We Meet Again

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Chapter 2:

(Hildegard POV)

I stood on the balcony with my family as we watched the flying carriages come flying in. Each with their own kingdoms flag and emblem. I could feel all the eyes upon me but I kept my eyes on the horizon line. It was easier to focus on something far away then what was happening right in front of us. Each kingdom sent a tribute whether it be a prince, a knight or some just sent a gift in its place. It was different from Astrid's whereas with her every kingdom sent a prince who could one day become king, now it was only a princess making the prize a little less wanted. They were announced one by one, "Prince Derek of the Kingdom of Everton... Prince Edward of the Kingdom of Welshire... Lord Jeffery of Corinthia... Sir Markus of the Kingdom of Zumiria... King Zandar of Tangu..." I looked down and saw him he was in a deep bow. As he stood up he met my eyes and I quickly looked away. More names were rattled off and gifts announced about half the kingdoms sent a gift in place of a tribute and that was mostly due to the fact that they were courting other princesses.

Dad then began to speak, "Welcome all tributes who are here to compete in the Gauntlet. This competition will consist of 3 days each filled with their own set of challenges more daunting than the last. At the end one champion will be awarded the hand of Princess Hildegard. These tasks are designed not only to challenge you but, insure the future happiness of the lucky couple. Tonight we shall celebrate with a grand feast, tomorrow it all shall begin."

I went back into the castle alongside my sister and brother-in-law, "So what do you think Hildy any suitors stand out?" Astrid asked as her and Axel came in front of me. "None in particular," Axel stopped which caused all of us to stop, "That is a lie." I glared at him, "What makes you say that?" "Because I, like everyone else had my eyes on you and there was one person who you made eye contact with." "Who?" Astrid asked. "No one," I quickly said before Axel can say anything. He just laughed at me, "Alright, but soon everyone is going to know the truth including you." Astrid then spoke, "The Gauntlet knows who to lead you to." She wrapped her arm around Axel, "You know he was the only prince who caught my eye that day." He smirked at her, "Good because the moment I saw you, I knew I had to win." I sighed, "You both say that now, but maybe you two just got lucky. I am not going to delude myself to think that lightening is going to strike twice." I moved past them and went to my suite where I changed for dinner.

(Zandar POV)

I watched her from the ground as each person was introduced. She looked amazing but, she wasn't looking at any of us. Finally I was announced and I walked out and bowed. I looked up and suddenly her eyes met mine. Her face hadn't changed but her eyes were surprised and had something else behind them and for that brief moment in time everything stopped and just as quick as the moment happened it ended as she continued to look beyond everything.

I was still unsure if sending myself was the right choice but, I knew that I would regret it if I didn't. Her father addressed all of us and soon one of my stewards came over to me, "Your Majesty it is time that you go to your guest chambers." I nodded and followed him through the hallways. I came to my room and unpacked the few things I brought with me. I just kept reminding myself about that as I started to doubt if I should leave.

"King Zandar, it is time for the feast" A voice called from behind the door. I nodded to no one and went out of the room and went to the feast. There was a small horizontal table where Hildegard and her family would sit and two vertical tables that extended from the ends of the horizontal table. I was seated near the main table mainly out of respect for my title. We all stood behind our chairs until the royal family of Freezenburg walked in. Hildegard seat was in near on the edge closest to the table I was seated at her father was in the center of the table and her sister and Prince Axel were on the other side. King Henrik spoke, "Everyone, please take your seats." We all pulled out our chairs and sat down. King Henrik clapped both his hands and then the performers came out as servants brought out food. Everyone was watching the entertainers while picking at their food but I every opportunity I had I would glance over at Hildegard. She had a polite smile on her face and she politely nodded when the servants came over to her asking if she needed anything.

The feast, despite the number of courses, went by far too quickly and I found myself stealing glances towards Hildegard for a large portion of it. One time she met my eyes and quickly looked away. I could've sworn that I saw a blush spread across her cheeks. I smiled to myself and continued to eat. At the end King Henrik stood up, "Well gentlemen, I recommend you all get some rest the tasks begin tomorrow." We all stood up and bowed and he bowed towards us before leaving with his family.

I knew that I should go back to my suite but I decided to take a walk through the halls looking at the tapestries that aligned the walls. I was turning a corner and I saw Hildegard leaving a room, "Princess Hildegard." I said before I could think. She turned to face me, "Zandar?" I smirked, "It's King Zandar now, but I think I could let that slide." She looked like she was about to laugh but, she quickly regained her composure, "I should go." She said as she pointed off in a different direction. "Wait, I'm sorry did I do something?" I started but she turned to face me still straight faced, "No, you didn't do anything." She let out a breath, "I'm not allowed to spend time with any of the tributes outside of the Gauntlet. It is to make sure that no one has too much of an unfair advantage." I decided to smirk, "Are you saying that I already have an unfair advantage?" She rolled her eyes but, I caught a smile, "Goodnight" she went into a curtsey, "King Zandar." She walked off and I went into my room.

(Hildegard POV)

I decided to go to my design room after the feast. It was in the wing where some of the tributes were staying but, I figured everyone would be in their own suites that I could sneak in and out. As I left the room though I heard someone call my name, "Princess Hildegard." I turned around and saw, "Zandar?" He smirked at me and tilted his head back, "It's King Zandar now, but I think I could let that slide." I held in a laugh when he said that. He had never cared about titles before and I knew he was trying to get me laugh but, I couldn't let him see that, "I should go." I pointed in a random direction and was about to set off when he started asking, "Wait, I'm sorry did I do something wrong?" No I thought but, I really needed to get out if nothing else to prevent us both from getting in trouble, "No, you didn't do anything." He still looked unconvinced, "I'm not allowed time to spend time with any of the tributes outside of the Gauntlet. It is to make sure that no one has too much of an unfair advantage." "Are you saying that I already have an unfair advantage?" I rolled my eyes at the comment. He always was looking for the technicalities, "Goodnight," I went into a curtsey, "King Zandar." I walked off in the nearest hallway and caught myself smiling as I thought about our brief interaction. I shook it off though. There were well over two dozen tributes and I knew that fate would not be so kind to me as it was my sister. It never had been before.

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