Chapter 24

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Rose: So, how do you know Kizik?

Mizzu: Oh, him? Some stuff happened a long time ago and we ended up meeting each other is all.

Before Rose could say anything else, Tsarasa peeked through the doorway.

Tsarasa: Food's ready!

With that Mizzu quickly made her way through the doorway while Rose trailed a little behind her.


After Mizzu had finished eating she had made her way to her bed. Once Mizzu had gotten comfortable she began to fall asleep.


Twenty years ago in the town of Mosswick

Mizzu was walking past the inn, as she passed it she caught a glimpse of the notice board. It said something about someone from Foxpine being sent to help with the guard training or something like that. She didn't want to stop to double-check, if she didn't hurry then she was going to be late. Mizzu took a turn into an alleyway to try to save time, as she was about halfway into the alleyway two gray-furred Vulpines standing at a height of five-foot-five blocked the direction she was heading, when she looked behind her she saw a gray-furred Ratfolk that was four feet two inches tall blocking that direction.

Vulpine A: Where are you going in such a hurry?

Mizzu: That's none of your business!

As she said that the two Vulpines began closing the distance. She stepped back a few steps but stopped when she remembered that there was a ratfolk behind her.

Vulpine B: Oh, but I think it is very much our business, seeing that you're coming through our alleyway.

Mizzu: You don't own the alleyway, prick!

Vulpine A raised an eyebrow at that while Vulpine B had started to draw a dagger.

Vulpine B: Oh, I'm a prick am I!

Before the Vulpine did anything, Mizzu heard a grunt from behind her. When she looked she saw the Ratfolk falling to the ground and a Vulpine with orange fur standing where he was. He was wearing chainmail with cloth over it. The cloth had an insignia she hadn't remembered seeing before, but she gave a start when she remembered she had seen it on the notice board she had passed.

Orange Vulpine: When I was told I was being sent to help with the guard training, I didn't expect it to be this bad.

After a short pause to look around, he started to make his way down the alleyway.

Orange Vulpine: Miss, I would suggest you get behind me.

As he made his way past her, Mizzu could see that he had a spear on his back.

Orange Vulpine: I'm going to ask once for you to drop what you have and to leave.

Vulpine A: Piss off! Who do you think you are!

With that, both Vulpines rushed at the Orange Vulpine. As they got close the Orange Vulpine grabbed Vulpine B's wrist and forced his dagger to the side, causing it to dig into Vulpine A's waist. Vulpine A gave a yell of pain just before the Orange Vulpine punched him in the throat, knocking him to the ground holding the front of his throat.

Before Vulpine B had even realized what had happened the Orange Vulpine stomped on his foot causing Vulpine B to scream in pain before getting kneed in the stomach. He fell to the ground holding his stomach and all he could see was the Orange Vulpine's boots.

Orange Vulpine: You about done?

Vulpine B coughed as he couldn't bring himself to say anything.

Orange Vulpine: I suggest you leave, or I'm going to do far worse to you before I drag you to the guard house!

Vulpine B struggled to his feet before helping Vulpine A up and the both of them hobbled off. The Orange Vulpine turned around to face Mizzu.

Orange Vulpine: Are you okay?

She nodded numbly, trying to process what had just happened.

Orange Vulpine: I would suggest that you stay out of the alleyways.

With that, he left.

Mizzu slowly left the alleyway and after an hour had made her way to the main guardhouse, upon entering she made her way to a desk with a black-furred Ratfolk.

Ratfolk: Yes?

Mizzu: I'm...I'm here to join the guard.

The Ratfolk looked her up and down before pointing to a door to Mizzu's left.

Ratfolk: that's the meeting hall, they are having an announcement in there so I suggest you hurry.

She hurried inside and saw a variety of Vulpines and Ratfolk, then she noticed a large purple Lizardfolk off by themselves. She had made her way to them when she heard a trumpet over the cacophony from everyone else. Everyone got quiet as a Vulpine stood at the head of the meeting hall. Her eyes widened and her mouth was slightly open when she realized it was the Vulpine that had helped her in the alleyway.

Leon: My name is Leon and I'm going to be the one training you for the next few months! Any questions?


Mizzu awoke with a start before looking out the window and seeing that it was daytime, she sighed.

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