Letters From Friends

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Chapter 7:

(Hildegard POV)

I began embroidering a pattern around the edge of the tulle, using the gold and silver thread, when someone knocked on the door, "Princess Hildegard a letter from Princess Amber and Duchess Clio." I stood up and walked to the door. It was strange that Clio wasn't a princess anymore but, she didn't want her title back after her Mother disowned her. I nervously looked down at the letter from Amber and Clio. They had asked around about all of the tributes from the knights, nobility and they had first hand experiences with the Crown Princes. They were both living in Enchancia but, Clio knew people from when she went on tours with her musicals and was able to find out about them. I opened the envelope and took out the letter:

Dear Hildy,

We asked around about the tributes you mentioned who are still in the Gauntlet as well as knowing some of them personally.

You need to be warned, Crown Prince Edward is dangerous. He is cruel and sadistic and eager to get whatever he sets his sights on. He alongside my Mother tried to arrange my marriage to him against my will. He is possessive and once he gets ahold of you he won't let go of you, literally. He is not above violence and forceful measures to take what he wants. He has access to doctors who are willing to immediately take his word and "help" you if he doesn't find you as agreeable as he would wish you to be. His kingdom is large and powerful but, due to a few bad investments and over reliance on their alliance with Coumure they lost a large portion of funds and are trying to allocate more through marriage. If he wins watch your back and look for any way out whatever the consequences they aren't worth the risks of him winning.

Next, is Crown Prince Jacob. He is not dangerous like Prince Edward but he is conceited and is not looking for a partner but rather an ornament to hang on his arm while he sits on the throne. He is not a bad guy but, he is not a great guy. His kingdom, Nealvaria, does well enough and are able to support themselves but they could also use the ally that you would be bringing in. Also he cannot take his place on the throne as King until he is married. If he wins you will be safe but neither of us think you will actually be happy. He will probably just leave you alone until you two need heirs.

Also there is Crown Prince Arthur, he just took the Crown Princeship after his sister abdicated the throne. He is self-involved from what I remember, but decent enough. His kingdom is well off and he is not looking to marry you to take the throne because they are doing well at the moment but, they could always use a powerful ally. I don't know him well enough to tell you what it would be like with him but, he is very interested in sports and he went to the Corinthian Sports Academy.

Then the knights Sir Michael, Sir Ryan and Sir Myles. Sir Michael and Sir Ryan were close friends at Chivalry Hall and were assigned to the same kingdom to guard but one is from Zaufu and the other is from Albuquerque. Sir Michael is the brains and Sir Ryan is the muscle which is why they stick close to one another. Never heard anything bad about either of them but, they came from peasants so they might be looking to climb in status. Other than that there is nothing wrong with either of them. Sir Myles is a bit of a wild card. James and the other knights we talked to says he kept to himself and doesn't really talk to the other knights. Not much information on him so neither of us can say much.

As you have probably seen Lord Bartleby is more advanced in age, but apparently is brilliant. He has been married 3 times before and has outlived all of his wives. His first and third wife died in childbirth and his second wife died in a botched carriage robbery. He does have three children already and is looking or a mother for them and a rise in his station.

Count Julian is supposedly a sweetheart and has been seen spending his time working with orphans and the homeless within his kingdom. He owns a large estate and is the founder of many relief charities across the kingdoms and has a well-connected family. His sister ended up marrying Prince Ralphie of Maldonia and none of them have anything bad to say about him either.

Duke Vladimir who is from your own backyard. He was the member of your kingdom in your sister's Gauntlet as well and he apparently made it far and took 3rd. He went for it again with you so it is unclear what his motive is but, he seems to be eager to marry a Freezenburg princess, keep your eye on him and be careful.

Finally there is Zandar. We know that you said you don't need information on him but, it seems only fair that we dig into him like we did with the rest. He is currently the King of Tangu and has been or 2 years. He has expanded their trade allies and are already an ally of Freezenburg. He also was able to raise the nation's wealth significantly since taking the crown and aided in decreasing the homeless population of his kingdom. His little sister is still residing in their palace under the care of her brother and our sources say that she is happy and currently courting a knight of their palace.

We hope this information is helpful and that everything works out for you. You know who we are rooting for and we have a feeling you are rooting for him too.

See you soon,
Amber and Clio

(Zandar POV)

I got back to my suite and saw a letter from James waiting for me on the table. I went over and opened the envelope, anxiously looking over the information about my competition. James had found out a lot about their strengths and weaknesses and I hoped they would be useful in the final challenge. It was dedication so I was hoping that their weaknesses would be tested and that it would tap them out. He also warned me about Crown Prince Edward specifically, apparently he courted Clio and it wasn't a mutual attraction and he wasn't happy about that. I would make sure to keep an eye on him. There were a few others that there wasn't too much information about so I knew to keep an eye on them but, I knew I just had to be more dedicated then all of them and hope that is enough.

I finished reading over the letter and turned towards the books on Freezenburg that were in my suite when I came here. I had been browsing through them looking for any information on the Gauntlet and what I could expect next. The book I was currently looking through was about the flora and fauna of the kingdom and descriptions on their natural habitats. I continued reading over these the rest of the night.

(Hildegard POV)

I reread their words carefully, it seemed like I had many different potential threats with all the unknowns. It looks like my suspicions were correct about most of them trying to use me and I was prepared for most of these lifestyles. Clearly Crown Prince Edward had not changed since he courted Clio and it was darker than I ever thought it could be. I didn't trust Prince Jacob, Sir Myles, Lord Bartleby or Duke Vladimir due to the sheer lack of information on any of them. This eliminated half the tributes and I was not a fan of those odds. I could see myself being alright with the others and maybe even one day being happy. Still one stood out above all the others, but I couldn't focus on that. There were 4 others who were decent alongside him and tomorrow if any of them won I would be alright.

I would be alright I kept repeating to myself, but I wasn't sure if knowing actually made me feel more powerful. I thought if I knew what I would be up against I would feel better because I could be more prepared but, now that I knew I felt more powerless than before because now it was completely out of my control. I knew which ones I trusted and which ones I didn't and know it was completely out of my hands. But then again it was never in my hands in the first place.

I heard another knock at the door and went to see who it was. It was two guards who came closer to me. One was holding a rope and the other had a blindfold. "Princess Hildegard," they started coming closer, "it is time for the tower."

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