It's Time

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Chapter 1:

(Hildegard POV)

It was strange watching all of my friends get married. Not that I didn't see the matches coming it was so clear that Desmond and Amber were going to end up together back when we were at Royal Prep and I have seen the way that Hugo looks at Sofia. Even Clio is clearly going to end up with James and I am happy for all of them. I however had to remain unattached. I know about the laws of Freezenburg and I knew what it would mean in the long run, my marriage would be based on someone winning my hand. Same thing with Astrid, she was just lucky that Axel was the one who one in the end. They do really love each other and it is obvious to everyone in the castle. I don't dare to dream that I will be as lucky but, that was the price I had to pay. In my life I had been given everything I could ever hope to want. If I wanted a doll, I would be given 4, If I wanted a new gown, I would be given an entire new wardrobe. I walked through the halls of the castle as a princess, strong, formidable, maybe even spoiled, everything a Freezenburg princess should be. We followed tradition and rules to the letter.

I met with my family in the dinning hall for breakfast a few days after Amber's wedding. The conversation was light and easy as my sister skillfully tiptoed around the subject on everyone's mind. Our Dad however didn't seem to notice this, "So Hildegard your birthday is coming up and it is time to start planning your Gauntlet." I smiled and nodded not wanting to talk about the conversation further but Dad didn't seem to notice, "We must send out the invitations to all the kingdoms to pay tribute and we must alert the elders and..." "Dad take a breath you are going to scare her," Astrid chimed in looking over at me. Calm, cool, collected that is how I always appeared when the subject was brought up I turned over to Dad, "That all sounds fine. Would you please excuse me." I stood up and curtseyed as I left the room.

I went into the design room I had set up when I returned from school and began playing around with an idea I had. I went to go tack fabric on the dress form when I saw the bridesmaid dress I designed for Amber's wedding.

I watched as everyone lined up. Sofia and James were the matron of honor and best man so naturally they walked down together. Clio and Hugo decided to walk down together because their significant others were partnered up. By process of elimination that left me with,"Princess Hildegard, it appears I am the awesome escort that is walking you down the aisle." He bowed in front of me. I brought my hand to my chin, "I don't know about awesome." I quipped back. "Well I guess I am just going to have to prove it to you." I smiled as he held out his hand for me to take.

I shook my head and took the dress of the mannequin. Pretty soon I would be married I had to let these thoughts go. I heard a knock on the door and watched as Astrid entered, "How are you feeling, Hildy?" She sat down on the chaise behind where I was working, "I am fine, just working on this pattern." "You know that is not what I am talking about. Look I know that it is nerve-racking going through all of this but, it will all work out. The Gauntlet..." "Is a part of our people's history and is designed to make sure that I end up with the right person," I interrupted her. "I know, we have both heard all of this since we were children. Doesn't mean I believe it is true," I added. She rolled her eyes, "I felt the same way until Axel was the one who came and I..." "Looked into his eyes and knew that it was the right thing." She crossed her arms over her chest, "Keep that up see if I try helping you later on." "I'm sorry. Look I am so happy that you and Axel ended up together and that you are getting this happily ever after fairytale here after he abdicated his claim to the throne of Albuquerque but, I doubt that is what I am going to get." I turned back toward the dress form tugging at the fabric, "You're right that is not what you are going to get." Astrid placed a hand on my shoulder, "You are going to get your own wonderful love story." She left the room with that and I rolled my eyes. I knew that wasn't going to happen but I didn't want to talk about it anymore.

I watched as Desmond and Amber finished their first dance and everyone began to join them out on the dance floor. I smiled from the side lines when I felt a hand tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw him again in a deep bow, "May I have this dance." I went down into a curtsey, "Fine, you may have this one." He guided me out to the dance floor and we began.

(Zandar POV)

I heard a knock on the door and went to see what it was. "Word from Freezenburg, Your Majesty," I nodded and took the letter, "Thank you." I went to my desk and opened the letter.

The Kingdom of Tangu is cordially asked to send tribute to Freezenburg
for the Gauntlet in pursuit of the hand of Princess Hildegard

I remembered a bit about this from a class at Royal Prep, Customs and Traditions of Kingdoms. This meant that whoever won this Gauntlet would marry Hildegard. I then thought about the wedding. A few days had passed since the wedding and I wondered if I had succeeded in impressing Hildegard she was always my toughest critic growing up but I was able to make one dance last for three songs so I hoped I had somewhat success. Yet, she didn't mention anything about this to me.

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