Not-So-Secret Crush (Maddie)

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"There's a cute girl staring at you," says Akaashi before a game starts.
"No!" yells Bokuto. "I know your tricks ! You're lying to make me wanna play better!! I don't need that!"
"No, she's right over there." He points to the stands.
Immediately, the owl-haired boy whips his head around, and makes eye-contact with the most gorgeous girl alive-you. Your hair is done all prettily, and you're in the cutest sundress. That chubby face covered in a blush, and that cute little body seeming all tense. He turns back to Akaashi angrily, "See?! Lies!"
"Did you not see-"
"She's so hot!! That's not just cute, you idiot!"
Rolling his eyes, he says, "Fine. But, fact of the matter is, she's been staring at you."
His hair perks up. "For realsies?!"
He starts jumping up and down, flapping his arms in front of him like they're wings. "I have to play at my absolute best!! OMG!!! I gotta talk to her after the game! l -"
"Calm down. It's not that serious."
"YES, IT IS!!"
As soon as they win the game, he darts around to try and find you. Then, he sees you walking out of the women's bathroom, so he comes running over, wearing a giant smile on his face.
"HEY, HEY, HEY!"!" he yells.
"Uhh..." your cheeks are tinted red, and it's the cutest thing ever. "H-hello."
"My friend and i noticed you were looking at me during the game!! Well, what's your name? i'm Kotaro Bokuto!!"
"I'm- I'm Y/n L/n-"
"What a cute name!! I think I'm gonna explode!!"
"Not literally. Just a figure of speech, hehe. Oh! Are you free? Like, right now? Please say yes!!"
"I'm not- I'm not doing anything-"
"Then let's go get ice cream! Like, right now!! C'mon, c'mon!"
He grabs your hand and starts running, though you lag to keep up. He's fast, holding your hand tightly. He's just too excited, is all. A good-looking girl was really staring at him. ls it because you think he's cute? Oh! What if you have a crush on him?! A secret admirer!!
Thoughts buzzing around, he gets more and more hyper, making him run even faster. Finally, you get your hand free, so he stops dead in his tracks and turns around. You're hunched over, face red and glistening with sweat. You grab onto a pole and throw up a bit, worrying him.
"Are you okay?"
"No... .can't... run like... that...Just... get me some water. Please..." You clamp your hand over your mouth, as if you're trying to hold in the urge to puke again.
"Hang on. There's a store over there and a bench." He downright picks you up, causing you to flail and kick around.
"But you're tired from running!! I'll carry you to a bench!"
Holding on for dear life, you put your face between his neck and shoulder. "Just be quick! And don't drop me!!"
"I could never!!"
He rushes to the bench and puts you down, then runs inside the store to buy water. He buys a huge bottle, then brings it put to you. The moment it's in your hands, you're chugging it down. Man... the way her clothes stick... Since your clothes are so sticky, he sees a bit of the outline of your thighs, making his face turn into a deep red color. They're so.. thick! OMG!! This is crazy!!
"Forget ice cream," you say, putting the empty bottle down. "I don't think could keep it down."
"Aww....okay." His hair droops down in disappointment. "We'll just have to go some other time."
His hair pops back up. "YES!!" He starts to jump up and down. "Oh!! What's your number? What school you go to??"
"I go there!! How come I've never seen you before?"
"I- I usually try to l- lay low-"
"Well, that's great!" He hands you his phone. "Gimme your number!! Please?!"
"S- sure," You take his phone, type some numbers in, then hand it back.
The moment he's home, he calls his friend, Tetsuro Kuroo.
"What's up?" he answers, a bit tired from his own match.
"GUESS WHAT?!?!?!"
"You finally got out of the single-digit grades."
"And then your alarm went off?"
"Good night," Kuroo hangs up on him, making his hair droop.
Over the weekend, you both text back-and-forth, and he just fawns over how amazing you are. How can you be so pretty and so cute and smart and funny and sweet?! It's not fair! 
At school on Monday, Bokuto scans the entire building for you. Finally, he finds you getting water from the fountain. He runs over and starts clapping happily.
You start choking on the water,so he pats your back.
"YOU OKAY?!?!?!"
You stammer out, "Y- you- you scared me- me-"
"I did?! Sorry!! I got mega excited!! Please, don't be mad at me!!"
"O- okay-"
"Hey, wanna sit with me at lunch? And then watch our practice today? And then I can take you out to ice cream like we said!! Say you'll go!!"
"I'll go-"
He jumps up and down. "YAY!!!"
During lunch, he talks your ear off the whole time smiling and super happy. You'll stammer out little replies, and he finds it adorable. He's decided! He likes you! And you will be his girlfriend! He won't take "no" for an answer!
At practice, he shows off a lot, never once going emo like he usually does when frustrated. He doesn't want you to see that side of him. You can only know good things. He wants to be perfect in your eyes. Is that so much to ask?
Finally, school ends, and he can take you out to ice cream. He finds you outside, and unlike on Saturday, he doesn't start dragging you. Instead, he picks you up bridal-style.
"WHAT THE HECK?!?!?!" You're blushing madly, and it makes him smile.
"Yesterday, you had a hard time running, so I'll just carry you! Now you won't be tired and can hold down the ice cream!!"
"Right? Right?!"
"Th- this is extreme! We could- we could just walk-"
"But that takes too long!"
He starts running, a bounce in his step. The whole way, he gets weird looks, though interprets them as everyone is jealous of him for having such a cute girl in his arms. Iin response, he just grins and holds you tighter.
Once at the little ice cream joint, he sets you down and then grabs your hand to walk inside. He orders cookies 'n cream ice cream with chocolate sauce and sprinkles, while you get chocolate with the same toppings as him.
While sitting, he says, "L/n. I have a confession to make."
You reply, "W- what is it?"
"I like you! I just met you a couple days ago, but you're super pretty and so, so sweet!"
"Yeah...I- I kinda figured that out already."
"HOW'D YOU KNOW?!?!?!"
"The whole way here you kept whispering it."
"Yeah... you're not good at whispering."
"Oh... well, then be my girlfriend!! Please??? Say you will! Say you will!"
You start choking on the ice cream. "Th- that's a bit fast-"
"C''mon! I'm impatient!! Pllleeeeeeeaaaaaassssssseeeeeee?????"
"Agh... fine."
He jumps up, thrusts his fists into the air, and yells, "HEY HEY HEY!! SHE SAID 'YES"!!!
"Quiet down... we're gonna get a call from Korea because they can hear you!"
He sits back down and says, "Oops, sorry."
After ice cream, he takes you home, though stops you at your door. He asks, "Can I kiss you?"
"W- what?!"
"Pwease?" He gives baby-owl eyes, batting his lashes.
"This is awkward."
"Pwetty pwease?"
He picks you up and kisses you, spinning you round. After a few moments, he sets you back on the ground, grinning ear-to-ear. You just run inside with a blush on your face.
"So this is your girlfriend?" asks Kuroo
Dreamily, Bokuto replies, "Yeah,"
"She's hot. Mind if I borrow her?" He winks jokingly.
Immediately, Bokuto grabs yo u tightly, shielding you with his body. "YOU MOST CERTAINLY CANNOT! SHE'S MINE!!!"
"I was just joking. Sheesh."

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