Chapter 36

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Luna: What? She's so much larger than us.

Leon raised an eyebrow at that.

Leon: I spar with her all the time, you should be fine.

Luna: But...

Maya and Akira looked at each other before Akira nodded and stepped forward.

Akira: I'll go first.

Leon: Very good.

He looked at Rose.

Leon: Rose, hand to hand or a weapon?

After looking at the rack of training weapons momentarily, Rose took a sword and shield from the rack. Leon looked at Akira expectantly. After a few minutes, he had finally selected a flail. Akira slowly got into position across from Rose. He could see her eyeing him up and down.

Leon: Begin!

Rose rushed forward as soon as the word had left his mouth, barely giving Akira any time to react. Akira swung his flail horizontally at Rose, who lifted her shield in response and blocked the strike before continuing to ram him with said shield, forcing him to the ground. Rose had backed off, giving Akira a chance to get up. After he had stood up he had begun eyeing her warily.

Leon: You're going to have to move faster than that if this is going to get anywhere.

As Leon watched the two of them, he could see that Akira's footing was off. He frowned.

Leon: Akira, if you are afraid of her, you will never be able to react fast or accurately enough to be able to win.

Upon hearing that Akira flinched and Rose took the opportunity to rush him again. Akira swung low in reaction to her charging him, but the movement was sloppy and she deftly jumped over the swing. After landing she lifted her right leg before planting it in his chest and knocking the breath out of him, sending him back several feet. After a minute of not getting back up, Leon walked over. When he got to Akira he could see that he was still dazed from what had happened.

Leon: Okay, he isn't going to be able to continue. So, who's next?

As he said this he looked over at Luna and Maya. After a moment Maya stepped forward.

Maya: I'll do it.

Leon nodded and returned to his spot on the side while she and Rose got in position, this time with no weapons.

Leon: Begin!

Rose immediately rushed forward and started off with a horizontal swipe of her right claw which Maya was able to dodge back from and avoid. A few repeated swipes later with the same result and Rose switched to a leg sweep with her right leg, which Maya swiftly jumped over and away from. Upon landing Maya flinched and began to bring her left hand up to her eyepatch before stopping herself.

Observing this Leon frowned but didn't do anything. As he watched Maya dodged several more of Rose's swipes and sweeps before eventually hissing in pain and starting to reach for her eyepatch again and then stopping herself. Leon narrowed his eyes but didn't do anything until she had turned around and was facing away from him completely. He picked up a rock and after watching her dodge several more swipes, he threw it at her aiming for the middle of her back.

Without being able to see him or turning around she completely dodged the rock before reaching for her eyepatch again, but this time Rose had lunged at her and got her in a bear hug.

Rose: Got you!

Leon: Keep her there Rose.

Once he had made his way over to them he looked Maya square in the face.

Leon: Are you going to tell me what you're hiding under that eyepatch or am I removing it?

Maya remained silent.

Leon: Very well.

When he got closer Rose lowered Maya down far enough that he could reach her. He lifted Maya's eyepatch to reveal a closed eye.

Leon: Open your eye, or I'll do it for you.

After a few seconds, she began to slowly open her eye, when it was opened fully it could be seen that she very much still had an eye in that socket. Leon had a look of surprise on his face once she had fully opened her eye, as around the pupil of her eye a circle similar to the ones that Maria used for her magic could be seen.

Rose: Dad, what's up with her eye?

Leon: I don't know, but I'm sure that I know someone who might. Now are you going to tell me how you dodged something you couldn't see?

Before he could say anything else, sobbing could be heard coming from Maya before a tear ran down from the eye in question.

Maya: It's...It's going to happen again, This godforsaken eye

Leon looked at Rose whose expression was full of concern.

Leon: I'll be right back.

With that, he left in the direction of the medical wing of Stoneholde.

Rose looked down at Maya.

Rose: What's wrong?

Maya: It's going to happen again, this eye is going to get me run out!

Rose looked appalled at hearing that.

Rose: My dad wouldn't do that. He went in the direction Maria normally is, maybe she can help.

Maya: Please, there is no helping with this supposed blessing of Vara.

Just as she had said that Leon had returned with Maria not far behind him. As the Catfolk got closer she looked between Rose and Leon.

Maria: So, what's the problem?

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