Chapter 35

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Maya: Did she just—

Leon: Call me Dad? Yes, why? Is there a problem with that?

Luna put her hands up in a defensive manner.

Luna: No, no. It just caught us off guard is all.

Rose: Dad, what is this about exactly?

Leon turned his attention to Rose.

Leon: These three Lupines say that they need a job. I figure that helping you would be a good way for them to work for their food.

Rose: Well...I was thinking about going out and hunting, Mom had said she needed more deer. Having someone else to help haul back what I find would help.

Leon clapped his hands together and looked at the three Lupines.

Leon: It's settled then, you three will be helping Rose for the foreseeable future, and in exchange will get room and board. Any questions?

After a moment of silence, Maya shook her head.

Leon: Perfect.

Leon looked at Rose.

Leon: I'll see you later for sparring then.

He then walked off, leaving Akira, Luna, and Maya alone with Rose.

Akira: So, you hunt?

Rose nodded.

Rose: Yeah, it's not that hard honestly. Mom had said that I was old enough that I needed to know how.

Luna: And how old are you exactly?

Rose: Nine.

All three of the Lupines had flabbergasted looks but before any of them could say anything, stomping could be heard heading their way.

Mu: Rose!

The stomping continued to get closer until a large seven-foot-seven Gnoll came around the corner.

Mu: Rose, it's time for you to head out.

Rose nodded and headed for the exit, Akira, Luna, and Maya following after her. Mu eyed them but said nothing as they left.


Akira: Do we really need to be here?

As he said this Luna, Maya, and he watched as Rose leaped from the top of a tree she was perched in and landed on a deer, killing it instantly as the force of landing on it snapped its neck and spine. After she got up Rose looked at them.

Rose: Okay that makes two, we should be good to head back.

After she said this Rose picked up the deer she had just killed and hauled it over her shoulder effortlessly. Akira, Luna, and Maya picked up a deer they had set down and began to slowly follow after Rose.


Upon arriving back at the fort Mu greeted them at the gate.

Mu: Good, make sure to take them all the way back to Riya so that she can get started.

Rose nodded and as the gate finished opening she made her way inside with the three Lupines following her. Once inside Rose turned to look at them.

Rose: If you need to rest before we head back that's fine.

All three of them shook their heads.

Maya: No, we're fine.

Rose nodded before starting to head back to the kitchen. After several minutes of hauling deer through Fort Stoneholde, they had made it to the kitchen. Upon entering they saw a seven-foot-six Gnoll facing away from them.

Rose: Mom, we brought the deer you needed.

Riya turned away from what she was doing and faced them.

Riya: Thank you, dear.

As she was taking the deer from Rose she noticed Akira, Luna, and Maya.

Riya: And who are you three?

As she said this she eyed them intently.

Rose: Oh, Dad said that they needed a job. So they were helping me haul the deer back.

Riya: I see. Well, if Leon said it was okay then I'll trust him on his judgment.

Akira, Luna, and Maya felt the feeling of the deer's coarse fur leaving them as Riya took the deer from the three of them.

Rose: If you don't need any help with butchering them, Dad is waiting for me.

Riya shook her head.

Riya: I should be fine.

With that Rose left the kitchen, the Lupines following not long after.

As she began butchering the deer she whispered to herself.

Riya: I sure hope Leon knows what he's doing.


As they all arrived at the sparring field, Leon was waiting for them.

Rose: Okay, I'm ready when you are.

Leon shook his head.

Leon: You aren't sparring with me.

He pointed at Maya and the others.

Leon: You're sparring with them.

Rose looked at them before shrugging and making her way to the middle of the sparring field and getting into a fighting stance.

Leon looked at the three Lupines.

Leon: Well, which of you three is going first?

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