17. Married

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"No wonder, P' Jui was cold to you and your friends when he gave fashion tips to all of us," Ko commented.

"He gave you fashion tips?" Saifah asked.

"Yes. He was the one who suggested this hairstyle." Ko pointed at the newly cut hair on his head. "What do you think? Doesn't it suit my face more?" He made a cool pose.

"It does," Everyone said in a disinterested tone.

Ko pouted and sat down with a huff.

Sailub was the only one who was silent. He felt guilty at the fact that he was the reason why Sak had to drop out of the university. 

"Stop making that face, Lub. Sak didn't go from the university because of you," Sailom said as he noticed his younger brother's expression.

"What do you mean, Hia?" Sailub asked.

"Sak went from the university because he got selected for the student exchange program. He went to MIT as an exchange student."

"MIT? Wow! That kid must be a nerd," Saifah commented feeling impressed.

"He is," Sailom said proudly as if he was talking about his own brother.

"But Hia, won't the exchange program be for a Sem or two? Why didn't he come back to the university after the program? All the other exchange students returned to the home university, but I never saw him." Sailub asked.

Back then, he had indeed heard a few people say that Sak hadn't dropped off the university and was sent away as an exchange student. Due to what had happened between them Sailub had been feeling bad and wanted to make amends to Sak. Thus, he had been paying attention to the exchange students who returned.

Seeing that Sak wasn't one of them, he concluded that it was just a rumor that Sak had been selected for a student exchange program and had been feeling bad about it ever since.

"Oh, that?" Sailom chuckled. "His work impressed the professors of MIT, and they offered him a seat there with a full scholarship. So, he transferred from your university to MIT. He is graduating as a top dog from there this year."

Sailub finally understood why Sak never came back and felt a bit relieved. "But how do you know all this Hia?"

"Well, the other day Aum and Jui were planning a welcome back party for him. Jui even invited me to take part in it." Sailom answered with a shrug.

"Aren't you all diverting from the topic?" Zo, who was fed up, finally asked.

"Yes, yes, we did," Sailom said awkwardly. "On a serious note, I don't think that Nai is cheating on you with Jui. I could give Jui a call and ask him about this for you if you want." He offered.

"Great. Give him a call then," Saifah wanted to get things over with as soon as possible. "And put it on speaker."

Sailom nodded and did as he was told.

"Swadee Khrab," Jui's voice was heard from the other side.

"Wadee. What happened? Why do you sound so grumpy?" Sailom asked while the rest of them listened.

"Those little monsters finished off all the macarons here. I didn't even get to taste them." Jui complained.

"Little monsters?"

"The kids here. I really wanted to try those na." Jui whined. "By the way, why are you calling me now? I know you won't be calling to check up on me. Tell me, what's up?"

'Ask him. Ask him,' Zo said pointing at the phone. Sailom showed him the ok sign to calm him down.

" I just called you to ask you why you lied to me," Sailom asked.

"Lie to you? About what?" Jui sounded confused.

"Didn't you lie to me that you are single and have no boyfriend? Isn't that a lie?"

"Are you being sarcastic or just trying to sprinkle salt on my wound?"

Sailom and the other exchanged glances. "You don't have to lie na. My friend saw you with your boyfriend."

"Then tell your friend to give me some more information about my boyfriend as well. Maybe then I can find my boyfriend."

"Pfft," Ko couldn't hold his laughter. Getting a glare from his elder brother, he covered his mouth and continued laughing without a sound.

"I am being serious, na," Sailom insisted.

"I am also being serious, phi. I also want to meet my boyfriend. But he is invisible to me. If your friend had seen him and knows what he looks like it would be a great help for me to find him," Jui insisted back.

Saifah had a hard time keeping Zo back from yelling at the phone.  Zo was glaring hatefully at the phone.

Sailom too felt awkward. "He said that he saw you with a wedding planner guy. That's why he..." He left the sentence unfinished.

"Wedding planner? Do you mean Nai? Nai is my best friend, phi. My roomie. Just like Aum. Don't you remember the other day we were planning a welcome home party for our Nong? Sak is actually Nai's Nong. Not mine. Though he loves me more than he loves Nai." Jui concluded with a hint of pride in the last sentence.

Pin drop silence. Everyone turned towards Sailub who was now sweating bullets. He never expected that he would be in Nai's bad books from the beginning.

He was unaware of the fact that Nai was oblivious to the bullying incident as Sak had only talked about this matter with Jui, his closest brother.

At the same time, Zo felt like he was having a mini heart attack. He had yet to meet Nai's family and the start was already like this.

"Hello? P' Sailom? Are you there?" Jui's voice came from the phone.

"Hello, Jui," Sailom chuckled awkwardly "Well, it isn't uncommon to date your best friend, is it?"

"I did rather die than date that stone face. I have standards, phi," Jui defended himself. "And, my bride hasn't run away, yet." He said in a rather low voice.

"What?" Everyone was surprised by the last words. They didn't think that Jui was aware of Nai's marriage.

"I mean, Nai is married, Phi. A brave martyr had sacrificed himself for the greater good of the human race by marrying Nai. We have to appreciate his sacrifice right?"

"Yes, we should," Sailom glanced at the said 'Brave martyr' sitting next to him.

 "So, you and your friend better not spread any rumors about him," Jui said. "If you do, I will crush your testicles and find another guy for Aum!"

"I won't go around spreading rumors about your friend, alright," Sailom felt that he had asked for it.

"Good for you. By the way, you would be coming to the welcome home party, right?" Jui had invited Sailom to join them as the latter had helped them with the preparations

"Of course," Sailom would never leave an opportunity to get closer to his beau.

"Then, remember to dress modestly. Aum's parents will be there as well."

"What? Aum's parents will be there?"

"Yes. So, leave your bad-boy image at home for a day when you come. And please don't bring any gifts for them. Just act normal as if you had no idea that they would be there. Got it?"

Sailom nodded silently. 

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