Change Of Heart (Maddie)

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You're a simple girl, really. Quirkless. Fairly weak. Chubby. Average-looking. Overall, you're nobody special. You will say,
though, you're not the only quirkless one at school. It's you and this boy named lzuku Midoriya. You're both each other's only friend. And, of course, a target of Katsuki Bakugou. The difference, however, is that Bakugou is much, much worse to Midoriya. That and he has a dream, while you don't. He still tries to be a hero, but you don't. For you, its pointless.
Completely pointless. That, and stupid. You have no chance anyway.
Today, you're walking home. The way intersects with a beach, so you're walking past it when you see something peculiar. It's Midoriya. He's with a sickly-looking blonde man, seeming to be cleaning the place. It's probably training. He's set on being a hero. Shrugging, you walk over, sitting on one of the fridges that was just dumped there.
"It's pointless, you know." you say quietly, but it has both of them jerking their heads toward you. "Without a quirk, you can't be a hero. It just won't work. What'll you do when a mega-powerful villain comes along? Stop trying to be Batman. That's just life. The powerless can't do anything."
"L-L-L/n! How long have you been here?!"
"Just got here." You yawn. "And cleaning a beach won't make you a powerful hero, either. Though it might build up some muscle. Who knows? Maybe you'll loose that flat stomach of yours!"
His face turns bright red. "S- s- stop! You don't need to bring that up."
"Aw, c'mon! It's cute!!" You jump down and pull up his shirt, messing with him.
He tries to pull it back down. "L/n! You're embarrassing me!!"
"See? If you keep working out, you won't have a cute tummy anymore."
"But...I don't want a cute tummy.."
"That's a shame. Anyway," you drop his shirt. "Who's this?" You look to the blonde man. "I've never seen him before."
Looking back to Midoriya, "Is there something you haven't told me? Did you get some type personal trainer? You do realize that it won't help you become a hero, right? You don't have a quirk and you're not strong. know, but I'm not giving up on my dream."
"I don't want to see you hurt"
"You won't. I swear. I'll become a hero."
"L/n, is it?" asks the blonde. "I'm.. a friend of Midoriya's, you see. And he will become a hero. I'll see to that."
"Don't give him false hope. Dreams are nothing but fun at night. In the morning, its time to wake up"
"Listen, there's some things that you don't know. But I assure you. He has a chance."
"Things I don't know? Fine. But 1 know him. He's desperate to be a hero and the moment there's a ray of hope, he's gonna chase after it! And then what?! He's gonna get hurt!"
You're worried about him. More than ever. He's not just your friend. You're in love with him. You're the pessimistic type, The person who thinks that nothing is possible. That all hope is already lost. But he's the opposite. He always looks ahead. He believes in everything. He's the whole reason that you're still here. That you still smile.
"I won't!" he snaps. "L/n, you don't have to worry about me lf anything, believe in me! You're my friend! Please!"
"Midoriya.." you look down. "Fine. Go ahead. But if you get hurt, or worse, killed, I'Il kill you!"
"But if I'm already dead-"
"And it's times like these that you remind me of Kacchan-"
He laughs a bit. "Sorry. I didn't mean it. You're way better than him."
Anyway, I'm going to UA. You should go, too! You could take the general studies course! That way, we can go to high school together! Our classes would be different, but we can see each other at lunch."
"I dunno if I'II get accepted-"
"You're totally smart enough to go! You'll pass any type of written exam. I swear. Please?"
"I'll try, okay?"
He smiles big. "Great! Well both go to UA!! Together!"
"Alright. Alright." You give him a bit of smile, then look to the blonde. "You still haven't told me who you are."
"I... an unimportant!"
"Sir, either you tell me who you are, or I won't leave."
"I really can't tell you."
"No, you can. You're just choosing not to." You grab onto Midoriya. "For all I know, you could be an old pervert who has sketchy intentions to ultimately hurt my broccoli boy.
"So you're more likely to be ALL MIGHT??"
"Then tell me who you are."
"He can't," says Midoriya. But, that's fine. You don't need to know. Just trust me."
You sigh, but agree.
You and Midoriya both got accepted into UA High, just in different courses. Today is the first day, and you're walking in
with him.
After school, you and him walk home together. You're quiet. At lunch, he'd been with that girl, despite saying that you two would be together. Right now, you want to ice him out. Bros come before girls, right? I already know I don't stand a chance as a girlfriend, but at least treat me like a friend, dimwit.
"Are you okay, L/n?"
"Did something happen?"
"Do you need a hug?"
"Ice cream?"
"Are you mad at me? What'd I do? I'm sorry?"
"Come on! Don't ice me out! I'll do anything!!"
"Fine, fine. Be mad. I see how it is."
He start pouting, but you ignore it, still walking. You'll hold your own this time. You won't loose to his cute face.
"You know what? I know what you're problem is."
"You're mad that I lost my flat tummy."
You can't help it anymore. You bust into laughter. He's too adorable. it's not possible to ice him out.
"Ha! l win!
"Fine! I give! Sheesh!"
"Can you tell me why you're mad now?"
You didn't come find me at were with that one girl.. with big eyes."
"Oh, my gosh! I'm so sorry! I completely forgot! You see, it was a hectic day and- and she invited me and I got caught up in that!!" He bows. "Don't ever let me do that again! Next time, please come find me!!"
"It's not your fault. It was bound to happen."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, she's super pretty! I sometimes forget that it's normal."
"I don't know what you're talking about-"
"You're developing a little crush on her, of course. I can tell. I'm not stupid-"
"No! That's not it at all! I met her during the exams and- and she's really nice! That's all! I swear!!"
"It's not that big of a deal. Good luck."
"No! I swear! Really!"
"Let's just drop it."
After that day, you and Midoriya have been awkward. It's not the same. Actually, as strange as it is, you've been closer with Bakugou. You don't know how or why. It just happened. On some random day, you ran into each other, and now, it's like you're always together.
He's still angry and rude, though he seems to be calming down a bit. At least, around you, he is. Right now, he's walking you home, as Midoriya has decided to spend time with his new friends.
"You didn't have to," you mutter.
"Says who?"
"Common sense. We were never friends before this."
"I know."
"Then what is it?"
"You think I haven't noticed? You've been all heartbroken 'cause the nerd is spending more time with no-gravity."
"N- no! Why would that make me heartbroken?"
"I know you have a crush on him."
"Er- no way! He- he's just a weird broccoli boy! No way I'd like him-"
"Don't lie to me, dummy. He smacks your head. "Sheesh. You can be so stupid sometimes."
"Rude! Sheesh! You're still a jerk!"
"I was born this way." He sticks his tongue out.
He puts his arm around your shoulders. Oh yeah? Well you're stuck with me! Loser!"
"The only loser here is you! Now get off a me, you sweat slug!"
"Oh really?!" He grabs onto you from behind, covering you in his sweat.
"MAKE ME!!!"
You burst into giggles, walking in this awkward position home. At your door, you see Midoriya there, who looks surprised. L-L- L/n? Why are you with Kacchan?"
"Oh?" asks Bakugou. "She never told you? We're dating. Before you start arguing, he whispers in your ear, You want him? Get him jealous. He'll notice you."
"Is that true?" asks Midoriya, giving you a pleading look. You're dating... Kacchan?"
"Yeah. It's a more recent thing, I guess. I must've forgot to mention it."
"Yeah. Apparently. I guess I should go now. Leave you be with your boyfriend."
He seems agitated, though leaves. You look up at Bakugou's face, and see him smirking.
"What're you all happy about?"
"Nothing. Mind if I come in for a bit? We could hang out."
"Alright. Fine. C'mon."
You take him to your room, where you sit on the floor and watch a couple movies and eat your hidden stash of snacks.
He's sitting oddly close to you, but you shrug it off.
When Bakugou comes to walk you to school, you're surprised. So, you ask, "What are you doing?
We already told the nerd that we're dating. We gotta act like it if we wanna convince him."
"I dunno how I feel about lying to him so much-"
"If you want something, you gotta take it while you still can, someone else will come and take it."
"You're right. Thanks."
"Yeah, yeah. You can thank me later."
You grab his hand. "If we're gonna do it, may as well do it right."
"Oh, please." He let's go of your hand, and instead, wraps his entire arm around your waist, holding you close to him.
"Th- this is a bit much-"
"Not at all, dimwit. Now wipe that ridiculous blush off your face."
"You're a jerkwad."
"And proud of it, too."
During lunch at school, you're sitting at Bakugou's table. He looks at everyone. "This is Y/n L/n. She's my girlfriend."
"BAKUBRO!!!" a redhead shouts while standing and slamming his hands on the table. "YOU DIDN'T INTRODUCE ME SOONER?!?!?! SOME FRIEND YOU ARE!!! YOU'RE SO UNMANLY!"
Pouting, a blonde boy goes, "I can't believe someone as mean and nasty as you got a girlfriend first."
A pink girl starts clapping happily. "Well she and I can be besties now! Yay!"
You see Bakugou look over to Midoriya, who meets his eyes Then, the blonde cups your cheek and kisses the other, making you blush crazily. Meanwhile, Midoriya glares for a moment before going back to his food, seemingly pouting. Well, at least it seems he's getting jealous, right? The plan is working. You think.
This isn't apart of the plan. Not at all. The plan was for Midoriya to confess his feelings for you. For him to get totally jealous and territorial and take you away from Bakugou, while you go with him. But, a new component has been added.
The one where you start developing feelings for him. Its a total plot twist.
Right now, you two are on a "date." In the middle of the meal, you decide that you can't do it anymore.
"Let's just stop," you say.
"Stop what?"
"All this... fake dating crap. It's stupid."
"And how is it stupid?"
"Because if it's not real, I don't see a point."
"You must not want Deku anymore."
"I don't."
"At this point..I'm taking advantage of you."
"How so?"
"I like you, okay? It's not fair to you to keep using Midoriya to-"
"Ha!! knew this would happen! My plan worked!"
"You fell for it. I knew using Deku would convince you, even if you thought it was all fake anyway. After that, I figured that you'd totally fall for me later. And here we are. And, by the way, you just thought it was fake. You're my girlfriend and not going anywhere."
"But... why would you- why would you-"
"Because I decided that I want you."
"Since when?"
"The last couple days of junior high."
"But why? You used to bully me."
"And? I changed my mind, okay? Now shut up. You like me so shut up and accept it."
"Fine. Jerkwad."
"Yeah, well this jerkwad is your boyfriend.
"Shut up!"

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