Unmanly Decisions (Maddie)

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He doesn't like this: Not even in the slightest. The feeling is unpleasant, and the first thought that comes to mind.
That unmanly jerk! He's not sure how the boy is unmanly, or how he's a jerk, but he just is. It's like this is the most wicked of people out there. Never once in his life has he ever felt something so disruptive to his almost-good day.
Balling his fists tightly, he walks over and places an arm around your shoulder. "Hey there," he says, putting a smile on his face as he looks at you. If he ignores the boy that you're with, it's genuine.
"Oh, hi! What's up, Kirishima?"
"Nothing much. Wanna introduce us?" He motions to the other guy with his chin.
"Oh! This is Takashi lto, a friend. Takashi, this is my very good friend, Kirishima."
"Friend?" echoes the other boy. "You guys seem pretty close-"
You laugh nervously. "He isn't always like this. And he's just a naturally sweet and affectionate person-"
"L/n and I," says Kirishima. "Are close." He gives another closed-eye smile, though is getting slightly irritated. Despite wanting to prove a point, he doesn't get too touchy with you, knowing and respecting boundaries.
"Just not like that," you specify, and he notices that you shoot him a bit of a glare. Smiling again, you look at Takashi. A guy you're close enough to that you call him by his first name. Someone that he doesn't like, even though he likes almost everyone he's ever met.
"Ah, I see." He pauses for a moment. "So, Y/n, you still up for our date this Saturday?"
His eyes get huge and he raises his eyebrows, finding himself to be angry. A date? With this guy? He doesn't seem manly. Not nearly manly enough for you. You deserve better. Taller. Broader. More muscles Better-looking. Anything but this guy, though, now that he thinks about it, he can't name a single person that he deems good enough for you.
"Yeah," you reply, still smiling at him. "I can't wait. Where do you think we'll go?"
"The café near the school. Can't go wrong with a simple coffee date, am I right?" He looks at Kirishima.
"No, I guess not." he replies, forcing a smile on his face. "Though, if I were to go on a date with her, I'd take her to do something way more fun than just sit and talk."
The guy's eyebrow twitches. "Ooh, really? Like what?"
"Well, we'd go to an amusement park and I'd get her food and we'd probably do a bit of shopping."
"Ah, so you're an active guy. You must have a lot of money to play something like that."
Kirishima's smile twitches a bit this time. "No, but if I'm lucky enough to get a date, I'd at least get a part-time job so I can spoil her. You know, do my utmost best to make her really enjoy herself."
"You must not know her very well, because that's not what's important to her."
"I know it's not, and it's not that important to me. But, fact of the matter is, if I can, I will. I wanna take every opportunity I can if it means-"
"Guys," you put a hand on their chests as you step in between them. "Calm down. It's not that serious. I mean, it's not like I'm actually going out with Kirishima, right?"
"I guess not," replies the redhead. "Anyway...I'll head home, I guess. Leave you two be and stuff."
He walks away, smile dropping entirely. Now, he doesn't just dislike the guy. He seriously hates him. The audacity! He even tried saying that he doesn't know you all that well! You're his girl best friend! Of course he knows you! Also, he's only had a crush on you this semester!
Balling his fists, understandable again, he But tries throwing to take a deep tempted breaths tantrum to calm is down. unmanly.. It's okay No need to get alt worked-up. You don't like
When he gets home, he changes into a white tank top and shorts, then starts beating his punching bag over and over again, trying to blow off some steam. After an hour, he hears his phone ring. Releasing a sigh or irritation, he finds that it's Bakugou.
"Oi, come get coffee with me. I'm bored."
"Sorry, Bakubro. I'm kinda not in the mood right now."
"Neither am I when you stalk me. Get your lousy behind over here within fifteen minutes."
"Dude, seriously. You may not care about self-image, but I do and don't want people to see me in such a crappy mood-"
"What? Mr. Sunshine-Butt's actually in a bad mood?"
"Yeah! That happens sometimes!" he snaps, but then shakes his head. "Sorry. See? This is why I just-"
"Come on. Talking it out helps sometimes. Now come to this stupid café. I'm not waiting all day."
He decides not to change his clothes, since he's just getting coffee with Bakugou. Slipping on a pair of slides, he walks out the door and heads for the little coffee shop. When he walks inside, he finds the blonde to be siting at a two-person table all the way in the back. Sighing, he takes his own seat.
"So what's got your panties all in a bunch?" asks the blonde while sipping his coffee a bit.
"It's super unmanly." He hangs his head down in shame.
"So? Just talk about it. You're not gonna feel any better holding it in. Aren't you the one who always yells at me to calmly talk it out instead of blowing everything up?"
"Well, yeah-"
"Then take your own advice. Spill the tea."
"Okay, so I was about to walk home from school, right? But I saw L/n. I wanted to say 'hi' real quick, but she was with this guy. They're talking all smiley and stuff and 1 just got really angry. I go over and talk to them and stuff, and end up finding out that they're going on a date! And then this guy has the audacity to say I don't even know her that well! And what's worse is that she was defending him and stuff! I just- ugh!! He's so unmanly!! I wanna- I wanna punch his face in!"
"Do you want me to do it?"
"I shouldn't say 'yes>"
"Answer with your heart, not your brain."
Banging his forehead on the table, he yells loudly, "YES!! DANG IT!!! WANT YOU TO PUNCH HIS FACE IN AND BLOW HIM UP, DANG IT!!"
"Takashi lto."
"Got it. I've been wanting to blow somebody up, anyway."
"But...it's so mean! I shouldn't- I shouldn't be asking you to-"
"It's not mean. Isn't she your girl?"
"Well, not technically. I really, really like her but nothings official-"
"Listen up!! If you want something, you take it! This is exactly what happens if you just stand around and wait!! A stupid green-haired nerd comes along and steals it right from under your nose and-"
"NO, I DIDN'T!!!"
Borrow flashes across Kirishima's face. In his angry fit yesterday, he suggested to his friend that this guy really pissed him off and deserved to get his face punched in. Now, the blonde is doing much, much worse. Explosive fists meet face.
Blood on ground. Then, you come running over, yelling.
"Stop it! What the heck has gotten into you?"
"He just has a punch-able face."
"You-! He's gonna think I'm a freak!"
lto just shakes his head. "It's fine, it's fine. I see... that you have some interesting friends from class-"
"No way I'm friends with this jerk!!" When you look over and see Kirishima, there's a bit of hurt on your face. "Did you know he was gonna-"
"Uh- no! I didn't! He's lying to you now. What the heck. ? I've thought about it all night.. and I think I might be jealous...and I shouldn't be acting this way because of that.. Eijiro, you're so stupid!!"
You sigh. "He's so crazy... why target Takashi, though? He didn't do anything. He's the nicest guy on earth."
He struggles to keep up his half-hearted smile. You used to say that about him. Eye twitching, he just nods. Inwardly, he's raging. This isn't right. It's not even fair. You two had it really good. He was going to ask you out. Bit /to shows up and ruins it all. Deep down, he's not upset with Bakugou, and even appreciates what was done. Later, he'll have to treat him to
a goof mapu tofu meal.
After school, he comes up behind the blonde and attacks him with a giant bear hug.
Thank you, man. I shouldn't be saying this, but I feel a lot better after seeing him get beat.
"I told you. Anyway, you owe me."
"I already know. I was about to suggest taking you out to mapu tofu?"
"Lets go."
He starts walking, carrying the redhead on his back, not really caring at this point. At the restaurant, however, they find
a surprise. It's lto. And he's with...a girl. Kirishima furrows his brows a bit.
"Hey Bakubro, can you record? Just in case we need evidence?"
"Already on it. Have fun."
"Thanks, man." He walks toward them, playing a chillface, though getting angry. "Who's this?" he asks, getting the
attention of both people.
Smiling, Ito replies, "This is my girlfriend, Hana Suzuki."
"Girlfriend? I thought you had a date with L/n tomorrow."
Before the girl can ask questions, Ito is standing up and putting his arm around Kirishima's shoulder as they go outside.
"Listen,' Ito smiles a bit. "I don't... I don't really like sticking with just one girl. Not really my style.. so dont go telling
anyone, okay? Especially L/n. She's so cute and innocent. It'll be fun to toy with her-"
"And what would I get out of this?" Kirishima is getting angrier and angrier. The nerve of this guy!!
"I can set you up with a super hot girl. Curvey and cute. You know what? I have this one ex that you'll /ove. I got a bit
bored, but she's great. Quiet and submissive. I'I set you two up-"
"! don'treally like your offer."
"Then what do you want?"
Y don't think you can give me what I want, so l'll probably tell her."
'Dude! From one bro to another. You can't-"
"No, I can."
"Why am 1 getting so worked up? She won't believe you anyway."
'Normally, she wouldn't. But, you see, my good ol friend Bakubro over there has been recording this whole
conversation." The guy's eyes get huge as he turns around, meanwhile Kirishima just waves at the camera. "Ayo! Bakubro!
Cut the camera! That's enough!"
The moment Bakugou stops recording, Kirishima taps the lto's shoulder. When he turns around, the redhead punches him square in the jaw, making him feel so much better. He exhales a sigh of relief S he watches the guy crumple on the ground. He may or may not have activated his quirk, so the guy is currently bleeding.
"Man, watching Bakubro beat you up felt good and all, but dang. Hitting you myself is way better. Man... but gosh. That's so unmanly. Don't tell L/n, okay? I don't want her thinking anything bad of me. If you do... just sick Bakubro on you, okay? Thanks!!"
In a good mood, he walks home with Bakugou, skipping a man.
"You're way too happy."
"Sorry. I just... know it's not okay, but...you see...knowing that L/n and that guy aren't gonna happen...makes me really happy. It's super unmanly, but- but I really don't wanna loose her. I like her too much. Well, tomorrow, go to her house and tell her. I sent you the video and everything. She'll want some comfort or whatever, and you're good at that crap."
"You think so?"
"Yeah. And it's not unmanly to get jealous."
"No, it is. And the way I acted was, too."
"Who cares? It's good to get your hands dirty every once in awhile."
"You really have no morals, do you?"
"Nope. Don't need 'em."
"Geez.. sometimes wonder why I even hang out with you."
"Because I'm awesome?"
"No, that can't be it."
Kirishima paces around your room, trying to find the right words. How exactly does he say it? It's just a sensitive topic.
"Kirishima," you say. "I have to start getting ready-"
"You cant,"
"What? Why?"
"Because-because he's seeing other people. Yesterday, I was hanging out with Bakubro and... he was with another girl. And I already know! It's not believable! But that's why he recorded everything. I can show-"
"It's fine," you say. "I believe you."
"YOU DO?!?!?!"
"I know you too well. You'd never lie to me."
His heart shatters into a million pieces, knowing the truth. He has lied. Way too much recently. But you still think so highly of him. He doesn't deserve that. He doesn't even deserve you. Not with the way he's been acting. "Heh...yeah...I could never. Not to you."
"Thank you.." you hug onto him and start crying. Through hiccups, you say, "I- I really lik- liked him. He was- he was too nice and-and I totally fell for his- for his lies."
He rubs your back. I need to stop feeling sorry for myself. She needs me right now. "I'm so sorry. Does it make you feel any better than I beat him up a bit?"
You look up at him with teary eyes. "You did?"
"I did. I punched him in the face after hardening my fist."
You choke on a bit of a laugh. "Thank you."
"Of course. Anything for you. And you know what else?"
"W- what?"
"I brought ice cream~"
Your eyes light up. "Really?!"
"Yeah. We can cuddle in here and eat. Or if you don't wanna cuddle that's fine-"
"Mh. Cuddles."
He laughs a bit. "Then its settled, Pebble."
"Did you just-"
"Sorry. It- it slipped out-"
"No. I liked it. But I do have a serious question."
"What's that?"
"Did Bakugou catch you hitting Takashi on video?"
"No. He stopped recording. I didn't think you'd wanna see."
"Aww. I do wanna see."
"It's okay. Now cuddles!! And ice cream!!"
"Okay, okay. Lemme grab the bad by the door."
"Walk and hold."
"Okay, okay." You still wrapped around him, he walks to the door and grabs the bag, then to your bed as he lies down with you. Pulling out a spoon, he scoops ice cream onto it and puts it into your mouth. "Does ice cream make it better?"
"It does. You're the best."
"I wouldn't say that."
"No! It's settled! Eijiro Kirishima is the best guy to ever live. He is superior to all men, who are lying, cheating, jerkwads. "Hey, there are other good guys. Midoriya is great. Todoroki seems cool. Bakubro-"
"No. Just you. They don't bring me ice cream on days like this."
"Ah, Isee. I've won you over with ice cream." Hesitantly, he pats your head, and you nestle it into his hand. "What are you? A cat."
"Meow. Now give me head-scratches."
Laughing, he does as told. "Hey... how about we go on a date? So you can still go out today? I see you already have an
outfit picked out, and I'd hate for it to go to waste."
"You don't have to do that for me."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I know you'd probably never want to-"
"Where'd you get that idea?"
"Only a cheater has ever or would ever seriously have a thing for me..
"No way! You're amazing, L/n! I mean it!"
"But not like that-"
"No! Totally like that!" He grabs your face, smushing your cheeks a bit. Listen here, I've liked you since school started,
okay? You're so beautiful, smart, kind, sweet, strong, hard-working--everything could ever ask for and more. I didn't wanna go out with you, I'd be an idiot. L/n, I wasn't just offering to make you feel better... I was being selfish, too."
"Really? You mean all that?"
"Yeah, I mean every word."
"Then. let's just date. I don't wanna wait. I don't wanna-"
"No. Before- I don't deserve-"
"What do you mean? How do you not deserve to date me? 1 thought you said you liked me-"
"Because I lied to you a bunch!" He gets off the bed and bows deeply. When I saw you with Ito... I got super jealous and acted in a really unmanly way. i even lied to you. i knee that Bakubro was gonna hit lto, and I didn't do anything about it. To make it worse, I lied when you asked. And not only that... for a few moments... was happy about him being a scumbag!! I was happy because I was selfish and didn't wanna see you with anyone else! I was too concerned with what I
wanted that I wasn't even concerned about how you'd feel today!! I was being selfish and unmanly and wrong! Furthermore.. it's also led me to believe that. that I could never really have you as a girlfriend. One date to cheer you up is one thing, but..I'm in no place to ask or accept that. This has shown me that I'm both immature and selfish, and you deserve way better than that-"
"Kirishima, stop."
"No! You should know the truth! I didn't like lying to you and I never wanna do that again! It's not right! And I'm not the best guy ever! When it came down to it, all I could think about was what Iwanted."
"Yeah, but you're telling me now. You weren't proud of yourself when you did it. You're willing to change and fix it. I forgive you, Kirishima. I forgive you and want to be with you. And you can't tell me otherwise. You do not get the right to decide what I do and don't deserve, and you do not get to decide if someone is forgivable in my eyes. So shut up and accept the fact that the girl you like is willing to look past your mistakes and be with you! Now stand up, you idiot!"
He looks up, getting a bit teary-eyed. "l just. just don't understand... how could you... how could you ever forgive-"
"Because you're sorry and I trust that you won't do it again."
"You really are the most amazing girl ever."
You hug him. "Kiri. you gotta understand. You're not perfect, and never will be. That's not possible for anyone. You make mistakes. But you're also human. Just take them as learning experiences, okay? Use them to grow and learn."
"You're the best... gosh, I love you so much." He clings onto your tightly.
"I... think I might just love you, too."
"Yeah... it just took awhile to realize it."
"Thank you."
"How about that date, then? If you give me a little while, I get can ready to go real quick."
"Okay!!" He lets go and jumps around a bit. "We can go shopping and get ice cream and-"
"Okay, okay! Lemme get ready!! I don't wanna be out too late on our first date."
"Okay! I'll wait outside!!"
While waiting for you to get dressed, he runs as fast as he can to get you flowers, then comes back just in the knick of time. Two seconds after getting to your porch, you walk outside looking more beautiful than ever. You stare at the flowers and the sweat he's drenched in.
"Did you-"
"I wanted to be manly and get you flowers. Here!" He hands them to you, smiling broadly.
"Well, thank you. Its much appreciated."
"Anyway, you ready?"
"Yes. I'm ready to go."
First, he takes you to go get more ice cream, then to go shopping, then to walk around a pretty park. He's had the first date built up in his head for a long, long time. He even bought you a bunch of stuff, and has his arms lined with bags that weigh a lot. He doesn't mind, of course. Anything for you.
Around 5:30, you two start heading back to your house. He also insists on carrying your bags upstairs, saying they're too heavy for a lady. Once he places them on the floor, he gives you a big smile.
"Alright," he says. "I should go. I had an amazing time with you, Pebble.'
"I did. too. Thank vou for evervthina.
"Of course! Anything for you!" He leans down and kisses your cheek. "G'night. Love you.
"Love you, too.
At school on Monday, him, you, and Bakugou are all talking. Kirishima mentions how you wanted to see him hiting lto, and Bakugou just grins sadistically.
"Oh, that's on a separate video."
"It's not every day I get to see your dark side."
As you watch the video, you giggle, though he's embarrassed. When it's over, you grin widely, then slam your lips onto his. At first, he's a bit surprised, but leans into it a bit.

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