Waste It On Me (Maddie)

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Disclaimer: Another song-story! Waste it On Me by Steve Aoki feat. BTS. The following quotes were used: You say love is messed up, you say that it don't work, you don't wanna try," "If love is nothing more than just a waste of your time, waste it
on me."

"So what high school you thinking about going to? I could come pick you up-"
"Like I'd tell you." You roll your eyes, putting a pout on his face.
"Come on. Nobody likes when you play hard-to-get"
"I'm not playing 'hard-to-get," just wanna be left alone."
"For a whole year now! A whole year I've been trying to at least get you to get ice cream! And you still won't even utter a nice word to me! What do I have to do?"
"There's nothing you can do. It's all a waste of time."
"It's not a waste of time. It's fun and-"
"What's so fun about getting ice cream with a pervert?"
"Hey! This past month, I haven't even looked at another girl! I'm totally obsessed with you!"
"Well, that's your problem, because I'm not interested."
"If you give me a chance, I swear!! I'll be the best guy-"
"That's what they all say."
"You're always like this. You say that love is messed up. You say that it don't work. You don't wanna try."
"Because it doesn'twork. And it never will. lt's just stupid. Now leave me alone. Or l'!I call the police for stalking."
"Fine. Fine."
He puts his hands up in the air, and begins walking away. Despite putting up a smile in front of you, he's holding in all the pain of constant rejection. But he refuses to give up. He can't. He won't. He'll never stop trying. Even if it kills him. He has to have you. He just has to.
You've known each other since elementary school. You were quiet, usually reading, though snarky when you chose to talk. You didn't even really have friends. He was a goofy kid, normally tripping on his own shoelaces since he couldn't tie them on his own.
As you two got older, he noticed that you were growing into a pretty girl. Chubby, but quite the cute face. When you were younger, it was a bit more disproportionate, but when you hit fourteen, it all changed, apparently. In between semesters, he hadn't seen you, but when it was back-to-school time, you were a totally different girl.
Your awkward-shaped body developed to a curvier point, and you seemed to be taking better care of yourself, too.
Acne was clearing up a bit, and your hair was more put-together. You just..changed.
The quiet-chubby girl he'd seen a few times didn't even exist anymore. Immediately, he pulled out his best pickup lines, but you pretty much ignored him. But you were too beautiful. He was already obsessed.
And now, to the present, he still is. Maybe even more, now. After all, you're stillgetting prettier. Slowly growing more and more into your body, and becoming a "young lady"
You're still quiet, though you've come out of your shell quite a bit. The only thing that just doesn't click, is why you refuse to go out with anyone. Its not just him that you reject. You reject everyone. It makes no sense. Do you not want a boyfriend? Do you already have one? ls something wrong? And the worse part is, when he asks, you don't give him an answer. It's just cruel at this point.
UA High. He can't wait. He'l be a hero. Save people. Have girls fall in love with him. Reject them. You come along, apologizing for all the times you rejected him. Beg for another chance. Him said he was never over you to begin with. Ah.
What a great future that awaits him!
But he realizes that it's not going to happen when you're in his new classroom, wearing the same uniform, and talking to a redheaded guy there, smiling a bit. His whole world completely falls apart, crumbling to pieces Who is he? Do you know him? What's the connection? What are his motives? What are yours?
"L/n," he calls, eyebrows furrowed. "I didn't know you'd be at UA."
"Well, now you do."
The redhead grins. "Are you two friends??"
You say to him, "No. I don't really know him all that well."
And that's when his heart shattered into a million pieces.
As soon as school is over, he's walking behind you, wanting answers. "Why were you talking to that guy??"
Rolling your eyes, you reply, "He came and introduced himself?"
"But- but you were smiling! You never smile! Whats going on here??"
"He's a nice person? And I do, too, smile! Just not in front of you because you never give me a reason to!"
"Do you like him or something?"
You groan. "No! I don't! He's just not as annoying as you! And he's not just talking to me to get a date!"
"For now! You don't even know what his motives are!"
"No, I do. He's a friendly person who wants to get to know the whole class."
"I don't buy it! No way a guy wants to just casually be friends with someone as sexy as you!!
You stop dead in your tracks, whirl around, then slap him. "Shut up! I'm tired of this bull crap! Maybe if you didn't follow me everywhere, bother me all the time, get in my face all the time, I wouldn't hate you! Instead, you never leave me alone! And don't you dare call me that! Dating is just stupid and ridiculous! Relationships in general are! You say you're in love when you're really not! Sooner or later, you're both done and hurt! That's how it always ends! You're just too naïve and stupid to understand that! Grow up already!! I don't have time for your stupid games, so go home and try studying for a change. Or do you plan to fail tenth grade, too?"
"L/n." He holds his stinging cheek. "I don't plan to hurt you. I just wanna be with you. You- you're so beautiful and...every time you hit me or tell me to go away. I just wanna come back all the more. It makes me like you even more than before. And I don't care if that's masochistic or whatever. I love everything about you, even the way you hate everyone in existence. You're-"
"You're delusional! You keep crawling back when you know it's not gonna work! What's even the point?! What do I have to do to get you to leave me alone?!"
He shakes his head. "You can't do anything. I won't leave you alone. I refuse. I'm in love with you and that's that."
"Love is a waste if time."
"If love is nothing more than just a waste of your time, waste it on me."
"I have better things to do."
And now, you just walk away, like you always do. You leave him to himself, as he hopes to win you over. As hopeless as it sounds, he can't help but keep on trying. He's just that desperate.
It seems the only person you like is Kirishima. And it's the worse. Kirishima is a great guy. They're friends. Really. But he doesn't want to loose you to him. That's just not fair. Not even in the slightest. So, right now, he's sat down the redhead, needing to have a serious talk.
"Kirishima," he says in a bit of a whiny voice. "What's going on between you and L/n?"
"Hm? She's a really good friend!!"
"But,like, how do you feel?"
"Whaddya mean?"
"Do you have a thing for her? Like, romantically? Because-"
He shakes his head. "No way! She's just a really good friend! I promise you that. Oh! But do you like her?"
"No. I'm in love with her. There's a difference."
"Have you confesses yet?"
"I've professed my love to her 1,972 times."
"And what did she say??"
"She rejected me each and every time."
"What! Why?"
He clears his throat, "As she's says, Love is nothing but a waste of time. It's stupid and always ends badly. Both parties walk out of the relationship hurt and broken' You see what I mean?"
"That doesn't sound like her. She's super sweet and optimistic to me."
He groans. "I knew it. She's totally fallen for you. she's never been like that with anyone."
"Uh. uh. .sorry, man. I didn't- I didn't know-"
"It's not your fault. You're just a likable guy."
Holding him by the throat, your nostrils flare a bit and your eyes suggest great anger. "Denki. Kaminari. What. The. Heck. Did. You. Do?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Today, Kirishima came to me and said that he didn't like me back. He said that while he appreciates my feelings for him, he just doesn't feel that way. Then, when I asked him what he was talking about, he said that you told him that I liked him. Do you know how humiliating that is? Especially when I don't even like him that way?"
"I thought you did! You act like you do! You're even positive around him."
"Becsuse he's my friend! My best and only friend! Do you even have to ruin that for me?!" He sees little tears in your eyes. You're such a liar! Didn't you say that you don't plan to hurt me?! Well you just did!" You release him. "Just get outta my life already"
"I can't do that!! I'm sorry, okay?! 1 didn't mean to! I really thought that you like him! You- you're different around him! It's obvious! Sheesh! And just go explain yourself if it's that big of a deal!" "I even talk to him-"
"That's not the point!! The point is that you just need to mind your own business!"
"L/n...please forgive me. won't-I won't make the same mistake again-"
"You're right. You won't. You wanna know why? Because I'm done."
You just run off, and he wonders what you mean by that. You're done? What exactly does that mean?
Two months. Two whole months and you won't talk to him. Whenever he tries to, you ignore him. You won't even look at him. Is that what you meant? You're just done with him? He can't stand this.
So, he's on his way to your house. He got the information from Kirishima, who apparently hangs out with you all of the time. When he knocks, a man comes to the door.
"Yes?" he asks.
"Uh, hi. I'm a classmate of Y/n L/n. She lives here, right?"
"Oh! Yes. Sorry. She didn't say that there would be company over... I'm her dad." He puts his hand out, to which Kaminari shakes it.
"Nice to meet you, sir. She's home, right?"
"Yes. Just in her room."
"Okay. Would you mind if I went and talked to her?"
"Yeah, of course."
When inside, he doesn't see your mother anywhere. Odd. He asks, "Is it okay for me to ask where her mom is?"
"You mean that she never told you?"
He shakes his head.
"Me and Y/nn's mother are divorced."
"Does L/n still see her?"
"No. She... removed herself from the picture." He clears his throat. "It's just her and I here."
"I'm sorry. I didn't know-"
"You're fine. Anyway. Her room is upstairs, first room on the left."
"Okay. Thank you."
Kaminari runs upstairs then taps lightly on your door. He's pleasantly surprised when he sees you open it in just shorts and a baggy sweatshirt with your hair in a messy bun. He bites his lower lip a bit. Dang... her thighs are sexy.
The moment you lay eyes on him, you try to close the door, but he catches it. "Come on. Just talk to me. Please."
"I'm sorry, okay? You know that I love you, and you know that I can't live without you. The least you could do is yell. Scream. Hit me. Fuss me out. Just please. Don't- don't ignore me. Hate me for the rest of your life, but at least let me be in it. I'm begging you."
You somehow get the door shut, so he walks downstairs, sadder than ever. Your dad looks at him questioningly.
"What happened?"
With a weak smile, he replies, "I thought that maybe we could work it out, but I was wrong. She really hates me this time. But that's okay I guess. So long as she's happy.. I'll see myself out."
Kaminari walks out the door, then goes home. The moment he's alone in his room, he bursts into a crying fit, sobbing louder than ever. Hugging a pillow, he shakes with the pure pain and heartache of all this. Its so bad. He didn't realize how much he loved you until now.
It's been a whole ten years. In your second year of high school, you transferred to Shiketsu, sO he hasn't seen you since.
Even so, he thinks of you every day, and sees you on the news all the time as you succeed as a hero. These days, he's a new pro, decent in ranking.
Currently, he's getting ready for a big party for high-ranking heroes. When he received an invitation, he was quite flattered. So, he's putting in his best suit, praying that you'll be there. If so, maybe you two cam talk. Maybe you'll be in a better space. Maybe you can reconcile.
When he pulls up in a limousine, a crowd of his fans swarm him. He smiles, but waves them off as he goes inside.
Immediately, he starts looking around, hoping to find your face in the crowds. Then, he sees you, in in/ that tight, red dress. It outlines your figure, and he can't help but notice how his heart skips a beat.
Then, your eyes meet his, and you both hold that gaze a few moments. Then, he sees something he never expected. A small smile forms on your lips as you start walking towards him, high heels clicking loud enough for him to hear. You stop when in front of him, still smiling a bit.
"Long time no see," you say.
"Yeah. Ten years."
"You've hit it big recently. Tell me, how's it feel?"
"Nice, I guess. "
"All the ladies love you, right?"
"Yeah, but I'm not interested in them."
"Oh? You have someone else?"
"Not dating. Just...feelings for them."
"Ah. She pretty?"
His eyes shine as he looks into yours. "So, so beautiful."
You laugh a bit. "Do I know her?"
"Pretty darn well."
Looking around, you ask, "Is she here-"
He grabs your hand. "It's you. I'm not- I'm not over it yet-"
"Seriously? We haven't seen each other in ten years." You laugh a bit, shattering his not-even-mended heart. "How can
you not be over it? Geez. You are dumb."
"Maybe, but I don't really care. 'Il never be over it. Especially not when you're going to parties dressed like this."
He sees you hold back the urge to smirk. "Like this? What are you insinuating?"
"Well..you know! It's like your hero costume... too tigh...
"Well, you're still as perverted as ever."
"I haven't even looked at another girl since I was fourteen.
That's pretty pathetic."
"I don't care. That's just how it is."
"Well, if that's the case, lets hit the dance floor. No point in just standing around
You grab his hand and drag him out for a dance. He can't believe this. Four times. You two dance four times. And what's better is that after those four times, you lean up and kiss him.
When you pull away, he asks, "Didn't you say love was a waste of time?"
"It is."
Then why-"
"I'm gonna waste it on you."
Once again, you lean up and kiss him, and this one is what makes the front page of the next newspaper.

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