Shark (Ghost)

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You are so excited to start at UA. You got in with a recommendation from Selkie, the seal hero. He's a friend of the family. You have known him since you were in diapers. He's like an uncle, which is weird because your quirk is shark.

You have shark like teeth, gills on the side of your neck, your skin being slightly gray, and you can swim like a shark. You are also stronger than the average person as well.

You make it to class 1-A and walk in. A girl came up to you with pink skin. She was really pretty.

She smiles at you, "Hi. I'm Mina Ashido. What's your name?"

You return her smile, "I'm Y/N L/N."

She gasps, "OMG! You have teeth just like Kirishima."

Right on cue, a red head came up and gave you a smile. You return his smile as well.

He jumps around in excitment, "You do. You have shark teeth, too. I'm Enjio Kirishima. What's your name? What's your quirk? What- "

Mina interrupts, "Easy man. You got to let her answer one question at a time."

Kirishima blushes, "Sorry. I got too excited. That wasn't very manly."

You giggle, "It's ok. I'm Y/N L/N. I am happy to meet a fellow shark tooth person. My quirk is shark."

He gushes, "That's so manly."


From that day on, you have been the best of friends. He was such a friendly guy. There was only one problem, you were falling in love with the manly red head. You know he doesn't like you like that. You are pretty sure he's into Mina. Who wouldn't be? She was pretty, athletic, and so nice.

You decided you need to get rid of these feelings for Kirishima. You didn't want to lose him entirely, and you knew it would happen if you couldn't calm your emotions.

When there was a week break, you went to visit your family. You completely shut off your phone for the entire week. You wanted to clear your head and focus on your family.

After the week was done, everyone returned to their dorms. As you walked to yours, you were tackled into a hug. You were shocked because it happened so fast. From the side eye, you saw red and knew immediately it was Kirishima. You return the hug. He pulls away and just looks at you.

He huffs, "What did I do to make you ignore me all week? Is it because you found out I like you? I know I'm not manly enough for someone as awesome as you, but "

You cut him off, "What?"

He tilts his head, "What? What?"

"You like me? I thought you liked Mina."

"She's only my friend. I like you and want you to be my pebble. If that's not it, then why were you ignoring me all week?"

"I turned my phone off to clear my head. I like you too, but I thought you liked Mina."

He jumps up and down, "You like me too? I'm manly enough for you?"

You chuckle, "You're the manliest person I know."

He gets tears in his eyes, "Does that mean you will be my pebble?

"I would love to."

You shared a short, sweet kiss.

Mina and your group of friends come up cheering. Unbeknownst to you, they were all routing for you two to get together. Even the grumpy Bakugou. Although he would never admit it.

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