Confidence (Maddie)

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He looks so different. You swear, it's hardly even the same boy. The face is the same. The energy is the same. But the hair. Its so... different. Red, and spiked up. He looks good. Then again, he always has.
Behind a tree, you stare at him. He's with your other old classmate from junior high. She's the pink girl who you respect insanely. But she's not your main focus. It's him. The boy you've liked for a long, long time, He's brave. Always rushing in to help, even if he's not strong enough, and he usually isn't. Realistically, he's an average guy. Easily overpowered. But, that's not what really matters to you. It's brave. He knows that he's not strong enough.
Everyone tells him that. But he doesn't care, because that's just who he is.
Terrified, you stand there, staring at your endangered classmates. It's a monster, threatening them. You want to help.
You want to help so badly. But you can't. What could you do? You're not strong. You're useless. You'd probably just make the situation worse. That's what you always do.
From the corner of you're eye, you see him. He's standing there too. Horror is written on his face as it is yours, though your eyes drift back to the= scene in front c of you. Then, she Shows up. Mina. Ashido. And what does she do?- She saves them. That's what she does. What she always does.
Later, at school, the redhead known as Eijiro Kirishima apologizes to them all for being a coward. Unlike him, you're not even brave enough to admit being there. You're the real coward. You can't even admit when you fail. You just sit by and watch, letting things happen, too afraid to do anything.
Seeing him with her twist your stomach into knots. You're easily jealous, you admit. Not just jealous of girls being with him. Jealous of people having courage to speak to them. After all, isn't he too bright? You could never get too close. He's too wonderful for someone like you.
Much too good.
Upon closer observation, you see that he's buffed up. Even under his button-up, you find broader shoulders and more muscle beneath it. He's so... ethereal. You've been working out, haven't you? You're so strong. You keep bettering yourself.
When will I catch up?
Tsuyu Asui. She's your best friend. Too kind and sweet for her own good, she approached you and made you so happy.
Even though it's only been a week, you're already so attached to her. You sit next to her every day, and like to lean your head on her shoulder. You cling to her tightly, and she lets you.
Still, you haven't spoken to Kirishima. You want to. You truly do. But it's scary. The thought of being around him terrifies you. It's evident that he's even stronger and braver, so what right have you to come too close? No. You cant. You just can't.
Currently, you're at your lunch table, resting your head on Asuï's shoulder, having only taken a few bites of food.
"Eat some more," she says, giving a small smile.
"Mhmh. Not hungry."
"C'mon. You can't train on an empty stomach."
"Don't give me that." She pushes you off. "Eat. You're probably drowsy because you're hungry."
Sighing, you take another bite. "See? Happy now?"
"Not until you finish at least half"
"Thats my girl, ribbit."
You keep eating, though really don't want to. These days, you want to loose weight. If you cut down on eating and keep training, you should loose a few pounds, right? Hopefully.
After school, you walk with Asui, planning to stay at her house awhile. On your way, you see Kirishima. He gives a toothy grin and waves, so Asui smiles at him. You just stand behind her, as if it'll hide you. He walks over, still smiling.
"Hey!" he greets. "I don't think I've talk to you, L/n." He peeks around Asui, so you yelp and bury your face in her shoulder.
"She's shy," explains your friend. "Ribbit. I'm trying to help her come out of her shell more."
"That's fine! Hey, it's okay! We went to the same junior high, right? I recognize you. You were always so quiet. What's your quirk, again? I can't remember for the life of me."
"Agony" you mutter inaudibly.
"Come again?"
A bit louder, you repeat, "Agony."
"That's a weird name! What's it do?"
"I...p- p-put people through ag- agony. As in... they- they feel like they- they're dying but they're not."
"Oh... that's... terrifying."
"Most people black out before it gets that bad," you don't think he hears that, but he does.
"Uhh... well you'll be a spectacular hero! You can knock people out without creating injuries!!" He seems excited. "It'll make the policy's job so much easier! You're amazing! Let's be friends!!"
" mutter as you grip her jacket. "Save me."
"Y/nn. He's not gonna hurt you, ribbit. He wants to be friends."
"But...can we go now?"
Sighing, she looks to Kirishima. "You'll just have to take it slow with her, ribbit."
"That's fine! L/n," he places his hand over his heart. "I swear on my very existence and love for manly things that we will be friends by the end of the year! Mark my words!"
Groaning, you grab Asui's hand and run away. Once at her house, you two sit on the floor.
"Y/nn," she says. "You can't be like that to him, ribbit."
"But... people are scary."
"Just because you like him, doesn't mean you can avoid him, ribbit."
"I know, but..what if he hates me?"
"And why would he hate you?"
"I'm a a coward who can't do anything. He's so brave, but not me. If he knew how I am... he'd be disgusted. Because he hates cowardice. He always has. That's just who he is."
"You're not a coward, you just need to learn to face your fears, ribbit."
"That sounds absolutely terrible."
"It's not as bad as you think. Just believe in yourself. Kirishima does, ribbit."
"No, he's just being nice. He always is."
"But he's not a liar."
You fall onto the floor face-first. "Amdhthnahsahanfuahdhbfh."
"I don't understand muffled, Y/nn."
Lifting your head a bit, you repeat, "Even he could hate me and lie because he's just too good of a person."
"Why don't you just talk to him tomorrow? Well sit at his table and everything."
"He'd find my company boring."
"I'll go with you to break the ice."
"You're not gonna let me decline, are you?"
"Nope, ribbit."
Lunch. With Kirishima and his friends. You cling to Asui as always, and Kirishima is chatting happily. Smiling, he turns to you.
He says, "When Tsu told me that you wanted to sit with me, I got so happy! Yesterday, it kinda felt like you hated me, but I guess you really are just shy!"
Surprised, you look at Asui. She just says, "Well you keep saying that you wanted to talk to him and sit with him, ribbit."
You mutter, "But you didn't have to tell him."
"Eh?" he asks. "But now l'm super happy! You guys should always sit with us!!"
Ashido jumps up. "Totally! We went to junior high together, but i don't know anything about you!"
Kaminari continues, "And I would just love to get to know the sexy girl in front of me." He winks.
Nodding, Sero agrees, "It'd be great to get to know you."
Blushing, you stare at the table. "W- what do you want- want to kn- know?"
Now, it's time for the angry blonde to speak. "What's your quirk?"
"Agony. Death-like pain. People normally pass out."
You see a sadistic look in his eyes. "Sounds fun."
"Not really."
Ashido raises her hand. "Ooh! What's your favorite color!"
"What's your number?" asks the flirty one.
"P- pardon?"
Elbowing him, Kirishima goes, "Sorry. He's like that But, for a more normal question, what's your favorite food."
"Oh! I love that."
Sero asks, "Why do you wanna be a hero?"
"To save people."
"Okay! That's... a good reason!"
"Guys," Asui grabs everyone's attention. "Let's not crowd her. She's about to pass out. And is cutting off the circulation in my arm, ribbit."
You loosen your grip a bit and mumble, "Sorry."
"It's fine." She strokes your hair a bit.
"I have an idea," Kirishima continues. "L/n, why don't you and I hang out after school? Since we both like f/f, we can go get some! Besides, we can get to know each other a bit better. Tsu was telling me earlier that you're better one-on-one, so it'll be just the two of us! How's that sound? Please???"
"Uh-" You want to. So desperately. But will your heart be able to take it? Could you even refuse those big eyes. Staring at the table, you reply, "S- sure."
He jumps from his seat, thrusting his fists into the air. "YES!!"
When school is over, Kirishima is already grabbing your bag and practically dragging you out, talking excitedly.
"We'll eat and I'll even get dessert!! Then I can walk you home!! You're okay with that, right? It'd be unmanly to make you walk on your own. You're a lady and that's not okay. But anyway! How's that sound? You want dessert, too? Don't worry, I'm paying! No need to care about money!"
"Okay! I know this good restaurant. Let's go there! Trust me!"
He keeps talking, but you're too focused on how your hand fits in his. The surprising softness of his palm. How close you are. The adrenaline coursing through your veins as you run. The feeling of knowing that you're with the boy you've never even had the courage to talk to.
The restaurant is small and isn't busy. A homey place, really. Your table is towards the back, which you appreciate. He's the one who orders, smiling at you the whole time. You fidget under his gaze, unsure of how to handle it.
"Thanks for hanging out," he says.
"O- of course."
"At first, I didn't believe Tsu when she said you wanted to hang out with me more. But i guess you're really just shy, like she said. Right?"
"M- mhm."
"You can talk to me, y'know. I won't bite." He looks slightly hurt, making you feel bad.
"I don't know how to."
"Well, what's something you like?"
"So does Jiro! Besides saving people, what else drives you to become a hero?"
"It's really... just that. Instead of just standing around, watching people get hurt and die, I can.. do something." Now, you're done stuttering. There's determination in your eyes. "I wanna be able to step in when people need me. Ashido. On that day... with that monster...I just watched. I didn't even try to move. When people get bullied, I just keep walking. I don't do  anything. I'm a coward and- and i wanna change. I wanna be a person that others can rely on. I want to be a hero. A real hero who moves in danger and when theyre afraid. So yeah. My only reason is to save people." You look up at him, finding yourself drowning in his shining eyes.
"Me, too. That's-that's why I wanna be a hero."
"But you're not a coward like me."
"I was there when that monster attacked, too."
"I know."
"I didn't do anything."
"But you were trying to move. I could see it in your eyes."
"Aren't you overestimating me?"
You furrow your brows. "Not at all. I just... know you. You're always running into action, with this look in your eyes. You know you'll fail. The experimental probably is 1. The likelihood is 75%. But you still do. You always rush in, knowing you'll fail, because you have to try. Ashido rushes in because she knows that she can. I want to be like the both of you. You guys are the reason l'm at UA. The reason I want to change." Realizing what you said, your face turns red as you stare at the
table. "S- sorry. I'm ta- talking to much ag- again-"
"Not at all. You're passionate. And... thank you. I really needed to hear that. People always said l'II never become a hero, so hearing all that from you, I feel like I could do anything. You're the manliest." You already know how much of a complicated that is from him, so your blush only deepens.
"Tha- thank you."
"Oh! Food's here!"
Kirishima is quite talkative, though you already expected that. He's a friendly person. That's just how he is. You feel awful, though. He must find you boring. You're not really saying much. Sooner or later, he'll probably just give up on you entirely. You couldn't blame him.
You've been spending a lot of time with Kirishima and his friend group. Kaminari is flirty, but fun sometimes. Sero is sweet. Ashido is loud and outgoing. Bakugou is mean but caring. And just getting braver and braver. All while encouraging you.
Today, you're just with Bakugou. You two are friends, you'd say. He's nice enough. Sometimes. Not really. Okay, you're giving him too much credit. But he's also the best friend of the boy you like and does a lot too.
"How you been?" you ask him, scrolling on your phone. Despite how mean, nasty, and unlikable he is, you've become more comfortable with him in these two months.
"Ah. Same old, same old."
"You've been getting pretty strong these days."
You snort. "As if. I'd loose to almost all of you. Except Mineta, that is."
"Mineta could I loose to a piece of dirt. And you don't give yourself enough credit. I've seen those villain idiots cry because of you."
"Meh. My quirk is just like that. I can't fight for crap, though."
"I've also seen you in close combat. Again. You've made people cry."
"They were weak."
"Icy Hot was having a hard time with them."
"He wasnt on his best game that day."
"You should have more confidence, loser."
"In what? My ability to make people cry?"
"Yes. It's delightful."
"Crappy Hair wouldn't like hearing you talk like that."
"W- why would that matter to me?" Now, you're blushing
"It's no secret that you like him."
"D- does he know?"
"No. He's the only one dumb enough to have not noticed."
"He's not dumb..jus... slightly oblivious. And not academically talented, either."
"You're trying too hard."
"Yeah, I know. But. he's adorable. When he gets that confused face--my heart melts."
"What a simp." He rolls his eyes. "When do you plan to tell him?"
"Tell him? Never. I'd sooner die."
"He'd probably accept you."
"He's nice and a bit dumb, not an imbecile."
"That's debatable."
"Shut up"
"Just tell him. No point in keeping these stupid secrets. Have more confidence."
"Maybe when I have reason to be."
"Keep arguing with me, and I'll blow you up."
You stand and while walking away, you say, "I'd love to see you try."
Recently, you've gotten a bit more confident. All of your friends are constantly hyping you up and supporting you, and you cant help but sometimes feel like you can do anything. Today, you're on a high. After dominating in hero training, you aced all of your tests, and you have this insane surge of self-assuredness.
In your dorm room, you decide that you'll write him a love letter. Saying it too his face sounds crazy, but this is reasonable. No stuttering. No taking things back. No chickening out. Everything will be perfect.
Dear Kirishima,
I know this is crazy, but I like you. And it's not in a normal way, either. It's crazy. Remember when I said said you inspire me? Since our first year in junior high, I've admire you insanely. You're handsome, you're talented, you're strong, you're brave, you're kind, you're loving, you're forgiving, you're unbiased, and you're not judgmental.
I have about a million reasons as to why I like you, and I cant help but fall for you even more every day. I know that I've seen shy and quite aloof, but you've always shone so brightly that I felt I couldn't come too close.
You're my inspiration. You're my hope. You're my everything. Part of me doesn't even know how I have the courage to write
this. But I'm doing it. Thank you so much. And I mens for everything. Even in junior high. When you made me want to be
the best me that I could be. And for continuing to do that, even up until now.
Y/n L/n

You jump up and run to his dorm room, then knock on his door. When he opens it, he gives you a small smile, though you're smiling ear-to-ear. Seeing his face makes you choke on a laugh as you hold out the letter. Questioning, he takes it.
"What's this?" he asks.
"Read it. In private, that is."
Like that, you run off, but shortly after you turn a corner, your steps falter.
What did you just do?
You can't face him. You won't get to close to him. Won't stay in the same room any longer than necessary. Run away as soon as possible. Overall, you're avoiding him.
He'll try to catch you, but you won't let him. The thought if rejection is just terrifying. What were you even thinking to begin with? You don't even know. ou must have lost your mind this time.
Currently, you're in your room, drawing the very boy you've been avoiding. He's too pretty not to draw. Abruptly, you stop when you hear a light tapping on your door. Sighing, you stand up, expecting it to be Mineta who wants to bother you again. Lately, he's had the delusional idea you'll actually let him in your room. As if.
As soon as the door is open, you try to close it. But, it's caught, and the person on the other side is too strong to fight off. They pry it open, eyes hurt and confused.
"Please" they beg. "You don't even have to let me in. Just talk. Please"
"What is there to talk about, Kirishima?"
"The letter. Nobody else is here. They all went out. It's just you and me. One-on-one. Just like how you like it, right?"
"I'm scared."
A look of hurt and pure pain flashes across his face. "Why.? Did I- did I do something-?"
"N- no. l- I- I'm scared of rejection." You blink back the tears. "Kirishima- I- I've come to not just like you, but to love you. And I'm not brave. That day- I don't even know what happened. I got too excited. I don't-I don't think I could take hearing you reject me. I regret writing that thing and I reject giving it to you-"
He pulls you into a tight hug, burying his face on your shoulder as he tries to hold back the urge to cry. "What the heck made you think I'd reject you? Do you think I'm stupid? A fool? Of course, I wanna be with you. You're the coolest, strongest, smartest, prettiest girl I've ever met. I finally thought we made progress. That I was getting close to you. When l read that letter, my hopes were so high. But then you avoided me. I thought-I thought you changed your mind-"
You choke out, "Change my mind? How could I change my mind?" You hold onto him tightly. "I love you to a point of no return. If you really think I'd 'change my mind; then you are dumb."
"Come back...come back and be my Pebble."
"Your 'Pebble'?"
"Mhm. Please? I'm not letting go until you agree."
"Then l'm not agreeing." You start nestling into his chest, making him laugh a bit.
"How about you be my Pebble and we stay this way?'
"That's fine."
"This is a better plan anyway.
He starts walking in still holding you like this You two end up in your bed, cuddling up close It's comfortable, and you can easily say that you're happy. Then out of nowhere, there's squealing
"Calm down, ribbit."
Confused you ask, "Why do you need a phone? You could borrow mine-"
You shove Kirishima off the bed. "No"
"No pictures. None"
"But it'd be cute" he says. "And super manly."
"I'm drawing the line."
He pouts a bit, but relents Ashido on the other hand throws a temper tantrum for the next month.

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