Chapter 53

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Narala: Riya?

Riya: Hmm?

Narala and Riya were in the process of getting the kitchen ready for the next day.

Narala: Leon really Rose's father?

Riya put down the soup pot she had been moving and looked at Narala.

Riya: Yes, why?

The look on Riya's muzzle gave Narala the impression that saying the wrong thing would be bad.

Narala: I...just didn't know that it was really possible. That's all.

Riya was quiet for a moment.

Riya: We didn't know that it was possible until it happened.

Narala: Wait. Are you telling me you chose to be with him under the expectation of not being able to have cubs?

Riya nodded.

Riya: Both Rose and I would, and have, done everything we can for him. Clan Deadfang has saved his life multiple times.

Narala: He must mean so much to you...

Riya had turned away from Narala.

Riya: I don't know what I would do if I lost him...


Purth and Feraga had been traveling north, in the direction that the scouts had said they had seen the figure made of stone.

Feraga: Do you think the scouts may have been mistaken? I have never heard of a Gnoll being made of stone.

Purth: I'm not sure.

As they continued traveling Feraga eventually pointed slightly to the right of where they were going.

Feraga: There, I think that's it.

As Purth looked she did indeed see what looked to be a statue in the shape of a Gnoll. They gradually made their way towards it.

Purth: Now, let's see what you are, shall we?

As soon as Purth's claw came into contact with it she jumped back.

Feraga: Sister?

Purth: Whatever it is, it has magic stored inside of it.


Leon, Riya, and Rose were in Rose's room.

Leon: I think it is about time we talked about what happened in Ursinepass.

Riya: You're talking about her fighting the one with the scythe.

Leon nodded.

Riya: That should have taken all of us, but you were able to do it yourself. How did you manage that, Rose?

Rose was quiet for a minute.

Rose: Mom, do you remember when we were fighting the one Gnoll?

Riya: You're talking about when it was just me and you?

Rose nodded.

Rose: Yes.

She paused for a moment before continuing.

Rose: Do either of you know anything about Vara?

Riya shook her head.

Leon: I know the bits and pieces that Maria has told me.

Rose: During that fight, both of us had been knocked out and she came to help, it's how I was able to beat him and protect you, Mom.

Riya's eyes narrowed.

Riya: I'm going to guess that part of that help was that you had to give her something.

Rose: I had willing to become her paladin.

The room was silent as Leon and Riya mulled over what she had just said.

Leon: Which means that similar to Maria, you work for Vara now. What does she want you to do?

Rose: She hasn't asked me to do anything specific.

Riya: Yet.

Rose: Were you aware that Vara was a Gnoll?

Both Riya and Leon shook their heads.

Rose: aren't upset with me, are you?

After a moment Riya's features softened.

Riya: No...We just didn't know what to think about what happened.

Leon: Why would we be upset with you? You did what you did because you wanted to protect your mother and everyone else.

Leon shrugged.

Leon: Besides, Maria follows her so I doubt she's going to have you do something terrible.

At that, Rose started to tear up as she used one arm to pick Leon up in a hug and used the other arm to pull her mother into the hug as well.

Rose: I was a little worried you were upset with me when you said you wanted to talk to me about something.

Both Leon and Riya had smiles as they returned Rose's hug.

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