Chapter 30

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Leon, Rose, Kizik, and Mizzu were leading Akana and her sisters back to the entrance of the underground base. Akana, Pricilla, and Cecillia had their hands tied together behind their backs and their feet shackled together. As they passed through an intersection stomping followed by shouting could be heard.

Mu: You three!

Everyone turned to watch as Mu stomped over to Akana and her sisters. Tagashi and Tsarasa were following behind her.

Mu: Was the warning I gave you not enough? Do you need to be taught the hard way?

As she said this she began looking the group over, stopping her gaze on Leon.

Mu: Leon, your face.

Mu pointed at the spot that had been cut when the throwing dagger had just grazed him.

Leon: I'll be okay.

Mu had a smug grin form on her muzzle.

Mu: Maybe, but they won't be when my sister sees that.

Leon: About that.

He points at Akana.

Leon: Akana and her sisters need to make it to Azur, the only way that is going to happen is if you and the others take them to him while Rose and I find Riya when we get to Foxpine.

Mu: And we should do that, why?

Leon: Because, regardless of how much I dislike them they don't deserve to die.

Mu shook her head.

Mu: Whatever, let's just get going before looking at them makes me do something they will regret being alive to experience.


There was a knock on Azur's office door. Azur looked up from the parchment he was reading that was on his desk.

Azur: Yes?

Mu: It's Mu, I have something for you.

After a moment of contemplation, he responded.

Azur: Come in.

The door opened and Mu entered, followed by Mizzu, Kizik, Tagashi, Tsarasa, Akana, Pricilla, and Cecillia. Once his eyes fell on Akana his face became stern and a frown formed on his muzzle.

Azur: You. I thought I told you and your sisters that you weren't to ever come back.

Mizzu: It might be kind of hard to arrest them for what they did to Leon if they can't be in the city.

Azur looked to Mizzu and Kizik, waiting for more of an answer.

Kizik: Azur, they abducted Leon...again.

Akana: Yeah, well if that f—

Mizzu: If you call her a freak again then I'll make sure that you are unable to breathe myself!

Azur had gotten up from his desk and had made his way across the room to them.

Azur: And who, pray tell, were you going to call a freak?

After a prolonged silence, it was clear she wasn't going to answer him.

Kizik: They were calling Rose a freak.

At that, Azur had gotten in front of Akana while she was doing her best to look away from him. He grabbed her muzzle, the cold and the sharpness of his clawed gauntlet causing her to flinch. He then forced her to look at him.

Azur: If I ever hear you call my niece a freak, then I will make sure that you understand just how bad your life can be and still be alive, are we clear?

After a moment Akana gave a quick nod.

Azur: Good.


Rose: Was it really necessary to have Ennamma follow us by burrowing underground?

Leon: Yes, there was no way to know how those living in Foxpine would react to her and we really don't have the time right now to find out.

Leon and Rose were walking down a nearly unpopulated street in Foxpine, an occasional Gnoll or Vulpine, most of which had guard uniforms matching what Leon used to wear. As they passed an abandoned building, Rose stopped. Leon stopped to see what she was doing and saw that she was sniffing the ground.

Leon: Rose, what is it?

Rose: Mom is nearby.

She stopped sniffing and pointed at the abandoned single-story house.

Rose: In there.

As they opened the door they could see that wooden furniture was thrown everywhere, some of it shattered into pieces. As they walked some of the wood pieces crunched underfoot.

Rose: I can hear someone in here.

Leon: Where are they?

Rose, I'm not sure.

As they checked more rooms they all looked similar.

Rose: It looks like a tornado came through here.

Leon: That sounds about right for Riya when she's upset.

Just then Rose's ears swiveled to the right.

Rose: Wait, I can hear sobbing on our right.

As they opened the door on the far side of the room they had entered they saw her. Riya was sitting in the middle of the room with her knees to her chest and the furniture shattered to pieces around her.

Rose: Mom!

As Riya looked up, she saw Leon. As soon as she saw him Riya jumped up and ran over to him, pulling him into a hug.

Riya: Oh Leon, I thought...I thought I had lost you. Azur and I searched everywhere and we couldn't find you.

Leon: Well as you can see, I'm okay.

As he said this she pulled back from the hug to look at him, her eyes focusing on his face. When she saw the cut her pupils shrank and a growl could be heard coming from her.

Riya: I knew I could smell something, who did this to you?

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