen you on Kizik's shoulders a few times and figured that maybe it would make you more comfortable.

Mizzu smiled and gave a light chuckle.

Mizzu: Fair enough, but we really might want to get going if we're going to eat.

Rose nodded and made her way out of the room with Mizzu on her shoulders.

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