Chapter 18-The Offer

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Taking a closer look, Tails hops off the couch and hovers around the hologram from head to toe, and looks to Quill, asking-

"Is this a holographic map of some kind to Angel Island?"

"Sadly, no, I've learned everything about this place, but keep coming up short with the location." Said Quill.

"I was hoping you knew where to find it, am I wrong?"

Tails sighs.

"It's...complicated, the island is never easy to find and it's been constantly on the move ever since the Big Boom started, so are best bet is to-"

"Wait a minute!"

Sakura interrupts, saying-

"I hardly have a lick of what's going on, but how do you know where they're going?"

"I too appreciate what you've done, but there's something sus, about this."

After making that fair statement, Tails hover down to the metal floor and a few steps back from Star Lord. Naruto and Sakura get a little serious, looking ready to strike the spaceman at any moment, should he try anything.

"Heh, sus, are they what you kids call it these days?" Says the nonchalant Quill.

"But yeah, I-I was going a little too ahead of myself and you guys have every right to be suspicious."

"When Tails told me about how he was going to fix this Big Boom, it could only have meant the most common thing others like you have been looking for; which in any case you haven't noticed is no secret to anyone around these parts."

Star Lord pulls out a remote that controls the holographic images, showing off different images as he continues his explanation.

"Ya see, it started out as a rumor at first, but then one man who was a toon named Crash Bandicoot found a way there and got his world restored. "Made evident when the planet's mass started changing and parts of his world vanished off the map."

"So what you're saying is if everyone went back to their own world, this world gets smaller?" Asked Naruto.


"EXACTLY...the world gets smaller like it should be, thus repairing the damages." Says Quill.

"And how we aren't crushed by this world's gravity due to it being almost the size of Saturn is beyond me, but we can just chalk that up to toon logic and fictional BS."

"That all sounds logical, but now that brings us to a whole new question; what do you want from us?" Tails asked, who is slightly less tense now and is curious as to what Star Lord's intentions are.

Quill hesitates at first, but responds.

I've lost a lot of people dear to me when this event first started, I don't whether they're alive,dead, or just wiped out of existence, but I've been wandering this planet for months and gave up when I came to the conclusion that there's just no way...No way home, no way to find my family, just riding up an endless hill that goes nowhere, until found you guys."

"I'm not much of a spiritual guy, I just believe in the bare basics like any other typical American; I believe in a higher power and we go off to a better place when we die, no matter how questionable it is. And if this bears any resemblance to fate, I'll sure as hell take it."

Quill turns off the hologram and lays the remote down, now standing confidently in front of the 3 and says-

"So here's my offer, you obviously have some leads on where you might be able to find the island, so Ship and I will take you anywhere you need to go, we have enough food and rations for 5 people at max, and AND if you want, I can pay you for your services."

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