Challenge 1: Strength

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Chapter 3:

(Zandar POV)

I woke up the nest morning and joined the other "tributes" as we are called in the grand square in front of the castle. I stood alongside the others and began sizing up the competition as I tried to recall what the challenges were. I knew that they tested for strength, intellect and dedication but, there was some type of magic involved. As I was trying to think back I saw King Henrik came out, "Welcome to the first day of the Gauntlet! By the end of the day some of you will no longer be a part of the competition, how many, that is entirely up to you. This age-old tradition of Freezenburg going back well over a millennium when a Freezenburg princess was kidnapped by an enraged fairy. Many knights, princes, guards went out to save her but none were successful. Finally one prince set off again after all others had failed and ventured to save her. Through feats of strength, intelligence and his undying dedication and perseverance he made his way to where the fairy held the princess. When he fought the wicked fairy she asked, why he fought so hard and long for this princess. His response was simple, love. Throughout his journey he learned more about the princess and had grown fonder of her throughout the trials and when he finally met her eyes he knew she felt the same. The fairy granted him the princess and turned his journey into a blessing so that every Freezenburg princess could find this pure, genuine love."

I tried catching a glance of Hildegard but she had drawn the hood of her cape and was hiding away any view of her face. King Henrik handed it off to Princess Astrid, "Today's challenges are about strength. This is often misconstrued to mean only physical strength but, that is not the only thing this challenge test for. Mental strength, emotional strength, strength of character we will be able to see all of these and it will determine how far you will go." Her eyes scanned across and landed on me for a moment before moving on to the others, "Best of luck to all of you."

(Hildegard POV)

I kept my hood over my head but made sure I was still able to see everything. I knew that the tributes would stop 'accidentally' stealing glances and focus more on my family and give me the opportunity to get a good look at all of them. The only one that I saw even trying to get a look at me after I walked in was Zandar. I remembered him being very athletic at Royal Prep and I hoped that he would do well now. I stopped that train of thought. I couldn't think about it like that. I couldn't let myself be set up for disappointment and I couldn't put my trust in fate because fate has only ever taken from me.

The cold climate of Freezenburg clearly didn't prevent some of the princes choices in wardrobe. They neglected wearing the warm jackets and hats that were provided, some even neglected to wear a shirt but, they were paying for it now as they stood in front of us. Zandar however, seemed to be one of the only ones who seemed to be dressed appropriately for the climate. Thankfully that didn't last for long as the challenges began.

The rules of the challenges were simple. Whoever came in last was out and anyone who quits would be out as well. It started with obstacle courses, the carried boulders across the finish line in another and I watched as they became increasingly more grueling. I kept scanning over all of them but, I couldn't help but notice Zandar. In each challenge he finished, bare minimum, in the top 3 and had no signs of letting that lead go. I also saw him racing to the finish then running back to see if the others were ok. I always smiled when I saw that and grew more thankful for the hood that hid my face.

(Zandar POV)

It was the last challenge of the day and 7 of us were out. Every muscle in my body ached but I kept myself steady. We stood on these logs that barely were barely enough room to stand on much less move around and we carried a stone in each hand keeping it above our waist. Only one person would be eliminated from this one but, whoever lasted the longest got a private audience with Hildegard and there was no chance I was letting anyone else have that opportunity.

I didn't look at the others around me I kept my eyes focused on one point straight ahead. I heard voices around me but, I wasn't listening. I just focused on the task at hand and hoped that whoever was left would drop soon enough. I finally felt someone tap on my shoulder and turned and saw Hildegard standing right behind me. It startled me causing me to fall off my balance and fall off the stomp. Hildegard knelt down, "Are you alright?" I nodded my head but kept looking at the ground. I wanted to win but I had to get over it. I stood up and dusted myself off. I looked at the other stomps to see who was still standing but, everyone else was down and sitting down on their stomp. King Henrik then came over, "Congratulations King Zandar." He extended out his hand and I shook it. He then turned toward Hildegard, who was standing next to her father, took her hand and brought her forward. She removed her hood. Her hair was braided and she pulled it over her shoulder. She went down into a curtsey, "King Zandar." I went into a slight bow, "Princess Hildegard." King Henrik then spoke again, "Enjoy your private audience in the garden. Princess Astrid and Prince Axel will act as chaperone from a distant." I nodded finally processing it. I had won. I turned to Hildegard as she extended her hand out towards me. I gently took it and she guided me inside to the inner garden.

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