The Winner Is...

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Chapter 10:

(Hildegard POV)

I kept my head buried in Zandar's chest, I didn't want to look around and see what was going on around me. It was easier to block out the world than to actually take in what was going on. Once I saw him I remembered all about Duke Vladimir. I had blocked him out of my memory but it all came rushing back when I felt his icy grip on my wrist. He had competed in Astrid's Gauntlet but, he always tried to approach me. I would find him following me in the hallways, asking questions about the line of succession, among other things. Whenever he was nearby I felt a terrible feeling in my stomach and I always felt like I was being watched. When he mentioned me being Queen that terrifying feeling in my stomach came back.

"King Zandar," I heard people begin to say but, I still wasn't moving. I didn't know what was going to happen and I didn't want to let go. Zandar wasn't the one who had a key to unlock my chain and he used the badge to come back. I didn't know what that meant for him and if he would be disqualified or what else might happen so I just continued to hold on. "Hildegard," Zandar whispered to me, "Hildegard." I loosened my grip slightly but still stayed close to him as he turned to have me face everyone around us. I looked out and saw my Dad, Astrid and Axel approaching us and the other tributes who had bailed lined up along the wall. I looked over all of them and some were more roughed up then others, "King Zandar it appears that you have used your badge." Dad said. Zandar just calmly said, "The challenge was to rescue her and get her back safely. She is back safely and she clearly has been rescued." Suddenly we saw a flash and Duke Vladimir arrived, "Yes she was rescued by me."

(Zandar POV)

Hildegard's breathing quickened and her grip on my arm tightened. King Henrik looked over at me, "Is that true? Did he save her?" "Of course I did. I was the only one with the keys to unlock her," he said before I could speak, holding up all the keys. I looked down at Hildegard and felt her nervously shake in my arms. She was so vulnerable, it was the first time her shields were completely down in front of me and she was telling me that I had to do something to help. "How is unlocking her from the chain saving her?" King Henrik stood between the two of us. He held out his hand and I reluctantly let go of Hildegard as she went towards her father. "I am going to speak with Princess Astrid, Prince Axel and the elders, and we will speak with all of you and determine what happened," He looked up at both of us, "Until we call upon you, you two will stay out here and await our decision." He turned around and guided Hildegard away from both of us.

The guards made their way around the yard and separating Duke Vladimir and myself. It was smart to keep us separated because the way that Hildegard was holding onto me and how scared she was to end up with him, it was taking everything in me not to knock him to the ground in that moment. They were talking to Hildegard first and then they were going to call us in, "How dare you try to steal my victory!" Duke Vladimir was starting in on me, "What do you want with my prize anyway?" I started clenching my fist as he referred to Hildegard as a prize, "You can have anyone you want, unless this is about you wanting the one you can't have?" Deep breaths, I kept reminding myself that I couldn't let him win and fighting with him wouldn't look good for me. "Doesn't matter the elders will be on my side, a son of Freezenburg, and soon enough I will have my princess. She will make a good wife, don't you think? Sure she isn't the perfect princess yet, but with some clear direction..." I took a step towards him but stopped myself from moving any further. The guard in between us, gave me a sympathetic look but warningly put his hand on his sword. It took all of my willpower not to throttle him in that moment. How dare he talk or even think about Hildegard that way. She was perfect and if he couldn't see that he didn't deserve her. I took another deep breath and looked over at him, "You don't know a thing about her and never will." "Duke Vladimir, they are asking for you," a guard came out and announced.

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